Four groups discussed the papers in detail, with particular reference to preparation of a PFF. The group leaders and members were given a sample of the guidelines and requested to prepare a PFF outline. The results of the discussion are given below.
Dr Harry W. Denecke
IPTRID Theme Manager, Drainage and Sustainability.
A. Development problem
1. Macro-level
off-farm drainage inadequate; hampering effective drainage of farmers fields;
water control at distributary level deficient, causing drainage problems.
2. Micro-level: O&M of on-farm drainage
DBGs need institutional and social support to assist with O&M of installed drainage systems;
DBGs need support for design and choice of appropriate drainage technology;
integration of irrigation and drainage management;
lack of integration with other farm inputs.
B. Concerned parties/target beneficiaries
1. Problem identification
2. Target beneficiaries
C. Pre-project and end-of-project status
1. Present
low yields, result of deficient water control and untimely inputs;
off-farm drainage not co-ordinated with on-farm drainage.
2. End-of-project situation
integrated water control;
sustainable farmer-managed/financed on-farm drainage systems.
D. Special considerations
1. Lessons learned
incorporate lessons learned from NRAP, NDP and IWASRI;
womens groups: cattle and other activities for credit facility; female social organizers; increase awareness on water quality.
2. Negative impact
environment: positive impacts only.
E. Relationships
F. Development objective and relation to national policies
link to NDP.
G. Major elements
sustainable O&M for drainage;
integrate on-farm with off-farm drainage;
integrate with farm inputs;
strengthen DBGs influence on water control at distributary level.
H. Project strategy
1. Direct recipients
individual farmers.
2. Target beneficiaries
individual farmers;
field staff of farmer-support organizations;
technical staff of IWASRI and PIDA.
3. Implementation arrangements
dentify project area in co-ordination with NDP;
base implementation on established government policies.
I. Host country commitment
PIDA commitments.
J. Risks
ascertain adequate co-operation with PIDA.
K. Input
¨ national: 2-3 drainage engineers, 2-3 social mobilizers, 1-2 institutional/legal experts;
¨ foreign: drainage engineer, appropriate technology; social assessment specialist; institution/legal specialist.
duration: 4 years.
Mr Kevin Jeanes
Environmental Specialist, National Drainage Programme, Pakistan Drainage Consultant.
A. Monitoring water quality management
aspects of quality and quantity of drainage water;
aspects of quantity and quality of groundwater and the quality and quantity of receiving surface water;
agricutural drainage effluents: salinity and agrochemicals;
industrial and urban effluents: heavy metals.
Monitoring systems:
ambient water quality standards and guidelines;
institutional structures;
inter-provincial strategy.
B. Disposal/reuse options
reuse after checking pollutants from agriculture, industry, towns.
C. Infra-structural design and effluent quantity projections
infra-structural development and remodelling: surface drainage, LBOD, right bank outfall drain (RBOD) and NDSS design.
D. Relevant sub-studies
current impacts of LBOD outfall on coastal and sub-coastal zones;
seepage from main drains, e.g. LBOD spinal drain, to groundwater.
E. Objectives
develop knowledge base to move strategically and safely towards development of NDA.
F. Concerned parties/target beneficiaries
institutes: government and research departments;
whole population of Pakistan and all water-use sectors.
G. Pre-project and end of project status
round-table meetings, seminars, to obtain consensus on NDA;
impact of LBOD outfall on coastal and sub-coastal areas;
new concept, not yet circulated for broader discussion;
broadly agreed list of projects and activities to be created, leading towards development of NDA;
if based on provincial and federal consensus, NDA will be acceptable.
H. Special considerations
roundtable meetings/workshops should involve broad spectrum of communities, institutes, agencies, NGOs and private sector;
no negative impact is envisaged on discussions.
I. Major elements
the four major topics can be divided into sub-topics and details worked out.
