This document was prepared under authors contract to J. Bakos and S. Gorda, Fish Culture Research Institute, Szarvas, Hungary. The text was edited by Anton Immink (FAO Consultant) and Devin Bartley, Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI), FAO Fisheries Department, layout and design were done by Ms Pilar Gonzalez-Villegas (FIRI); the photographs were provided by J. Bakos. The cover photograph of the Fish Culture Research Institute was provided by Dr Lazlo Varadi. The names used to the strains of carp come from the authors experience and the Fish Culture Research Institute; much of the original nomenclature and short-hand
Bakos, J.; Gorda, S. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 417. Rome, FAO. 2001. 106p. ABSTRACT The genetic resources of common carp maintained at the Fish
Culture Research Institute in Szarvas, Hungary, are described. Eighteen
Hungarian strains (landraces) and 13 strains from outside Hungary (primarily
former Soviet Republics, Eastern Europe and Asia) are maintained in a living
gene bank at the Institute. The genetic improvement of common carp in Hungary
started in 1962 at the Fish Culture Research Institute. Traditional selection
(family and mass selection), other types of genetic manipulations, such as
inbreeding, gynogenesis and hormonal sex-reversion, and intra-specific
hybridization have resulted in the production and testing of more than 150
combinations of common carp strains. Five main features were evaluated that
determined the economical value of the resulting strains: survival, weight gain,
feed conversion ratio, slaughter value and fat content of the meat. These
research efforts produced three outstanding hybrids of common carp: the Sz215
mirror, the SzP31 and SzP34 scaly hybrids, which now represent 80 percent of the
total carp production in Hungary. The Fish Culture Research Institute is a key
part of a national breeding programme in Hungary that provides fish farms and
fish seed production units with parental lines of hybrid common carp. |
Regional and Sub-regional Fishery Officers
Fish Culture Research Institute Szarvas, Hungary
Directors of Fisheries
FAO Fisheries Department