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Matters Referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 3)[1]

Terms of Reference of the Committee

5. The Committee recalled that its last session had not come to a conclusion on the request of the Commission to consider simplified Terms of Reference, but had proposed to shorten its name to "Codex Committee on Nutrition". The 42nd Session of the Executive Committee had recommended that the name of the Committee remain unchanged until so far as appropriate Terms of Reference were available. The mandate should reflect that Codex should deal only with nutritional aspects of foods.

6. The Committee considered the simplified version proposed by the Secretariat and agreed to the following Terms of Reference:

(a) to study specific nutritional problems assigned to it by the Commission and advise the Commission on general nutrition issues

(b) to draft general provisions, as appropriate, concerning the nutritional aspects of all foods

(c) to develop standards, guidelines or related texts for foods for special dietary uses, in cooperation with other committees where necessary

(d) to consider, amend as necessary and endorse provisions on nutritional aspects proposed for inclusion in Codex standards, guidelines and related texts

7. The Committee had an exchange of views on the opportunity of changing the name of the Committee in the light of the revised terms of reference. Although some delegations supported the shorter name as it was clear from the terms of reference that the Committee dealt with foods, the Committee agreed to retain the current name as it reflected both the horizontal aspects of the work and food standardization activities.


8. The Committee noted that the CCEXEC had recommended that a paper containing proposed draft guidelines be prepared for the next session of the CCFL to address the labelling issues associated with biotechnology. The Chairman informed the Committee that the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Food Safety Aspects of Biotechnology had been held from 30 September to 4 October 1996 and that its conclusions would be taken into account in the elaboration of the Guidelines and other relevant aspects of Codex work.

Food Fortification

9. The Committee noted that the report of the FAO Technical Meeting on Food Fortification - Technology and Quality Control (20-23 November 1995, Rome) had been distributed to participants.

[1] CX/NFSDU 96/2

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