Lack of proper catch and effort statistics as well as biological data has always been a matter of concern for the CECAF Working Party on Resources Evaluation1. Although the Group has been able to assess, at least roughly, the potential and state of exploitation of the most important stocks in the region - and even to make specific proposals for mesh size regulations in the hake and seabream fisheries - it became clear at its Second Session (Rome, 3-6 December 1973) that present shortcomings affecting both data quality and coverage prevented it from submitting sufficiently well grounded recommendations on measures to be taken for maintaining stocks and fisheries in proper conditions. This situation is worsening since, with the increase of fishing on the most valuable stocks, more accurate and more detailed data are needed.
1 As well as the Working Party on Regulatory Measures for Demersal Stocks which had preceded it in the same taskIt was also felt that even while in several countries programmes of data collection do not yet fully meet regional requirements, substantial and valuable information - still unreported to CECAF - should be available in several national offices and laboratories. The Group therefore stressed the need for rapidly gathering data independently collected by countries fishing for the same stocks and urged the Secretariat to assist in that task.
The work has been initiated with the support of the FAO/UNDP Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic. Two consultants were recruited, for a three-month period each, with the following terms of reference:
(a) to review and compile catch and effort statistics and also biological data available at FAO Headquarters on all the fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic, with particular reference to the fisheries on the major offshore stocks;The ultimate aim of this programme was therefore twofold; firstly, the preparation from data gathered for the period 1964-73 of an up-to-date Regional Statistical Bulletin similar in layout and contents to those already published by other long established fishery bodies. Such bulletins would supply scientists involved in the assessment of West African stocks - whether in national laboratories or at international meetings like those organized by the CECAF Working Party - with necessary information for the accomplishment of their duties; and, secondly, to refine the regional statistical system in the field of collection and reporting of biostatistical data required for stock assessment purposes.(b) to travel to certain countries to ascertain what unpublished material and unprocessed source data are available;
(c) to identify gaps in available data from the standpoint of what is needed to establish and monitor proper development and management programmes for the Eastern Central Atlantic fisheries;
(d) to make proposals on the action required to fill these gaps.
CECAF itself discussed these matters at length at its Fourth Session (Rome, 8-11 October 1974). It endorsed the conclusions of its Working Party on the actions to be taken and approved the steps already taken to that end by the Secretariat. It urged all countries fishing in the region to give their full support to the programme.
The present report describes the work done by the consultants and the situation reached as regards availability of data, indicating, from the gaps identified, what improvements could be made in data collection and compilation, at both national and regional levels, in order to establish a system for continuous monitoring of stock and fisheries in the CECAF region. It should be noted that questions regarding the collection of other kinds of data - e.g., those required for economic analysis - were not considered by the consultants.