J. Project strategy
all agencies/departments dealing with water management and water users will benefit;
target beneficiaries: water users in Pakistan;
strategy to be shaped after discussions roundtable, seminars etc.;
list of individual projects has been considered, but decision is to opt for more participatory and systematic approach for project identification.
K. Host country commitment
commitment on the concepts of the host country already exists.
L. Risks
no risks.
M. Inputs
detailed estimate will be made at a later stage.
Dr Muhammad Jamal Khan
Senior Engineer, IWASRI
Critical issues:
¨ depletion of groundwater aquifer;
¨ scarcity of surface and groundwater;
¨ low irrigation efficiency.
Past work:
¨ delay-action dam in Baluchistan:
- siltation problem (2-years);
- no obvious recharge;
¨ infiltration galleries:
- enhanced karez discharge: 10 percent;
- Khuzdar, WAPDA;
¨ watershed management (Forest Department).
Projects identified by Group 3
Project 1: Impact of watershed management measures on groundwater recharge and karez rehabilitation in Baluchistan
¨ Water Resources Research Centre, Quetta (WRRC);
¨ Department of Forest and Range Management, Quetta;
¨ to enhance groundwater recharge through watershed management with active community participation;
¨ to alleviate poverty through enhanced agricultural production.
¨ three sites (sub-catchments);
¨ afforestation in eyebrow terraces for conservation of runoff;
¨ check drains in gullies.
Project 2: Efficient use of available water resources through improved irrigation
¨ Department of Water Management, Agriculture University, Peshawar.
¨ to promote efficient use of water;
¨ to determine use of high-efficiency irrigation system.
¨ three 2 ha sites;
¨ local irrigation technology: bubbler + PVC pipes.
Project 3: Development of low-cost water-harvesting technology in Baluchistan
¨ Arid Zone Research Institute, Quetta.
¨ Department of Water Management, Peshawar.
¨ poverty alleviation through water harvesting to enhance agricultural production;
¨ to ensure water supply to combat drought in Baluchistan.
¨ three sites;
¨ pond construction;
¨ low-head pipelines;
¨ trickle irrigation system.
Dr Geoff Pearce
IPTRID Network Coordinator, HR Wallingford.
A. Development problems to be addressed by proposed project
There are needs for:
help in solving waterlogging and salinity problems by providing overview of regional/local situation;
a spatial database on waterlogging and salinity that can be used by all concerned organizations;
a consistent approach to monitoring that can be used by all concerned organizations.
B. Concerned parties
¨ researchers: IWMI, IWASRI, WAPDA Environmental Cell (WEC), universities, DRC (Sindh).
Target beneficiaries
¨ planners: W.R. Planning Div. Isl., WAPDA, PIDs;
¨ The Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI);
¨ private sector, e.g. National Engineering Services of Pakistan (NESPAK);
¨ farmers, via extension depts.
Soil Survey Dept.
Agricultural depts.
C. Pre-project status
full GIS/RS capability: IWMI carries out projects on water management and can give training;
full access to RS data: SUPARCO has receiving station and full RS capability but has limitations on both use of data and on dissemination;
full GIS expertise: IWASRI, WEC and SSP require GIS capacity building, development of central GIS database and technical support from IWMI;
limited GIS capability in universities;
GIS expertise developed at IWMI and IWASRI/WAPDA;
GIS/RS cell developed for WAPDA and Government;
better communication between agents and receivers;
centralized database developed;
better cooperation among experts;
development of young professionals encouraged.
D. Special considerations
GIS can enable effective EIA at scheme level;
timely availability of quality data, e.g. satellite images, is an important factor.
E. Relationship to other projects
GIS can play an integrating role with other projects under consideration by IPTRID;
assistance to NDP projects:
¨ salinity survey of Indus basin;
¨ evaporation ponds, research and management;
¨ institutionalized monitoring of land and water: special database.
Government of Pakistan, SSP.
