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Matters Referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 3)[2]

4. The Committee noted that the 22nd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission had adopted the draft Guidelines for Use of Nutrition Claims and General Guidelines for the Use of the Term "Halal" at Step 8; the proposed draft Amendment to the Labelling Section of the Standards for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks, Fish Portions and Fish Fillets, Breaded or in Batter at Step 5; and the proposed draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods that can Cause Hypersensitivity) at Step 5. The Commission also assigned the consideration of "Sports" and "Energy" Drinks to the CCFL, with the understanding that the Committee would coordinate its work with the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants and the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses.

5. The Committee was also informed that the recently held Coordinating Committee for Europe had drawn the attention of the CCFL and CCNFSDU to the importance of questions relating to nutrition and health claims and the need to proceed with work in this area in order to provide appropriate guidance and recommendations at the international level (ALINORM 99/19, para. 52).

6. The Committee noted that the labelling provisions in the standards for milk and milk products had been discussed by the Committee on Milk and Milk Products and would be submitted for endorsement to the next session of the CCFL. The Committee noted that the request of Malaysia to consider the description of vegetable fat milks (e.g., coconut milk) in the context of the draft Code of Practice on Milk and Milk Products (now renamed as the draft General Standard for Dairy Terms) should be directed to the Committee on Milk and Milk Products.

[2] CX/FL 98/2

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