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Prepared by Rastislau Hrvol

Forest cover

Forests cover approximately two million hectares, or 40% of the Slovak Republic. Of these, about 60% are state forests and 40% non-state forests. Of the latter, more than 50% belong to associations. The remaining are private, municipal and church forests.

Although forests are concentrated in a small area, a wide range of original tree species have been preserved. Broad-leaved species predominate in the lowlands and hill territories of the south and east. There are mixed forests, with coniferous species dominating, in the mountains of the central and northern areas. In the mountainous areas, mixed stands of spruce, fir and beech prevail.

Forest ecosystems are stable. There are untouched areas, containing many original species of fauna and flora. Populations of brown bear, lynx, wolf, golden and lesser spotted eagle, and otter exist and, in the alpine region, marmot and chamois.

Forest resources and management

Forests are important for soil protection and water management. A network of protected areas has been created to facilitate nature conservation. Some of these are comparable to the best preserves in Europe.

Before the recent development of nature conservation institutions, foresters practiced nature conservation. The first protected area was designated at the end of the last century. This was followed by Tatra National Park, in the High Tatras in 1949. In 1955, under a new nature conservation law, other areas were classified as protected areas and national parks.

There are five national parks covering 200 000 ha or 4% of the area:

· Tatra National Park;
· Pieninsky National Park;
· Low Tatras National Park;
· Small Tatra National Park, and
· Slovak Paradise National Park.

A further 16 protected areas have been designated (660 500 ha - 14% of the Slovakia's territory), 448 state natural reserves (91 500 ha), 104 protected natural areas and 228 protected natural parks. These protected areas and protection zones represent a total of 28% of the Slovakia's territory.

The long-term effects of civilization have damaged the equilibrium of ecosystems, especially that of forest health. This is also true of protected areas. In addition to the negative impact of pollution, abiotic and biological factors; management policy, of the late 1980s was often biased to short-term economic benefits instead of proper forest management. To reduce the cost of cutting and transporting wood, these processes were industrialized and forest biological systems were sometimes compromised.

Original tree species composition has changed through many years of management. The proportion of spruce and pine has increased and the distribution of fir, beech, and oak has been reduced. Trends can be illustrated by comparing tree species composition in 1920 and today. There is an increase in spruce and a reduction in tender fir, which, until recently, was the most productive tree species.

A priority for Slovak forests is the achievement of a desirable target composition for tree species. The 'Lesoproject Zvolen', a survey institution founded by the Ministry of Land Management, developed the first version of a target composition based on ten years of research and forest site mapping. Scientific substantiation and formalization has been carried out by the Forestry Research Institute Zvolen, 'Lesnicky vyskumny ustav'.

The policy of target tree species composition is based on the basic principals of forest management - maximum, permanent, safe and effective performance of forests' both in the public interest and for forest production.

The following ecological principals are applied in the target composition of tree species:

· biodiversity protection, i.e., the cultivation of mixed species stands and tree species suitable for forest sites;

· alleviation of the effects of pollution and other harmful factors by using more resistant tree species; and

· elimination of one-sided, unbalanced utilization of sites through altering the proportion of highly productive tree species with the addition of other tree species to preserve sustainable development and for ecological reasons.

The following economic principals are applied:

· where the composition of tree species is suitable for the site, the proportion of commercial tree species is increased (spruce, larch, oak, and valuable broad-leaved species);

· silviculture aimed at increasing tree species' quality and obtaining larger diameters (in the south, broad-leaved species and in the north small-dimensioned coniferous species); and

· wood production oriented to the utilization of wood for its unique properties, i.e., towards mechanical (and to a lesser extent, chemical) wood treatment.

Currently, the aim is to preserve fir on suitable sites, to increase the share of larch and of valuable broad-leaved species and to increase resistance to pollution.

Economics of forestry

The volume of wood harvested is decided on the basis of a balance between exploitation and sustainable forests' production. Annual harvesting for the future has been calculated at almost. 4 500 thousand m³, from this 3 300 thousand m³ wood is produced from end of rotation cuttings and 1 200 thousand m³ from intermediate cuttings.