F. Development objectives
geographical information centre in WAPDA for management and transfer GIS/RS information on water-management issues, e.g. waterlogging and salinity;
improve capability of GIS/RS users to international professional level;
national spatial database for water-resources management;
general-awareness PR programme;
major elements: geographical information centre;
mission: a centre of excellence in GIS/RS to enhance the capacity of professionals in managing environmentally sustainable land and water resources in Pakistan.
G. Components of geographical information centre
team of professionals combining expertise from related fields;
suitable hardware and software;
human resources development: staff to attend courses;
staff to provide internal training;
need for knowledge updates/refreshers;
tasks: application of technologies to Pakistan situation:
¨ provide expert advice;
¨ national spatial database for WRM.
Outputs of geographical information centre.
H. Application of technologies to Pakistan water-resources management
current status of waterlogging and salinity;
trends in waterlogging and salinity;
risk assessment in different areas;
land-cover mapping;
EIA over many parameters.
I. Capacity building to provide suitable expertise
long-term links with organizations such as the International Training Centre (ITC), IWMI;
help in conducting post-graduate studies.
Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Bhutta
Director General, IWASRI, WAPDA
Honourable General Manager, Dr. Aboul Naga, FAO, distinguished delegates, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:
I offer my highest gratitude to you, sir, for sparing time to be amongst us this morning. On behalf of the International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute and the International Programme for Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage, I warmly welcome the distinguished guests and all of you to this meeting on the IPTRID Research Programme in Pakistan, which is organized by IWASRI in collaboration with IPTRID, FAO and IWMI. I must thank especially the respected guests who have come from other parts of the country.
As you know, Pakistan has one of the largest irrigation systems in the world. The people have centuries-old experience of agriculture. But there are widespread problems of waterlogging and salinity. The system needs to be preserved with all its glories and potential to serve, with increased output, for the generations yet to come. To alleviate the problem of waterlogging and salinity in the country, a great deal of investment has been made in the field of drainage and reclamation. Considering the inherent difficulties, it is no easy task to control waterlogging and salinity.
While agricultural production continued to increase, there were doubts whether the fullest potential of the land and water resources was being realized. The problems and issues affecting irrigated agriculture assumed even greater importance when it was realized that future growth in agriculture was unlikely to surpass the growth rate in population. The National Commission on Agriculture in 1988 highlighted the need for realizing future increases in agriculture production, mainly from vertical expansion, effectively overriding the limitations on area extension imposed by limited irrigation supplies. This recommendation implied that productivity has to be increased on land already irrigated, and it was recognized that in order to achieve this goal, sustained research efforts were required. In 1986 the Government of Pakistan created IWASRI with the primary aim of managing, implementing and coordinating research in the field of waterlogging and salinity.
During 1989, IWASRI undertook an evaluation of current research in drainage, water-resources planning, groundwater hydrology, irrigation management, agronomic and reclamation aspects, water quality and economics. This was done with the help of national and international experts. A medium-term research agenda on waterlogging and salinity was developed, which aimed to contribute to realizing a high potential for agricultural development and environmental improvement. This reflected a consensus on the priority research needs in the medium term and provided a reference programme for Pakistans research institutions and external donor agencies. Specifically, it aimed to improve the development of research studies and to make research more responsive to national needs.
IWASRI prepared the Second National Research Agenda in December, 1996 in consultation with national and international experts.
In 1991, IPTRID collaborated with relevant institutions in Pakistan to formulate a research strategy for Pakistan containing a number of priorities identified during the consultation. The proposal Research and Development in Waterlogging and Salinity Control was accepted by the Ministry of Water and Power as a framework document for a Pakistan-IPTRID programme. The proposal contained eight studies. IWASRI was identified as lead institute for IPTRID in Pakistan.
In 1993, IPTRID revisited Pakistan and helped relevant institutions and IWASRI to formulate the proposal Environmentally Sustainable Reuse and Disposal of Drainage Water in Pakistan (ENSURE). Initially, it was expected that the proposal would be funded by the European Community. However, a number of these studies were included in the National Drainage Programme.
