FAO Fisheries Report No. 906 |
FIMA/R906 (En) |
Report of the |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106386-6
ISSN 2070-6987
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FAO. ABSTRACT The Workshop on the Development of an Aquatic Biosecurity Framework for Southern |
1. Workshop participants
2. List of presentations
3. Workshop programme
4. Introduction to biosecurity (Dr Rohana P. Subasinghe)
5. International agreements and treaties relevant to aquatic biosecurity and their compliance
(Dr Melba B. Reantaso)
6. Diagnostics and surveillance: tools for improving aquatic biosecurity (Dr Ramesh Perera)
7. Application of risk analysis and emergency response: tools for improving aquatic
biosecurity (Dr Melba B. Reantaso)
8. Developments in aquatic animal health (Prof. Eli Katunguka-Rwakishaya)
9. Requirements for a national biosecurity programme – the Australian experience
(Dr Ramesh Perera)
10. Southern African aquatic biosecurity: a presentation based on national surveys
(Dr Ramesh Perera)
11. National aquatic biosecurity capacity assessment – Tanzania (Mr Kitijo Wetegere)
12. Republic of Uganda national aquatic animal biosecurity capacity
(Mr Wilson Waisma Mwanja)
13. Working group themes, guidelines and members
14. Recommendations, outputs and agreed follow-ups of the Lilongwe Workshop
Workshop photographs