Cutting and delimbing are carried out with power saws. The average time for these two operations is 1.01 hr/m³. Trees are delimbed mainly where felled. Timber is skidded to the roadside by whole-stem logging. As much as 93% of the timber is hauled by tractors, mainly by special forest haulers. Three percent of the cut wood is hauled by cableway and about 4% by horse. Assortments are produced from stems using power saws in forest depots. About 24% of the assortments are produced in central mechanized conversion landings, or in customers' mechanized depots - app. 3% of the volume of wood cut.

Recently, wood chipping technology has been introduced and mobile chippers used. Chips are produced from the crowns of trees. Techniques for timber transport are adjusted to the method and place of assortment production. Assortments are transported by haul rigs, equipped with hydraulic booms, with a carrying capacity of 12 metric tons. Hauling sets, with a carrying capacity of 27 metric tons, are used for stem transportation. High-capacity extensions and containers with a volume of 25 m³ are used to transport chips.

Timber-transport time (from site to consumer) is on average 4 hr/m³. Mechanized logging activities require the appropriate opening up of forests by a system of hauling and skidding roads and lines. Presently, there is 11 m of hauling road per hectare. Five m/ha are paved roads used year round, and 6 m/ha are seasonal roads, good for trucks. Haulage roads and lines amount to 30-50 m/ha.

The domestic wood processing industry utilizes almost 97% of the wood cut. The share of wood consumption, in individual sectors of the wood-processing industry, varies according to tree species composition and qualitative structure of the wood cut. Approximately 3% of softwood and almost 7% of hardwood cut is used for the production of veneers, ply-woods, matches, and other special wood products. Approximately 69% of softwood and 36% of hardwood is used in the lumber industry. Approximately 23% of softwood and 48% of hardwood is used for cellulose, chipboard and fiberboard production. Approximately 5% of softwood and 9% of hardwood is used for energy purposes.

Until 1989, forest management evolved in the framework of a centrally planned economy. State forests (including military forests, school forests and forests managed by the Ministry of Industry) were 99% of the total forest area. The forest sector made up 0.5-0.7% of the Gross Domestic Product, and was dependent on the development of industry. The forestry sector employed 36 000-42 000 people, 2% of the economically active inhabitants of the Slovakia. Presently the State forest organizational management structure is being modified.

Forest land was managed by forest enterprises, commercial organizations, directly connected with the state budget. Financing and budgets were centrally planned. Benefits from production activities (92% from wood products) were unable to cover costs and forestry was subsidized (and still is today) by the state budget. After 1991, state funds for forestry assistance have been utilized by offering subsidies. The top rate of subsidies has been reduced to approximately one third.

Until 1990, timber trade and prices were governed centrally by state regulation. This period was characterized by price stability, with moderate increases. Since 1990, timber prices have increased 2.5 times. Until 1990, export was regulated by the state and after 1990 by license policy. Timber export represented a maximum of 22% and a minimum of 3% of wood production.

Analysis of the restitution process

During the past 40 years the majority of private forest land became state owned forest administration entities, regardless of ownership rights. Although recognized, ownership rights were denied. In 1990, the Declaration of Parity helped solve this problem. The Act on Regulation of Ownership Rights to Land and other Agricultural Assets, Land Regulation Act (Act 229/1991 Coll.), govern issues relating to forest land.

The implementation of the Land Regulation Act is complicated by the complexity of forest ownership rights. Not only must rights of ownership and usage be returned to the original owners, new conditions must be created to assist new owners to manage their forest property.

The Municipal Assets Act (Act 306/1992 Coll.) governs the restitution of ownership title to the municipalities. These rights were nationalized in 1949. The Act on Redressment of Property Wrongs committed to Churches and Religious Societies governs the restitution of assets (Act 282/1993 Coll.).

As of July 1995, a total of 66 681 owners have applied for the restitution of their ownership and usage rights to forest land. The total forest area amounts to 1 989 000 ha, the area applied for by former owners is 919 400 ha, 46% of total forest land. As of July 1995, a total of 10 540 requests have been approved and the ownership title or usage right transferred for 701 900 ha representing 34% of total forest area and 76% of the area requested. Returned forest land is owned by:

· Associations of owners (2 408)

383 000 ha


· Municipalities (182)

176 500 ha


· Religious organizations (337)

41 900 ha


The applications submitted by individual owners are more difficult to fulfill. As of July 1995, ownership and usage rights were returned to 16% of the individual applicants (39% of the area requested). The area to be returned, either for ownership or usage rights, amounts to 217 600 ha, representing 56 141 applicants, of which 124 663 ha are to be returned to 37 785 individual owners.

