Second International Conference on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and Healthy Seafood

FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Proceedings No. 22

Second International Conference
on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and
Healthy Seafood

FAO/The University of Alaska
10-13 May 2010
Anchorage, United States of America

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2012


Report of the Second International Conference on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and Healthy Seafood. FAO/The University of Alaska, Anchorage, United States of America, 10-13 May 2010.
FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Proceedings No. 22. Rome, 2012. 250 pp.

These proceedings contain the manuscripts from the Second International Congress on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and Healthy Seafood held in Anchorage, the United States of America from 10 to 13 May 2010. The University of Alaska organized the meeting in collaboration with the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.The congress reviewed developments related to:

• international seafood trade;
• consumer trends, consumption and health benefits;
• regulations for market access in international trade;
• recent trends in certification in the seafood sector;
• value-added products and new technologies;
• packaging;
• seafood quality and safety;
• education at college/university level;
• economics; and
• fishmeal and fish oil.

The meeting included a range of views regarding the opportunities and the recent developments in sustainable, innovative and healthy seafood. These included thoughts from government officials, business representatives and academia and highlighted that the seafood industry is in a position to take advantage of the many positive aspects that consumption of seafood offers to consumers, while recognizing that there are still challenges ahead to realize fully the potential that seafood can achieve in international and national trade and in meeting consumer expectations.

Table of Contents

Preparation of this document
Welcome address
List of senior authors

Papers presented at the Congress


  Fish utilization and trade
  Grocery consumers in the recession
  Advances in the development and use of fish processing equipment. Use of value
  chain data
  Heat treated fishery products
  Processing molluscs, shellfish and cephalopods
  Sashimi and sushi products
  Minimising antimicrobial use in aquaculture and improving food safety
  Market based standards and certification schemes in the international seafood industry
  Education and training in seafood science and technology
  European Union regulations governing fish and fishery products
  United States Food and Drug Administration. Safety requirements for seafood
  Basic economics of value adding for fish products
  The future of fishmeal and fish oil
  Health benefits of bio-functional marine lipids
  Vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging of fish and seafood products

Lahsen Ababouch
Jonathan Banks
Sveinn Margeirsson and Sigríđur Sigurđardóttir
Vazhiyil Venugopal
Irineu Batista and Rogério Mendes
Yuko Murata
Iddya Karunasagar
Melanie Siggs
Murat O. Balaban
Alan Reilly and Anne-Marie Boland
Timothy Hansen
Gunnar Knapp
Andrew Jackson and Jonathan Shepherd
Zakir Hossain and Koretaro Takahashi
Bernard Leveau and Bruno Goussault

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ISBN 978-92-5-107108-3

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