Guidelines for mapping and measurement of
rainfall-induced erosion processes in the Mediterranean coastal
in cooperation with FAO
SPLIT, 1997
This document was prepared by the Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) of the Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP, in collaboration with the General Directorate for the Conservation of the Nature (Dirección General de Conservacion de la Naturaleza - DGCONA) of the Spanish Ministry of Environment and the Land and Water Development Division (AGL) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The authors of the document are: J.C. Griesbach, J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, A. Giordano, O. Berney, F. Gallart, and L. Rojo Serrano. Mr. A. Pavasovic, former director of PAP/RAC, contributed in the conception of the document and the revision of its draft version, and prepared the Annex I related to integrated coastal management.
© 1997 Priority Actions Programme Split, Croatia
ISBN 953-6429-08-X
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form of educational and non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. PAP would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this material as a source.
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For bibliographic purposes this document may be cited as:
PAP/RAC: Guidelines for Mapping and Measurement of Rainfall-Induced Erosion Processes in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas. PAP-8/PP/GL.1. Split, Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (MAP/UNEP), with the cooperation of FAO. 1997. pp xii+70.
1. Background information
2. State of rainfall induced erosion in the Mediterranean coastal areas
3. Links among mapping/measurement of erosion processes and integrated management of coastal areas
4. Prerequisites and institutional aspects
Part 1: Mapping of rainfall-induced erosion processes
1.1 Hitherto experience in mapping of rainfall-induced soil erosion in the region
1.2 Justification for a common consolidated Mediterranean methodology2. Common consolidated methodology
3.1 General methodological scheme
3.2 First phase: Predictive approach
3.3 Second phase: Descriptive approach
3.4 Third phase: Integration
Part II: Measurement of rainfall-induced erosion processes
1.1 Hitherto experience in the measurement of rainfall-induced erosion processes in the region
1.2 Justification for implementing measurements of erosion processes2.1 The erosion-sedimentation sequence
2.2 Rainfall-induced erosion phenomena
2.3 Measurement sites
2.4 Devices and instruments for measuring sediments3.1 Introduction
3.2 Recommended measuring design
3.3 Instrumental equipment
3.4 Setting up of measuring stations
3.5 Field visits
3.6 Laboratory work4. Data processing and presentation
4.1 Benefits from the measurement programme
4.2 General aspects of relevant data management
4.3 Data processing, formats for data recording
4.4 Interpretation and presentation of results
1. The final product: A tool for decision-making
2. Recommendations and proposed actions for managers
2.1 Developing strategies
2.2 Catalyzing regional programmes
2.3 Coordinating international actions