When preparing the legislation, the specific features of forestry, such as the long production period and its impact on costs and profits, were not taken fully into account. Many heirs of the original owners, live away from their property and have no experience of forest management or are unable to provide professional management. On the other hand Forest Management Associations are not interested in leasing properties which may not be profitable.

The Act made restitution of small size properties to several joint owners possible. In many cases these areas do not amount to more than 0.50 ha. These properties can not be identified because the owners do not have ownership documentation. Under the Land Regulation Act, forest land is returned to the owners. In the case of small areas, it is returned in integral parts. It is presumed that the owners will associate and jointly manage the forest.

The intention of the government was to restitute the whole forest and not to become involved in solving disputes regarding property boundaries. The owners, however, consider this approach a new 'nationalization' of their property and those who consent are mainly the owners of less profitable forests. The State decided to help these 'integral forest parts' owners and consider them as priority receivers of grants from the State Forest Improvement Fund. Tax relief would, however, be of more help to them.

The Act on Measures to Regulate the Ownership Rights to Land (Act 180/1995 Coll.) and the Act on Land Associations (Act 181/1995 Coll.) have brought about improvement and acceleration of the forest land restitution process. The Slovak Government passed a resolution on 10 October 1995, to accelerate and to remove defects related to the above mentioned process. Defects will be eliminated in the restitution Acts related to forest land when the new legislation is approved. Specific features of forest property and its rational management shall be considered.

State administration

The Ministry of Land Management, Forest Section handles government administration of forest management and hunting. The Ministry addresses strategy and policy issues of forest development, legislative conditions and contacts with other branches of the economy. There are six regional forest offices in the Slovakia, that supervise compliance with legal regulations, approve forest management plans, declare protection and special purpose forests.

There are 33 forest offices that supervise forest activity, accept and approve work in forests. These offices also issue decisions, approvals, exceptions and follow selected economic information.

State owned enterprises

The State Forest Administration Agencies manage the state-owned forest land. The agencies provide all the forest management services, such as seed purchase, planting, tending of stands, including the felling and sale of wood. The Ministry of Land Management coordinates four Headquarters, each of which is responsible for 8-10 Forest Management Agencies (the total number of Agencies in the Slovakia is 36). The Forest Management Agencies also handle restitution of forest land to the original owners. However, this land may be used by the agencies only to the extent necessary for improving the state of the assets under restitution, for example tending, cutting and other services derived from the Forest Management Plan, other than principal felling.

In 1989 there were 52 Forest Management Agencies in the Slovakia. The number of the Agencies dropped to 40 in the course of the ownership and usage rights restitution. After another two years, the number reduced to 36. At the conclusion of the forest management transformation process, there will probably be 30-32 agencies.

State-owned resource development strategy

The changes at all Forest Management Agencies will consist of the revision of the management structure at the Headquarters level and at the Agencies and District Forest Administration bodies. The new organizational structure shall be a prerequisite for stabilization of conditions, in case of fluctuations in prices on the wood market and for reduction of the non-productive overhead management costs. It will be necessary to harmonise new organizational units activities according to internal management rules. This will make it necessary to complete the establishment of a high quality information system at all management levels.

To give more authority to lower level organizational units, many of the powers shall be delegated to Forest Management Sub-agencies and District Forest Administration bodies. The new forest management organizational structure is a tool to create operative entities representing public interest, characterized by:

· balanced accomplishment of environmental tasks and maximum exploitation of production capacities;

· a high number of professional staff;

· financial independence;

· promotion of public interest for management of non-profit forests;

· equilibrium between profitable and non-profitable services within one entity; and

· competitiveness and capacity to face market fluctuations.

Reorganization is taking place gradually, to consider natural reduction in administrative staff at the Central and Sub-agency bodies. The changes, in organizational structure of the Forest Administration Agencies, have been implemented to move gradually towards new management conditions and to reduce costs. A decrease in the number of staff means a savings of app. ($US 1 million).

Private forest resource-development strategy

The conclusion of the restitution of forest land property and usage rights to the original owners is the first necessary requisite for stabilization and development of the private forest management sector.

