Los datos y análisis en los cuales se basa fundamentalmente El estado de la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo 2002 han sido proporcionados por las direcciones técnicas de la FAO. Las citas de artículos específicos a que se hace referencia en la presente edición provienen de las siguientes publicaciones:
Rice, A., Black, R., Hyder, A., y Sacco, L. 2000. Malnutrition as an underlying cause of childhood deaths associated with infectious diseases in developing countries. Bulletin of the WHO, 78(10): 1207-1221.
Rutstein, S. 2000. Factors associated with trends in infant and child mortality in developing countries during the 1990s. Bulletin of the WHO, 78(10): 1256-1270.
Centro Internacional para el Aprovechamiento Integrado de las Montañas. 1997. Issues in Mountain Development, 1997(1).
Dixon, J. y Gulliver, A. con Gibbon, D. 2001. Farming systems and poverty: Improving farmers'-livelihoods in a changing world. Roma y Washington, D.C., FAO y Banco Mundial. 420 pp.
Ellis-Jones, J. 1999. Poverty, land care, and sustainable livelihoods in hillside and mountain regions. Mountain Research and Development, 19(3): 179-190.
FAO. 2001. Household food insecurity and nutrition in mountain areas, por A. Jenny. Roma.
Messerli, B. y Ives, J.D., eds. 1997. Mountains of the world: A global priority. Nueva York, Parthenon.
Mountain Agenda, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Berne. 2000. Mountains of the world: Challenges for the 21st century - A Contribution to Chapter 13, Agenda 21.
UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 2000. Mountains of the world - 2000.
Cohen, M.J. y Pinstrup-Andersen, P. 1999. Food security and conflict. Social Research, 66(1).
Collier, P. 2000. Economic causes of civil conflict and their implications for policy. Washington, D.C., Banco Mundial. 23 pp.
FAO. 2000. Los conflictos, la agricultura y la seguridad alimentaria. El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2000. Roma.
Homer-Dixon, T.F. 1999. Environment, scarcity and violence. Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos, Princeton University Press. 272 pp.
Messer, E., Cohen, M.J. y D. Costa, J. 1998. Food from peace: Breaking the links between conflict and hunger. Washington, D.C., IIPA. 44 pp.
Ohlsson, L. 2000. Livelihood conflicts: Linking poverty and the environment as causes of conflict. Estocolmo, SIDA.
Faber, M., Phungula, M.A.S., Venter, S.L., Dhansay, M.A. y Benade, A.J.S. 2002. Home-gardens focussing on yellow and dark-green leafy vegetables can improve serum retinol concentration in 2-5-year old children in South Africa. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (en prensa).
USAID. 1992. Economic rationale for investing in micronutrient programs. A policy brief based on new analyses. Washington, D.C.
Besley, T. y Burgess, R. 2000. Land reform, poverty reduction and growth: Evidence from India. Londres, London School of Economics (mimeografiado).
Deininger, K., van den Brink, R., Hoogeveen, H. y Moyo, S. 2000. How land reform can contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction:
Empirical evidence from international and Zimbabwean experience. Washington, D.C., World Bank Land Policy Network (disponible en: www.worldbank.org).
El-Ghonemy, M.R. 2002. Agrarian reform policy issues never die. Alocución principal en la Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: Taking Stock, organizada por el Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo, Egipto.
FIDA. 2001. Assets and the rural poor. En Rural Poverty Report 2001, pp. 71-124. Roma. 266 pp.
Maxwell, D. y Wiebe, K. 1998. Land tenure and food security: A review of concepts, evidence and methods. Madison, WI, Estados Unidos, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin.
Netting, R.M. 1993. Smallholders, householders. Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos, Stanford University Press. 389 pp.