These Guidelines have been prepared on the basis of the results of the Cooperative Project "Mapping and Measurement of Rainfall-Induced Erosion Processes in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas", implemented by the Priority Actions Programme of the Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP, and the General Directorate for the Conservation of the Nature (DGCONA) Madrid, in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
One of the main reasons for implementing the cooperative project lay in the fact that the hitherto practice on mapping and measurement of erosion processes in the Mediterranean coastal areas involved a number of different, often incomparable methodologies and procedures. Therefore, the need was felt to develop a consolidated methodology to be tested through case studies and eventually adopted for general use.
The project was implemented in two components: the first one, dedicated to mapping, was implemented during the 1991-1992 period (the Vallcebre mapping in 199596), and the second one, dedicated to measurement, in the period 1993- 1996. The mapping component was supported by mapping exercises for the areas of Adra and Vallcebre (Spain), Essen (Turkey) and Oued Ermel (Tunisia). The measurement component was supported by pilot measurements of erosion processes performed in the areas of Vallcebre (Spain), Caybogazi (Turkey), and El Khairat (Tunisia). The results of these exercises were presented by national expert teams within relevant national reports (see PAP/RAC-UNEP, 1997).
On the basis of the achieved results a draft version of the Guidelines was prepared and presented at a workshop held in Barcelona on 13-16 October 1996. Their final version was prepared on the basis of recommendations and amendments proposed by the workshop.
The objectives of the Guidelines are:
to contribute to a better management of soils and other natural resources and to the mitigation of erosion in the Mediterranean coastal areas;
to present the methodology, basis and prerequisites for mapping and measurement of erosion processes in the region; and
to give basic instructions for performing mapping and measurement.
These Guidelines are primarily intended for the following audience:
experts in soil erosion and hydrology with certain experience in erosion mapping and/or measurement for practical use;
professionals in land-use planning and management, soil management, agriculture and other fields - for information and general knowledge, while additional training would be needed for implementation;
decision-makers in related fields - for information and understanding of their involvement and responsibilities (in particular the Executive Summary, Part l: Chapters 1, 2.1 and 4; Part II: Chapter 1; Conclusions; and Annex I).
Due to the complex nature of the erosion phenomena and their implications on the measurement process, practice may show that during the application of the developed methodology, in some areas, need may arise for consultation with FAO, DGCONA or PAP-MAP.
These Guidelines have to be understood as a framework document, whose use is not obligatory and might request a flexible approach with adaptation in specific conditions.
The methodology presented is applicable not only for rainfall-induced erosion processes as stated in the title, but considers also wind erosion and other degradation processes induced by land management.
The results achieved and lessons learned from the exercises presented in national reports confirm the flexibility and adaptability of the mapping and measurement methods as applied in four different types of catchments in Mediterranean coastal areas.
Although the Guidelines were conceived and tested in the Mediterranean region, it is likely that they can be applied, with some adaptation if necessary, in other regions of the world.