Several forest owners associations have been established in the Slovakia, and private forest owners voluntarily become members. Of these the Slovak Private Forests Owners Association is dominant. Established in 1991, in 1995 it had more than 670 collective and 1 700 individual members. The members of the Association administer around 550 000 ha of forests, 78% of the total restituted forest area. The Ministry of Land Management discussed the methodical guidelines, amendments to the Acts and principal questions concerning cooperation within private sector development with this Association. The Association representatives are members of the State Fund for Forest Improvement and the Advisory Council at the Ministry of Land Management. Other associations include the Slovak Forest Land Owners, with 150 participants throughout the country who participated in the General Meeting held in 1995 and the Association of Municipal Forest Owners, established in 1995. More than 75 municipalities owning forests also took part at the constituent General Meeting. The common goal of the Associations is to collaborate with the State Administration bodies, organize consultation, promote grants and subsidies from the State and give assistance on research into a new model for the incorporation of the private forest management sector into the existing forest administration.

Two methods were proposed by the Ministry for the administration and development of private forests. The first is to impart direct instructions on the management and administration of forests through the Institutions which are directly controlled by the Ministry (Forest Project Office, Forestry Research Institute, District Forest Administration).

The second provides professional guidance and guarantees state supervision of compliance with the legislation. In the latter case, the Ministry may influence the private forest indirectly, through laws, taxes and subsidies. Slovak forestry management requires a combination of two methods - direct and indirect control of private forests.

The prerequisites for the implementation of this system are to:

· establish, through a new act to be approved by Parliament, representation of private forests owners at the highest level (Chamber of Private Forests Owners);

· extend, within the existing Forest Administration Act, the power of District Forest Administration, with consulting services, or to create the professional Forest Managers if appropriate;

· direct forest policy (taxes, feed, grants, subventions) in a way to influence private forest owners to act in compliance with strategic and conception goals set for overall forest administration;

· promote further education so that forest owners understand the basic principals of forest administration;

· establish volunteer associations of private forest owners;

· establish an association of private entrepreneurs operating in the forestry sector; and

· establish wood commerce associations.

The proposed, private forest resource-development strategy, may be a good base for an official strategy. This requires a more profound analysis of the economic conditions of private owners. The proposals made by the Forest Division, to consider specific features of forest administration activities and to adjust the tax legislation, have not been fully taken into account.

Historical precedents to extension

As a result of a decision taken by the Emperor Maria Terezia in 1764, the Academy of Mining and Forestry was founded in Banska Stiavnica. In 1807, the Academy of Forestry separated. In 1824, the Forestry Institute, the first of this type in the world, was established and foresters throughout Europe came to study. An independent Research Forestry Institute was also founded in Banska Stiavnica at the end of the 19th century.

The Central Forest-Research Station was established in 1898, where, along with the classical disciplines of forestry, exotic wood species were introduced and grown. In 1900, an Arboretum was established for these purposes in Kysihyble near Banska Stiavnica.

The Forest Order of Maria Terezia had prompted the planting of wood species in the free areas near towns and villages. It also ensured creativity in the forest economy and lead to the start of forestry education at the Academy of Mining in Banska Stiavnica in 1770. The Forest School in Liptovsky Hradok in 1795, was the first such school in Hungary at that time and played a significant role in Slovak education in forestry until 1815.

It proved desirable to establish an institution at a higher academic level having a scientific orientation. The Institute of Forestry, that formed part of the Academy of Mining in Banska Stiavnica, was used for this purpose from 1807. It performed, at the same time, the function of a training institution for the education of forestry specialists.

Professor Henrich David Wilkers, the founder of the Institute, gave most of the lectures on natural history and forestry. He was also engaged in scientific research, and became the pioneer of the modern science of forestry in the Slovakia. He cooperated closely with the most distinguished personality in Slovak forestry and an outstanding forest economist, the wood-reeve for Banska, Bystrica, Joseph Dekret Matejovie who had reached a high European standard through new, practical forestry techniques. He had became well-known due to his research and design of artificial renewing or economic management of woods.

The professional training and education of employees in the forestry sector is based on the traditional values of Slovak forestry and on the experience of many generations of foresters. The training of forestry staff for forest administration is ensured by both Ministry of Education and Ministry of Land Management.

Education provided by the Ministry of Education

A forestry education is provided by the Ministry of Education through the Faculty of Forestry at the Technical University in Zvolen (university studies). Presently, the university has three faculties: Forestry, Wood Technology and Ecology. The course lasts for five years and graduates are awarded a degree in engineering (M.Sc.).

