50. Three working groups were convened to discuss the following issues:
51. Group I - On-farm level management practices. The group discussed the objectives and operating principles to attain sustainable on-farm-level management practices. The final version of the Working Paper 1 which includes the final report from this group is given in Annex C.
52. Group II - Off farm (sectoral) management practices. The group discussed the objectives and operating principles for sustainable off-farm sectoral management practices. The final version of the Working Paper 1 which includes the final report from this group is given in Annex C.
53. Group III - Legal and Institutional arrangements. The group discussed good legal and institutional arrangements for sustainable development of shrimp culture. The final version of the Working Paper 3 which includes the final report from this group and the corresponding group in Session V is given in Annex E.
54. The composition of the Working Groups is provided in Annex F.