Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
Hundred and Twenty-sixth Session
Rome, 11 December 2003 |
Independent Chairman of the Council: Aziz Mekouar
Angola3 Armenia3 Australia2 Bangladesh3 Bolivia1 Brazil1 Bulgaria1 Burkina Faso1 Canada1 Chile3 China3 Colombia1 Congo, Republic of3 Côte d'Ivoire2 Cuba1 Egypt2 Finland2 |
France2 Gabon1 Germany3 Ghana1 Guatemala2 India2 Indonesia2 Iran, Islamic Republic of3 Italy2 Japan 3 Korea, Republic of3 Libya1 Mauritius2 Mexico1 Nigeria2 Pakistan2 Panama3 |
Peru3 |
2 Term of office until the conclusion of the Thirty-third Session of the Conference, November 2005. |
(as from 1 January 2005)
Independent Chairman of the Council: Aziz Mekouar
Algeria3 Angola2 Armenia2 Australia1 Bangladesh2 Bolivia3 Brazil3 Canada3 Cape Verde3 Chile2 China2 Congo, Democratic Republic of3 Congo, Republic of2 Côte d'Ivoire1 Cuba3 Egypt1 Eritrea3 |
Finland1 France1 Germany2 Guatemala1 India1 Indonesia1 Iran, Islamic Republic of2 Italy1 Japan2 Korea, Republic of2 Mali3 Malta3 Mauritius1 Mexico3 Netherlands3 Nigeria1 Oman3 |
Pakistan1 |
2 Term of office until 31 December 2006. 3 Term of office until the conclusion of the Thirty-fourth Session of the Conference, November 2007. |
ISBN 92-5-105086-4
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© FAO 2004 |
A | Agenda for the Hundred and Twenty-sixth Session of the Council | |
B | List of Delegates and Observers | |
C | List of Documents | |
D | Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 2004-2005 |