A three year programme is offered at the Faculty of Ecology. Graduates are awarded a bachelor's degree. Studies for employed persons last six years. Studies consist of forestry and applied ecology. The specialization studies at the Faculty of Wood Technology include wood technology, enterprise management, construction of forest and wood technology machines and equipment and industrial furniture design. The Faculty of Forestry consists of the following departments:

· Natural Environment
· Phytology
· Silviculture
· Forest Protection and Game Management
· Forest Engineering and Improvement
· Forest Exploitation and Mechanization
· Forest Management and Geodesy
· Physical Training

The university is unable to admit all students interested in these studies. The applicants must pass entrance examinations.

The Technical University also provides a three-year graduate programme for scientific workers. Studies are completed after the acceptable presentation a doctors thesis. Graduates are awarded a PhD. The Technical University provides the courses in forest phytopathology, silviculture, landscape engineering, plant protection, forest management, enterprise economic theory and agricultural management, forestry and woodworking enterprises, technology and mechanization of agricultural and forest production, forest zoology and ecology, technology of wood processing, structure and properties of wood, construction and production processes for wood products. The Technical University has been authorized to award a doctor of sciences degrees (Dr Sc.) in forest environment science, silviculture and wood technology.

Significant components of the University's work are science and research. These have been oriented towards basic and applied research directed towards fuller utilization of forests, complex wood processing and ecology.

The development of the research base, increased efficiency of the pedagogical process, research activity and practical teaching of students are greatly supported by the special-purpose establishments of the university.

The Technical University has a well-equipped Institute of Computing Technique which ensures the operation of computers and the development and operation of information systems. The employees of the institute also take part in pedagogical and scientific work.

The School Forest Enterprise controls more than 7 800 ha of forests and, with the exception of production, provides practical instruction to forestry students. The Development Workshops and Laboratories instruct students of wood technology, furniture development, devices and research equipment. Most of the activities of the Development Workshops is economic aimed at the realization of research.

The Borova Hora Arboretum, 49 ha, represents a basis for pedagogical and research in the specialization of forest dendrology and silviculture.

The Slovak Library for Forestry and Wood Science fulfills the needs for study materials and information and is, simultaneously, a specialized scientific library for employees in forestry and woodworking.

The graduates of the Technical University work in the production organizations of forestry and wood working industries. Numerous graduates have worked in development and project institutes, in nature protection organizations, research institutions and in state administration.

The education of secondary school graduates is provided by three forestry secondary schools. The schools offer four years of full-time study, completed by an examination. Graduates should, after they have completed studies and a mandatory preparatory period, be able to deal with administrative tasks related to forest management, or to continue their studies at university. At present, forestry is taught following revised curriculum that take into consideration the needs of the private sector. Every year about 60 graduates leave the three schools, 20-30% are placed in universities, 10-20% as employees in the forestry sector, 20-25% in jobs corresponding to forestry education, 20-25% in other education provided at the infra-ministerial level.

The five secondary apprentice schools in forestry are linked to the Ministry of Land Management and the Ministry of Education of the Slovakia. The Ministry of Land Management established the schools, the administration and methodological planning. The Ministry of Education oversees the pedagogical and professional aspects. Course of study lasts for three years and includes theory, practical experience, professional training. The main subjects for specialization are for operators of machines and equipment used in forestry and forest machine equipment repair and maintenance. In 1994, the first class opened with 230 pupils. At present there are 750 pupils studying at the secondary apprentice schools in forestry. Students graduate after passing examinations in both theoretical and practical fields.

Education by the Ministry of Land Management

There is a system of permanent, or lifetime, education in forestry which complements the forestry education system. Continuous or permanent education is provided by the Forest and Water Management Education Institute. The Institute has the following tasks:

· training of top managers;
· preparation of professionals machine operators;
· training courses for administrative staff specifically for
· transfer of information into practice;
· training of examination commissioners and trainers for the education of forestry workers;
· private sector advisory services; and
· language teaching.

Other activities of the Institute, not directly related to teaching and training, involve preparation of teaching plans and curricula for agencies providing education and publishing activities. The Institute provides for the publication of manuals, guides and papers to satisfy the needs of all forestry management subjects.

