Cooperatives: A Practical Guide
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Computerizing agricultural cooperatives: A practical guide |
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© FAO 2004
2. Computerization and agricultural cooperatives
Definition of a computer system
What are the benefits of computerization?
What are the costs?
Managing the risks
3. Computerization projects in cooperatives
What do stakeholders want?
Prioritizing their information needs
Keeping stakeholders involved
Project proposal design
Key factors affecting project outcome
Preparing the project proposal
4. Preparing the project implementation plan
Defining project objectives and the business goal
Getting started
Identifying the main requirements of the system
Developing a training plan for staff and members
Preparing the project work plan and budget
Establishing a participatory monitoring and evaluation system
Software development issues
Progress reporting
Other issues to consider during the execution stage
6. Project monitoring and evaluation
7. Project evolution: and the future?
8. A test case: Cooperative XYZ
9. Conclusions and suggestions
Annex 1. Glossary
Annex 2. Checklist for each stage of the computerization process
Annex 3. Example of a project plan prepared by cooperative XYZ
Annex 4-1. Implementation plan
Annex 4-2. Simplified pert chart for installation of network
Annex 4-3. Expenditure plan
Annex 4-4. Draft implementation plan as a bar chart
Annex 5. References