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The hydrographic programme included temperature, salinity and oxygen determinations at 8 transects of altogether 42 stations, The maximum recording depth was 500 metres.

Four of the transects were laid perpendicular to the coast and sailed 50 - 60 nautical miles seawards:

Section I

Moa Bay - Pemba (North)

(Figure 3)

Section IV

Dar-es-Salaam - Northeast

(Figure 6)

Section VI

Mafia Island (South) - Northeast

(Figure 8)

Section VIII

Ruvuma River - Northeast

(Figure 10)

Section VII Ruvuma River - North was laid almost parallel to the coast (Figure 9). A transect was laid over the shallow plateau north of Mafia Island (Section V Kwale Island - East, Figure 7).

Two transects were laid across the Zanzibar Channel:

Section II

Pangani - Zanzibar Island

(Figure 4)

Section III

Wami - Zanzibar

(Figure 5)

Sea surface temperature (4 metres depth) was recorded continuously by sea thermograph.

The surface temperature was 26° - 27°C throughout the investigated area. A thermocline was observed at about 100 metres depth. At the maximum recording depth of 500 metres, the temperature was about 9° - 10°C.

Salinity ranged between 34.7 and 35.4 per mille with the higher values at about 150 metres depth.

The oxygen determinations must be checked further before publication.

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