110. The 31st CCFAC agreed to return the proposed draft Code of Practice to Step 3 for redrafting by the delegation of Sweden in order to incorporate the comments received for consideration at the current meeting.[61]
111. The United States expressed concern that some aspects of the current proposed draft Code of Practice did not fall within the CCFAC terms of reference. The Codex Secretariat informed the Committee that the CCFAC was responsible for the establishment or endorsement of permitted maximum or guideline levels for food additives, contaminants (including environmental contaminants) and for naturally occurring toxicants as well as for the consideration and elaboration of standards or codes for related subjects. It was also noted that the elaboration of the Code of Practice had been approved by the Commission as new work.
112. The Committee agreed to forward the proposed draft Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Foods with Chemicals to the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix XVIII).
113. It requested the CCEXEC to provide advice as to whether or not the development of Codes of Practice to inform national authorities on source directed measures for the reduction of the contamination of foods was within the Committee's terms of reference. The Committee also agreed that the document would be reformatted into a standard format for Codes of Practice for the 33rd Session of the CCFAC, and that it would be a separate document from the general Code of Practice for the Prevention of Mycotoxin Contamination in Cereals (see para. 93).
114. The Committee accepted the offer of the Netherlands to contribute to the development of a document by Sweden describing a Standard Format for Codes of Practice as a useful management tool to be circulated for comment prior to further consideration at its next Session.