Table of Contents
About the authors
Executive summary
Abbreviations and acronyms
The lagoon and its resources
The lagoon and its people
Lagoon fisheries and its challenges
Need for lagoon co-management
Institutional background
Policy context
Integrated Management of Lagoon Activities in Thua Thien Hue Province Project
Other projects working on lagoon fisheries co-management
Preparatory stage
Screening target communes for co-management support
Assessing co-management feasibility in potential target communes
Deciding the target communes for lagoon co-management
Checking the initial status of FAs in selected communes
Training of the project technical staff
Understanding the lagoon environment and fisheries
Fixed fishing gear mapping
Pond aquaculture mapping and survey
Inception stage
Steps towards establishment and strengthening of FAs
Mobilizing resource users: determining the appropriate size of an FA
Establishing an FA mobilization group for kick-off
Raising awareness of resource users: bringing the people into the management
Preparing an FA charter: setting up the rules for the FA
Creating the organizational structure: establishing an executive board, checking body and subgroups
Formalizing the FA: legal establishment of the FA
Establishing communication channels: organizing small and large meetings and the congress
Enhancing community solidarity: organizing traditional fisherfolk festivals and community events
Planning stage
TURF-based lagoon fisheries co-management
Timeframe required for co-management planning
Sharing and analysing challenges: developing resource management strategies
Demarcating water surface areas and allocating them to the FAs: the first step out of open-access
Establishing a zoning plan
Developing resource management regulations
Developing a user fee system and economic activities of the FA
Establishing a co-management body and a network of associations
Establishing a water surface patrolling team
Creating a conflict management mechanism
Enhancing the roles of supporting institutions
Allocating fishing rights from the government to the FA
Implementation stage
registering resource users, fishing gears, and aquaculture facilities and collecting fees
Organizing water surface patrolling and conflict management
Reduction and rearrangement of fishing gears
Protecting the environment and enhancing the fish stock
Running economic activities of FAs
Monitoring and evaluation stage
Developing process, input and output indicators
Deciding the M&E framework and schedules
Conducting M&E and facilitating feedback to the stakeholders
A way forward
Recognizing and rewarding the process
Assessment of impacts at the output level
Adaptive approach
Institutionalizing support to FAs and co-management for sustainability
Streamlining the legal system to support co-management
Recommendations for further promotion of fisheries co-management in Viet Nam
Bibliography and references
Procedures for establishing and strengthening new local fisheries associations
Procedures for strengthening existing local fisheries associations
Sample table of contents of the fishing rights allocation document
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ISBN 978-92-5-107161-8
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| For copies write to: | Simon Funge-Smith |
| Senior Fishery Officer |
| FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific |
| Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road |
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