Developments in agricultural research have yielded high rates of return through increased agricultural productivity in many countries (Ruttan, 1982). This has encouraged large investments, often financing by borrowing from external agencies, to develop capacities for agricultural research and extension systems in developing countries. This has been done in the hope that it would increase agricultural production substantially so as to meet the needs of burgeoning populations. However, in recent years, two major concerns have been raised regarding the relative failure of research-extension services in increasing agricultural production: first, the research problems being investigated are generally not in accordance with the priority needs of agricultural producers and hence are of less relevance in addressing the prevailing problems; second, the (relevant) knowledge generated at the research stations have not been effectively transferred to the producers. Though it appears the first concern is directed towards the research extension or transfer of technology institutions, many studies have identified weaknesses in the links between research and extension institutions as the major reason for both these problems. It has been reported (USAID, 1982; FAO, 1984) that in most countries communication between public research and extension agencies is weak. This ineffective link between research and extension "has impeded the development and transfer of technology appropriate for small-scale, resource-poor farmers, particularly those who work in relatively low-potential, heterogenous agro-ecological areas" (Ewell, 1989). Problems in technology development and transfer functions arise because these functions are treated in isolation (World Bank, 1985). According to a World Bank report (1985, pp. 79-80), "bridging the gap between research and extension is the most serious institutional problem in developing an effective research and extension system."