Research and Forest Management

The Forestry Research Institute in Zvolen has programmes and archives on the following topics:

· seed research and nursery management;
· inventory;
· evaluation;
· policy;
· prognosis and conception of forestry planning and management;
· rationalization of technology procedures, and
· the economics of reproduction and genetic engineering.

Forestry management plans and policy are derived from the principal forestry management goals:

· to analyse the state of the forest, its production and exploitation capabilities, natural, social, technical, environmental and economic problems of management; and

· to monitor and evaluate the development of forests and to plan management so that the permanent continuous performance of all their functions is ensured, respecting the interests of both the public and the forest owners.

The Forest Project (Lesoprojekt) in Zvolen is in charge of forest surveying. It was founded by the Ministry of Land Management of the Slovakia. The Project's duties are as follows:

· implemention of ten-year, forest management plans, based on survey information. The analysis covers general information, the register of stand, stand description and plan of management measures, overview tables and time schedules, forest maps and is substantiated with documentation.

· creation of a summary on which to base forestry management plans;

· provision of expertise on surveying, evaluation of forests and reimbursement of losses;

· database monitoring of the state and development of forest resources;

· ensuring forest management plans are developed and established;

· coordinating the management of computer technology in forest management; and

· provision of consultation on the application of forest management plans.

Forestry extension goals and examples

A separate institution for forestry extension has not yet been established in the Slovakia. There is no formal forestry extension, as it is performed in other countries, and there are no courses conducted on this subject. Mass media is not utilized and there is only one monthly magazine which focuses on the non-state forestry sector, 'Forest', published by the Ministry of Soil Management in collaboration with the Forest and Water Management Education Institute.

A type of formal extension is provided by professional forest managers, by the state administration and its employees, and by the Association of forest owners. Interest was expressed by forest owners mostly in the process of restitution, ownership and usage rights.

Management aspects have been neglected, possibly due to the lack of a sense of owning property, accumulated over the years under a centrally planned economy. Forest owners have sometimes satisfied their short-term needs, in violation of the Forestry Act, and the basic principles of sustainable forestry. Instability has also been introduced by the presence of timber sellers who default on payments to forest owners. With the introduction of related laws and safe-guards the conditions will be created for more stable and regular trading in wood. The role of non-wood products is minimal, due to the past administration when the society focused on wood being the main forest product.

It is especially important to create associations of private forest owners, to increase effective information flow. A forestry manual published yearly would fill this need. It should contain the following information: the wood market, wood re-sellers, dealers in forest machinery, means to protect forests, wood processing industries, harmful agents and methods for their control, and practical advice directed towards increased efficiency of forest work. The association or the Chamber of Private Forest Owners would be responsible for its publication.

The unification of forestry research, education and extension could be successful and viable. This depends on the approach taken by the founder, the Forestry Research Institute. The State has an interest in protecting forests, while forestry extension is for the benefit of forest owners, directly or through the associations. Problems faced in establishing forestry extension would be mostly financial.

The Forestry Protection Service is based on a long tradition and the experience of the Research Station at the Institute, which has good facilities, personnel, buildings, equipment, vehicles. Forestry research in the Slovakia is focused mainly on fundamental forestry with attention being given to socio-economic and policy issues. There is less focus on the issue of forestry extension. However, the Forestry Research Institute could analyse the basic principles of forestry extension in foreign countries, for possibly introduction to local conditions.

Associations of forest owners act as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) where owners associate voluntarily. Funds necessary for their activities are raised in the form of fees paid by the members; if there is a special project, the associations strive to obtain funds from various sources, including the government.

The professional forest manager, is to some extent, an 'extension officer'. The managers job is to take care of the forest, however, and they do not and have not been trained to do forestry extension. Their education does not include markets or economics. Their functions are regulatory in respect to the fulfillment of the management plan. Communication and extension skills are not required to pass the certifying examinations. Exams consists of questions regarding legal aspects, forestry acts, and forest care, protection, cutting, silviculture, timber, transport, forest establishment.

State (Ministry of Land Management) participation in financing the activities of forest owners' associations is not yet clear. There is a specific advisory institution: the Forestry Protection Service, under the control of the Forestry Research Institute. It provides advisory services on forest protection issues (insects, defoliators, rots, forest pathology) and methods for their control. Advice is provided to all forest owners on request.

