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The collaboration between FAO and RIVM was undertaken through my work as visiting scientist (March-November 1995) at FAO in Rome. This was made possible through financial support from the FAO programme of cooperation with academic and research institutes in OECD member countries (Academics Scheme), and the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Many persons of FAO have contributed to the scenario development described in the report. First of all thanks are due to J. Bruinsma for his advice and stimulating discussions on the study and comments on earlier versions of the report. The crop production scenarios were constructed by or in collaboration with G. Blaak, W.B. Charles, E. Kueneman, J.P. Marathee and D. Van Tran. Livestock production scenarios were constructed on the basis of advice from J. Garcia de Siles, J. Henriksen and S. Mack. My heartfelt gratitude is extended to M. Sanchez for our many discussions on pig and poultry production and general issues of livestock production; his comments on earlier versions of the report have led to major improvements. Finally, the author is grateful for the stimulating comments and advice of J. Slingenberg on the data needed on feed intake by animals, of J. Poulisse on fertilizer use and of K. Frenken on irrigation potential. The advice of A. Angé, C. Calpe, T. Gillin, K. Janz, J.M. Suttie is gratefully acknowledged.

Further, thanks are due to T. Janholt (World Food Programme) for advice on the trade scenarios, and K. Van der Hoek (RIVM) for estimates of current emissions from livestock production. The editorial assistance of Ruth de Wijs (RIVM) is gratefully acknowledged.

Finally, the author is very grateful to R. Brinkman for his immediate assistance and advice whenever needed and for reading parts of the draft, and to W.G. Sombroek both for initiating this project and for general guidance during the work.

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