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3. Links between agriculture and FGR

The Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) initiated systematic germplasm conservation activities around the mid-70s. The assistance of Institute of Jute Organization (IJO) added extra emphasis and BJRI now has a global germplasm collection of jute and associated fibre crops. FGR have not received much attention until recently.

Although Bangladesh is a small country it has a diverse ecosystem with hills, plains, coastal areas and wetlands, and a wide variety of FGR as a result of the diverse agroecological conditions [38 agroecological zones and 88 subzones]. The landraces have survived here under the hostile climates over centuries and acquired some characteristics, which are of immense importance to the breeders for development of new cultivars, hybrids, etc, and face challenges of more violent pathogens, pests and a hostile climate (drought, salinity, temperature, etc).

With regard to tree species, collecting, conserving and utilizing fruit germplasm has received some attention. A total of 817 fruit germplasms have been collected so far. Moreover, 53 fruit species have been identified to be occurring mainly in the forests. The conservation of these fruit species is implemented by the BARI, the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) and the Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC).

FGR are needed for further incorporation of genotypes into the existing agricultural production systems, reforestation programmes, agroforestry, social forestry and commercial timber estates. Agriculture utilizes FGR in the following ways:

• Selection of superior traits

• Selection breeding

• Identification of high-yielding varieties (HYV)

• Domestication of fruit germplasms

3.1. Links between agroforestry and FGR

Large-scale agroforestry projects have been initiated in heavily degraded Shorea robusta forests of the central and northern regions of the country. A community forestry project at Dinajpur is considered a success story of the Forest Department (FD). In this area, plantations have been established in close cooperation with local people on a benefit-sharing basis. At the moment, the people are harvesting the trees. The major tree species are Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia auriculiformis and Cassia siamea. During the first two to three years after planting, people cultivated rice, wheat and vegetables, etc.

The farmers in the northern region are also cultivating tree species along with their agricultural crops. They keep different tree species at a wide distance in their crop fields. The species used include Acacia nilotica, A. catechu, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus spp., Dalbergia sissoo, Borassus flabellifer, Phoenix sylvestris, etc. In some areas, they have also planted mulberry for feeding silkworms to produce silk.

There are homestead agroforestry systems all over the country. These homesteads are rich in genetic resources. Ninety tree species and 13 bamboo species are grown in homestead forests. The Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI) has started research to develop improved rubber agroforestry systems in some rubber estates and trying to find out shade tolerant genotypes of economic crops. Ginger, turmeric and Colocasia (Arum) have given satisfactory results when planted at the early stage of rubber plantation.

For agroforestry purposes, farmers use different forest species for soil fertility management, fodder and living fences, as well as timber. Agroforestry utilizes forest genetics resources in the following ways:

• Selection of superior trees

• Selection of MPTs and fast-growing tree species

• Selection of leguminous tree species

• Selection of wild crops

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