Credit is due to the Fisheries Agency of Japan for its financial contribution to the production of this paper. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Marine Resources Service (FIRM) and the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service (FIIU) of the FAO Fisheries Department for their support during its preparation.
A special word is due to my supervisors, Ms Helga Josupeit, Fishery Industry Officer, FIIU, and Dr Kevern Cochrane, Senior Fishery Resources Officer, FIRM, for their invaluable inputs provided along every stage of the process. I would also like to thank the Senior Management of the Fishery Industries Division (FII) and of the Fishery Resources Division (FIR): Dr Grímur Valdimarsson, Director, FII; Dr Lahsen Ababouch, Chief, FIIU; Dr Serge Garcia, Director, FIR, and Dr Jorge Csirke, Chief, FIRM, for providing me this opportunity to further FAO investigations into the issue of commercially-exploited aquatic species with an international conservation profile. Other words of thanks go to the Administrative Clerks of FIRM and FIIU, Ms Maria Teresa Ruspantini and Ms Joanne Antonelli. Editing credits are due to Mr Richard Chamberlain, Consultant, FIIU, and to Ms Françoise Schatto-Terribile, Publication Assistant, FIDI.
I would also like to thank Mr Valerio Crespi (Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service, FIRI), Dr Audun Lem (FIIU), Dr Luca Limongelli (FIDI), Ms Turan Rahimzadeh (FIIU), Ms Paola Sabatini (FIIU) and Ms Stefania Vannuccini (FIDI) for their personal and professional support.
Further credits are given at the beginning of each study.
Camillo Catarci
FAO Fisheries Department