This document is based on input obtained during LADA's E-mail conference (October 9 to November 4, 2002). We sincerely thank all those who subscribed to the LADA E-mail conference. We extend a special thanks to those that provided contributions: Abdelkader Allali (IPCC WGII, Morocco), Jorge Ares (Centro Nacional Patagónico, Argentina), José Benites (FAO, Italy), Elisabeth Bui (CSIRO Land and Water, Australia), Sally Bunning (FAO, Italy), Andy Dougill (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Planchon Fatou (Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal), Abbas Farshad (ITC, The Netherlands), Rogério Ferreira (Instituto Voçorocas, Brazil), Vicente Espinosa Hernandez (Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Mexico), Mamadou Khouma (Laboratoire National de Recherches sur les Productions Végétales, Senegal), Dominique Lantieri (FAO, Italy), Charles Lilin (Paysages et Médiation, France), Ramez Mahjoory (Institute of International Agriculture, United States of America), Philippe Mahler (consultant), Timo Maukonen (UNEP, Kenya), Freddy Nachtergaele (FAO, Italy), David Niemeijer (Wageningen University, The Netherlands), Pierre Ozer (Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Belgium), Kevin Parris (OECD, France), Raul Ponce-Hernandez (Trent University, Canada), Mark Reed (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Michel Robert (INRA et Ministère de l'Ecologie et du développement durable, France), Andries Rosema (Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing Ltd, The Netherlands), Alain Ruellan (TORBA Soil and Society, France), Maurizio Sciortino (l'Energia e l'Ambiente - ENEA, Italy), Ashbindu Singh (UNEP, Sioux Falls, United States of America), Ben Sonneveld (Centre for World Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands), Michael Stocking (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom), Mohamed Talbi. (Institut des Régions Arides Medenine, Tunisia), Lamourdia Thiombiano (FAO, Regional Office for Africa, Ghana), Andrew Warren (University College, London, United Kingdom), Godert van Lynden (ISRIC, The Netherlands), Anthony Young (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom), and Juliane Zeidler (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Canada).
The E-mail conference was moderated and this report was prepared by Mathilde Snel (consultant); the report was reviewed by Freddy Nachtergaele (FAO) and Ben Sonneveld (consultant). Sylvia Bartl posted contributions, prepared reading lists, and helped out with numerous other tasks; Wolfgang Prante set up the LADA E-mail Web site and helped post documents; José Benites translated agendas in Spanish; and Irene Cukic helped prepare the list of contributors. Many useful insights and suggestions were also received from numerous other colleagues.
The LADA task force