Gender and Wood Energy in Asia

Regional Expert Consultation

RWEDP Report No.22, July 1995

Gender issues refer to the role and position of women, but also to other groups in society like children and elderly people. Such groups often face specific problems with respect to the production and use of woodfuels. However, gender considerations have still not been institutionalised in the overall planning and general policy making for wood energy.

RWEDP has taken up this challenge together with its members. At the Expert Consultation on "Gender and Wood Energy in Asia" in Chiang Mai, June 1995, policy makers of member countries reviewed relevant gender analysis tools. It was probably the first time high-level policy makers from both the forestry and the energy sectors have jointly discussed gender issues. They also discussed how to institutionalise a gender approach in their respective organisations. The consultations went beyond simply raising awareness, as they focused on how gender issues can be operationalised with respect to wood energy development. The delegates adopted a highly professional approach which aimed at increasing the effectiveness of interventions and policies in wood energy development. As such, they went a few steps further than re-iterating popular statements on gender gaps.

The meeting provided a conceptual framework to assist in the process of integrating gender issues into wood energy policies. It also addressed the task of training staff from the forestry and wood energy sectors.

 Table of contents
Part I: Main report
2.Inaugural Session
3.Report of the discussions
4.Conclusions: RWEDP policy statement on gender and wood energy
Annex 1: List of participants
Annex 2: Agenda and time table
Annex 3: Workshop evaluation by participants
Part II: Papers presented
1.Placing gender
2.Planning approaches to gender in energy
3.Gender analysis tools
4.Preparing gender policy statements
5.Institutionalizing the gender approach
6.Country papers

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