FAO Fisheries Report No. 289 Supplement 3FIPP/R289 Suppl.3 (En)
at the


Rome, 17–26 January 1983

A Preparatory Meeting for the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

ISBN 92-5-102257-7

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An Expert Consultation on the Regulation of Fishing Effort was convened by FAO in Rome, 17–26 January 1983, as one of the preparatory meetings for the World Conference. The purpose of the Consultation was to review the experiences of countries with fisheries management techniques. The report of the Consultation, as approved by the participants at the conclusion of the meeting, was distributed in 1983. The papers presented at the Consultation have been prepared as supplements to the Report. The first supplement contains the abstracts of the papers in three languages: English, French and Spanish. Supplement 2 contains those papers that specifically relate to the theoretical aspects of fisheries management and its practice in a general manner. This document, Supplement 3, contains those papers that cover the management approaches adopted and experiences by individual countries. Supplements 2 and 3 are available in English only.

The papers contained in this Supplement are concerned with approaches to regulating fishing effort encountered by individual countries and experiences in the management of specific fisheries. The first paper, by way of introduction to the Supplement, describes the scientific process in formulating management advice within an International Commission and the second paper describes the procedures followed by a regional organization in implementing these scientific recommendations. The remaining papers describe fisheries management practices in individual countries, listed alphabetically, followed by management experiences for shrimp, snapper, lobster, herring, groundfish, anchovy, surf clams, halibut and sardine fisheries.

Distribution:For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows:
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional Officers
Directors of Fisheries
Selector SM
Selector Fisheries Management

FAO, 1985 Papers presented at the Expert Consultation on the regulation of fishing effort (fishing mortality). Rome, 17–26 January 1983. A preparatory meeting for the FAO World Conference on fisheries management and development. FAO Fish.Rep., (298) Suppl.3:215–470


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Hoydal, K.ICES processing in formulating management advice
Holden, M.J.The procedures followed and the problems met by the European Economic Community in implementing the scientific recommendations of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea on total allowable catches
Derham, P.J.The problems of quota management in the European community concept
Rettig, R.B.Practices and problems with licence limitation in the USA and Canada
Chappell, W.D.United States fishing effort restrictions and fishing vessel licensing under the 200 -mile limit
Schowengerdt Jr.,L.N.Enforcement of foreign fishing quota allocations by the United States Coast Guard
Tillion, C.V.Fisheries management in Alaska
Yamamoto, T.Fishery regulations adopted for coastal and offshore fisheries in Japan
Asada, Y.Licence limitation regulations: the Japanese system
Shahrom bin Abdul MajidControlling fishing effort: Malaysia's experience and problems
Bain, R.Vessel licences, gear control and fishermen licensing in Australia: Australian experience of these and related management measures
Waugh, G.D.Regulation of fishing effort (fishing mortality) New Zealand
Fisheries Management DivisionManagement of the (US) shrimp fishery of the Gulf of Mexico
Baisre, J.A.
Perez, A.
Obregon, M.H.
Cruz, R.
Regulation of fishing effort in Cuban Shelf fisheries: The case studies of shrimp, lane snapper and spiny lobster fisheries
Bar Ilan, M.Fisheries management of Lake Kinnereth
Ben-Tuvia, A.Biological basis for the fishery regulation and management of the Bardawil Lagoon, Mediterranean coast of Sinai
Crouter, R.A.Quotas by fishing gear for the herring fishery of the Bay of Fundy
Grice, F.
Colosi, P.
Management of the Atlantic groundfish fishery under the US Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 1977–1982
McInnis, R.Anchovy management by quota
Nicholls, B.Management of the Atlantic surf clam fishery under the Magnuson Act, 1977 to 1982
Skud, B.E.The history and evaluation of closure regulations in the Pacific halibut fishery
Zuleta, A.
Serra, J.R.
The management of Chilean pelagic fisheries with emphasis on the Spanish sardine (Sardinops sagax musica)