Cableway (F.: Station téléphérique; S.: Teleférico de aforro). Cable stretched above and across a stream, from which a current meter or other measuring or sampling device is suspended, and moved from one bank to the other, at predetermined depths below the water surface. The instrument may be operated from the bank or from a cable carrying personnel.
Calibration syn rating (F.: Réglage, calage; S.: Calibración). Experimental determination of the relationship between the quantity to be measured and the indication of the instrument, device or process which measures it.
Catchment or watershed (F.: Bassin versant; S.: Cuenca). That area determined by topographic features within which rainfall will contribute to runoff at a particular point under consideration.
Data logger (F.: Appareil de télémesure; S.: Registrador electrónìco). Electronic instrument designed to read and store information, such as rainfall and water level. The memory of the instrument allows a one-month autonomy with a recording rate of 5 minute-step. The instrument is directly interrogable by a portable computer.
Drainage network (F.: Réseau de drainage; S.: Red de drenaje). Arrangement of natural or manmade drainage channels within a catchment.
Ephemeral stream (F.: Cours d'eau sporadique; S.: Curso de agua intermitente). Stream becoming dry during the dry season or in particularly dry years.
Erodibility (F.: Erodibilité; S.: Erodibilidad). Susceptibility to erosion, erosion proneness. Sands are generally more erodible than silts, and silts more than clays; no fully satisfactory soil erodibility assessment method has yet been found. Soil erodibility might change according to the soils' physical conditions (Soil wetness, frost, recent tillage or compaction). Angular soil particles are more interlocking than rounded particles; soil colloids cement particles together; compaction increases total surface contact among particles. (Hewlett, 1982)
Erodibility Map, from the current elaborated Mediterranean common mapping methodology, expresses the same practical concept by crossing the soil's qualitative erodibility with the slope factor to assess the overall land erosion susceptibility.
Erosion (F.: Erosion; S.: Erosion): The wearing away of the land by running water, rainfall, wind, ice or other external agents, including such processes as detachment, entrainment, suspension, transportation and mass earth movement.(SCS-New South Wales, 1986)
Erosion Risk (F.: Erosion potentielle; S.: Riesgo de erosion): Probability rate for an erosion process to start and develop as a result of changes of one or several erosion inducing or controlling factors. While climate, soil and topography are fairly stable, vegetation cover, land use and management are more liable to modifications. The concept of risk is equivalent to that of POTENTIAL erosion. (Giordano, 1991)
Erosion Status (F.: Etat érosif; S.: Estado erosivo): Actual and/or Potential Erosion assessment as related to the local environmental features such as topography, geology and soils, vegetation cover and land use. Rainfall and other climatic features are not taken into account.
Erosion Trend (F.: Tendance évolutive de l'érosion; S.: Tendencia de erosión): The predictable tendency of an erosion process to develop or to stabilize in terms of nature, intensity and/or area expansion.
Erosivity (F.: Erosivité; S.: Erosividad): Potential ability of physical dynamic agents such as water, wind or ice to cause erosion. Falling rain is more erosive than water moving over the surface of the ground. Drop size, falling velocity and intensity are rain features related among themselves which determine rainfall erosivity. (Hewlett, 1982).
Flume (F.: Canal d'essai; S.: Canaleta). Manmade channel with clearly specified shape and dimensions which may be used for the measurement of discharge.
Gully or Channel Erosion (F.: Erosion concentrée, Ravinement; S.: Erosion en cárcavas). The removal of soil by the formation of relatively large channels or gullies cut into the soil by concentrated surface runoff. In contrast to rills, gullies are too deep to be obliterated by ordinary tillage practices. (U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1951)
Landslide (F.: Glissement de terrain; S.: Deslizamiento de terreno): A slope Mass Earth movement where a soil or substrata mass slides over a contact surface called sliding surface.
Lithofacies (F.: Lithofaciès; S.: Litofácies): A term used to describe the physical mechanic and organic features of local soil and subsoil conditions.
Load (F.: Charge solide; S.: Carga sólida). The weight of dry solids being transported in any mode by the action of gravity, wind or water.
Load (bed) (F.: Charriage de fond; S.: Carga de fondo). Coarse grained sediments transported don the bed of a stream.
Load (dissolved) (F.: Charge soluble; S.: Carga soluble). Sediments transported in solution.
Load (saltation) (F.: Transport solide par saltation; S.: Transporte por saltación). Sediments whose mode of transport fluctuates between suspended and bed.
Load (suspended) (F.: Sédiments en suspension; S.: Sedimentos en suspensión). The total sediments moving in water-combination of wash load and bed load.
Load (wash) (F.: Transport en suspension; S.: Transporte en suspensión). Fine grained sediments moving in water entirely in suspension.
Managed Area (F.: Milieux exploités; S.: Medios intervenidos): Area of land where one or several human interventions take place which are directly related to the land, making use of its resources, or having an impact upon it.
Mass Earth Movements (F.: Mouvements de masse; S.: Movimientos en mesa): Erosion where main causative agents are waterlogging and gravity. Heavy and/or prolonged rains are usually the triggering factors. Landslides, mudflows, rock falls and soil creep, are mass movements.
Morphology (of a basin) (F.: Morphologie; S.: Morfología). Characteristics of a drainage basin, e.g. basin area, longitudinal stream profile, topography etc.
