Executive summary
� FAO, 1996
The preparation of the World Food Summit technical background documents has mobilized, in addition to FAO's own staff contribution, a considerable amount of expertise in the international scientific community, drawn from partner international institutions and governmental or non-governmental circles. The process has been monitored at FAO by an internal Reading Committee, composed of staff selected ad personam and established to ensure that the whole collection meets appropriate quality and consistency criteria.
The maps in the present document have been conceived by FAO's Joseph Cooper and Pier Luigi Iacoacci, elaborated at FAO's Geographic Information System Centre by Marina Zanetti, Sabrina Agnesi, Beatrice Crescenzi and Fabio Grita under guidance from Ergin Ataman and finalized by Nick Rubery and colleagues from the Information Division. They make use of relevant FAO databases as well as published sources. In addition, the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its Global assessment of human-induced soil degradation [GLASOD]) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have very kindly granted authorization to FAO to reproduce maps and to use databases of their ownership.
While most grateful for the contributions received
from all partners, the FAO Secretariat bears the final responsibility
for the content of the document.