New legislation, on the amendments of ownership rights, has brought a new element to forestry issues: the professional forest manager. This is supposed to be the principal element for sustainable forest development. The Act 15/1994 states that it is the duty of forest owners to hire a professional forest manager to administer forests on their property. The manager must have a: university degree in forest sciences and five years of practical experience or secondary school degree and ten years of practical experience, and they must pass examinations in both theory and practice before an examination board. The law does not specify whether the profession of forest manager is required for the private sector only. Therefore, it is assumed state-owned forest employees must also pass the examinations (Chiefs of Forest Districts).

The professional forest manager (also applies to the private sector) is responsible for:

· preparation of basic documents for the elaboration of a forest management plan;
· supervision, direction and fulfillment of the plan;
· control and registration of work performed in the forest;
· monitoring the state and the development of injurious agents in the forest;
· preparation of proposals for forest management plan amendments upon request; and
· determines methods of planting, tending of stands, harvesting and timber transportation.

The development of Forestry extension services in the Slovakia might be seen in two stages.

Stage 1 - prior to a full-functioning private forest sector (around 2000). The transformation of forest ownership rights should be completed in 1998. Courses could be implemented in 1997 for forest owners to train them to administer their forest without a professional forest managers. After passing exams in both theory and practice of basic forest management owners should be entitled to administer their own forests. As the services of a professional forest manager are not free, this could provide an incentive to owners to learn to manage their own forests. A major concern is for forest owners (individual or joint) who administer forests up to 100 ha. These owners will be responsible, according to the balance as of 1998, for the administration of app. 330 000 ha, 38% of total private forests, or 17% of Slovak forests.

Forest owners who do not take part in courses or do not pass the examinations will continue to be assisted by a professional forest manager. In addition to mandatory courses, supplementary education (provided by the Forest and Water Management Education Institute) could assist with specific needs owners face in their own forests (forest protection, forest establishment, silviculture). The courses would be voluntary and the cost covered by the state (prior to the establishment of the private sector in 2000).

Stage 2 - after the establishment of the private forest sector. After 2000, the goal is that private forest owners will be experienced in forest management. Economically, forestry extension can be administered by the lowest state control and supervisory body - the Forest Office. This office should employee around 15-20 employees. Currently, this figure is around five employees per office. The provision of advisory services should be stipulated in a government act. State sector training facilities may be used for long-term training courses (at the Forest and Water Management Education Institute). This must be agreed upon by the Chamber of Private Forest Owners and the Institute. The costs of the courses organized by the Institute shall be borne by the private sector. A second option is for the Chamber of Private Forest Owners to establish its own advisory center (for forestry extension) located in the Regional Forest Offices. However, this second option is financially and logistically difficult for the private sector.


Social changes after 1989 have influenced forestry structures in the Slovakia. New laws and ideas have been detailed, taking into consideration world and European trends and the conclusions of the most important international negotiations. In particular, the conclusions of the Conferences of Ministers on Protection of European Forests in Strasbourg and Helsinki should be noted. On this basis, the Strategy and Conception of Forestry in the Slovakia and the State Forestry Policy have been accepted, new laws and other important documents have been approved by the Government and National Council of the Slovakia.

The information provided is in full compliance with the goals set by countries with a developed forestry extension plan. The main strategic goal of the State forestry policy is to protect forests and provide for their permanent development, to preserve forests, and ensure protection and improvement. As per the Programme of the Slovak Government from January 1995, the basic documents: Strategy and Conception of Forestry in the Slovakia and the State Forestry Policy, should be revised and amended in 1998.

The Forestry Section at the Ministry of Land Management shall ensure the ecological aspects of forest administration, within the limits of sustainable development, and take into consideration in all the new documents at the national level. The Section, preparing a proposal for new legislation to come into effect in 1998, will be presented as complex Acts - codes, not to over regulate the situation during the economic transformation period, but to help stabilized conditions in the country.


Ministry of Land Management. 1995. Strategy and Conception of Forestry in the Slovakia.

Ministry of Land Management. 1995. State Forestry Policy.

Ministry of Land Management. 1995. Report about Forestry Management in the Slovakia after the year 1995.

Forestry Research Institute in Zvolen. Lesnicky casopis, Forestry Journal, years 1993-1995.

The Forest and Water Management Education Institute in Zvolen. Les (Magazine 'Forest'), years 1990-1995.

Poly Kontakt, Bratislava. 1995. Publication, The Forestry of the Slovakia.




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