Mudflow (F.: Lave torrentielle; S.: Lava torrencial): Muddy flow composed of water and a very high concentration of sediments and solid weathering debris and which has been generally originated by mass earth movements such as landslides in the upstream sections of the catchment.
Perennial stream (F.: Cours d'eau pérenne; S.: Curso de agua permanente). Stream which flows continuously all through the year.
Rainfall simulator (F.: Simulateur de pluie; S.: Simulador de lluvia). Device to apply water in a form and at a rate comparable with natural rainfall.
Reach (F.: Tronçon; S.: Tramo). Long straight stretch of a river in which the hydraulic elements remain rather uniform.
Recurrence (interval) (F.: Recurrence, intervalle de ~; S.: Recurrencia, intervalo de ~). The average time interval between actual occurrences of a hydrological event of a given or greater magnitude.
Rill Erosion (F.: Erosion en rigoles; S.: Erosión en regueros): Removal of soil by the cutting of numerous small, but conspicuous water channels or tiny rivulets by concentrated surface runoff. The marks of rill erosion may be obliterated by ordinary tillage practices. (U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1951)
Sediment concentration (F.: Concentration en sédiments; S.: Concentración de sedimentos). Quantity of sediment carried in a unit volume of water. The preferred symbol is Cs. With units of kg/m3.
Sediment delivery ratio (F.: Pourcentage de sédiments transportés; S.: Porcentaje de acarreo). Percentage between the sediment transported by a river and the total quantity of erosion material in movement, both relative to the drainage area at one particular section.
Sediment (solid) discharge (F.: Débit solide; S.: Acarreo sólido). The quantity of sediment, measured in dry weight per unit time, transported through a channel cross-section. (It is obtained by multiplying the sediment concentration by the stream discharge).
Sediment (siltation) (F.: Sédimentation; S.: Sedimentación). Deposition by water of sediment. Technically the term siltation refers to the deposition of silt particles, but it is more commonly used to refer to the deposition of sediment.
Sheet Erosion (F.: Erosion en nappe/Laminaire; S.: Erosion laminar): The removal of a fairly uniform layer of soil from the land surface by runoff or wind. (Soil Conservation Society of America, 1970)
Stable Area (F.: Milieux stables; S.: Medios eatables): Area of land with no evidence of any active erosion processes, because of the predominant stabilizing effect of one or several landscape components thus generating a state of morphodynamic equilibrium.
Stilling pond (F.: Bassin de décantation ou de tranquillisation; S.: Tanque de decantación). Pond connected with a stream in such a way as to permit the measurement of the sedimentation in relatively still water.
Soil Crusting (F.: Encroûtement; S.: Sellado del suelo): Process of compaction and cementation of fine soil surface particles removed and accumulated by splash and sheet erosion processes which can lead to a complete sealing of soils pores.
Splash/Raindrop Erosion (F.: Erosion pluviale/aréolaire; S.: Erosion pluvial): The spattering of soil particles caused by the impact of raindrops on the soil. The loosened particles may or may not be subsequently removed by runoff; splash erosion is an important component of sheet erosion.
Terracetting (F.: "Pieds-de-vaches"; S.: Pisoteo): The characteristic pattern formed by numerous gently inclined steps or ledges traversing a hill slope. It is apparently caused by the combined action of soil creep and the tread and trampling of animals
Thalweg (F.: Thalweg; S.: Talweg/Vahuada): A term frequently used to designate the longitudinal profile of a river, i.e. from source to mouth following the line of the lowest points of a valley.
Torrential (F.: Torrentiel; S.: Torrencial). Flow in a watercourse having a steep slope with great velocity and turbulence.
Trap efficiency (F.: Pourcentage de sédiments capturés; S.: Porcentaje de sedimentos retenidos). Ability of a reservoir to trap and retain sediment, expressed as a percent of sediment yield (incoming sediment) which is retained in the reservoir.
Turbidity (F.: Turbidité; S.: Turbidez). Presence of fine visible material in suspension in a liquid which is not of sufficient size to be seen as individual particles but which prevents the passage of light through the liquid.
Unstable Area (F.: Milieux instables; S.: Medios inestables): Area of land where one or several active erosion processes occur.
Vegetation Cover (F.: Couvert végétal; S.: Cobertura vegetal): Portion of soil which is covered by the plant canopy.
Water Divide Line (F.: Ligne de partage des eaux; S.: Divisoria de aguas): Dividing ridge between two catchments.
Waterlogging (F.: Engorgement; S.: Anegamiento). Condition of land when the water table stands at or near the land surface and may be detrimental to plant growth.
Weir (F.: Seuil; S.: Vertedero). Overflow structure which may be used for controlling upstream water level or for measuring discharge or for both.
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The Priority Actions Programme (PAP), implemented by the Regional Activity Centre (RAC) in Split, Croatia, is part of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Although PAP acts as one of the MAP Centres since 1978, it is a national institution with the budget and mandate to carry out a certain number of MAP activities in coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea.
PAP is an action-oriented organization aimed at carrying out practical activities which are expected to yield immediate results contributing to the protection and enhancement of the Mediterranean environment, and to the strengthening of national and local capacities for integrated coastal zone management. PAP cooperates with a large number of organizations in the UN system (UNEP, FAO, IMO, UNESCO, IOC, WHO, IAEA, WTO, UNDP), financial institutions (World Bank, European Investment Bank), other international organizations (European Union, Council of Europe, IUCN, etc.), as well as international institutions and consultancy companies.
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