1. The Committee on Fisheries held its Twenty-fifth Session in Rome from 24 to 28 February 2003.
2. The Session was attended by 120 Members of the Committee, by observers from one other FAO Member Nation, the Holy See, and two non-Member Nations of FAO, by representatives from six specialized agencies of the United Nations and by observers from 57 intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations. A list of delegates and observers is attached as Appendix B.
3. In the absence of Mr Masayuki Komatsu (Japan), the outgoing Chairperson of the Committee and Ms Mara Angelica Murillo Correa (Mexico), First Vice-Chairperson, the Session was called to order by the Secretary of the Committee on Fisheries. The delegation of Japan read a letter on behalf of Mr Komatsu, recalling the outcome of the last session and conveying his best wishes for the successful conclusion of the Committee’s work.