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The Panel has considered ways in which the CGIAR might advance its mission through greater use of the tools of biotechnology. Earlier reservations about the potential benefits of biotechnology are now being overtaken by the increased rate of discovery of new knowledge, the development of new techniques and the scale on which they can be applied. The Panel concludes that the CGIAR must take appropriate action to ensure that it is not left behind in the new approaches rapidly becoming possible. At the same time it must not lose sight of the overriding need to retain an appropriate balance in the totality of its activities.

The Panel also concludes that there are widespread opportunities for the greater involvement of the world scientific community to assist in the application of biotechnology to the needs of the developing countries. The CGIAR is in a strong position to act as a catalyst to foster these contributions, while progressively strengthening its own role as a significant user of biotechnology to further the aims of its mission.

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