Petr, T.; Marmulla, G. Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Use of Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Fish Production in Arid Countries of Asia. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 25-29 September 2001. FAO Fisheries Report. No. 679. Rome, FAO. 2002. 22p. The FAO Expert Consultation was attended by 19 participants, including national fisheries and irrigation experts from 10 countries: China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. The presence of irrigation experts made possible close interaction on common problems, especially in areas where fisheries interests in water resources have been in conflict with demands from irrigated agriculture. The presentation of thirteen papers was followed by discussions which addressed the following: the present use of irrigation systems, including drainage waters, for fish production; current fishery management practices in irrigation systems; constraints to improving fish production in these systems; fish biodiversity, fish stock enhancement, efficiency of the existing fishery laws and regulations, trans-boundary aspects of fish stock management, regional and sub-regional collaboration, and some other areas of interest for fisheries in irrigation systems of the arid zone of Asia. The Expert Consultation concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals for further action. This Report is a companion to the FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 430 “Fisheries in irrigation systems of arid Asia”. |