An IPTRID review mission visited Pakistan during June 2000. The mission prepared the current research priorities for the IPTRID programme in Pakistan. The objective of this two-day roundtable meeting is to refine these research priorities and prepare outlines of research proposals.
It is hoped that by following this process for preparing the IPTRID research programme in Pakistan, cooperation between national research institutions will be enhanced, the comparability of results improved and the required multidisciplinary approach promoted.
To all, I wish success in discussing and exchanging knowledge and experience for finalizing the research agenda.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, once again I thank you all for your participation and welcome you to the roundtable meeting on the IPTRID research programme in Pakistan.
On behalf of IWASRI, I must express my deepest gratitude to IPTRID and FAO for sponsoring the meeting.
Mr. Tariq Masood
General Manager, NDP/C, WAPDA
Honourable guests, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen.
It is a great pleasure for me to address you at this roundtable meeting of the Pakistan-IPTRID programme.
The meeting has been arranged for the benefit of the country and beneficiaries in the field of irrigation and drainage. I hope the discussions at todays meeting will address the issues identified earlier and help to achieve the objectives.
One of the objectives of the meeting is to prepare the project-formulation framework for the priority areas identified under the IPTRID-Pakistan programme.
Since 1960, a programme of salinity control and reclamation projects has been implemented in Pakistan to control the problem of waterlogging and salinity in the Indus basin. Monitoring has indicated that the performance of the installed drainage systems is often disappointing. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of sufficient funding for the operation and maintenance of the drainage facilities, which has resulted in deferred maintenance. Over the last few years, the Government of Pakistan and donor agencies have started to realize that the participation of beneficiaries in implementation, operation and maintenance up to minor and tertiary drain level could improve maintenance and hence the performance of drainage systems.
Experience with farmers participation in irrigation and drainage is very limited, especially in drainage. There are many limitations and constraints in the involvement of the farmers in management of the system. I shall mention some of those.
Most of the farmers in Pakistan are subsistence farmers, not commercial farmers. Landholdings are very small. The value paid to them for their agricultural product is very low compared to international market prices. Lack of marketing facilities forces farmers to sell their products to middlemen at lower rates than the actual market prices. The literacy rate is very low, especially in the villages where the farming communities live. Historically, the farmers have been on the receiving end of the irrigation and drainage systems and most of them do not imagine that they themselves could manage those systems.
Officers of the irrigation, drainage and agricultural departments are usually engineers, scientists and agronomists; very few social scientists are working in these departments.
Sophisticated technology used in drainage projects does not help to encourage the farmers to participate in its operation and maintenance. For example, the pumping units installed in the Fourth Drainage Project are imported from the United Kingdom, and those for the interceptor drains in the Left Bank Outfall Drain project are imported from Canada. Farmers have much more confidence in locally manufactured technology. Further, there has been a trend to plan large-scale projects, like the Left Bank Outfall Drain project, which has a capital investment cost of US$800 million and an annual operations and maintenance cost of US$20-30 million. Such an approach cannot be considered farmer-friendly.
These factors, along with institutional and legal aspects, are constraints to farmers participation in irrigation and drainage developments.
Farmers are, despite a high incidence of illiteracy, intelligent and cooperative, but they have to be taken into confidence with practical examples and experience. At present the government agencies lack expertise in promoting farmers participation.
The meeting of today is arranged by IWASRI and IPTRID in order to learn from your experience. I hope that the discussions of the meeting will help us to learn more about solutions to problems in irrigation and drainage. We have participants who have experience not only in Pakistan but also in other parts of the world.
At present, many irrigation projects, in one form or another, draw attention to participation and farmers organizations. Farmers involvement in drainage is a more recent development. In Pakistan, some projects have made a start in testing approaches that involve farmers in planning, installation, operation and maintenance of drainage. The irrigation sector has relatively long experience with farmers participation, but the drainage sector has only recently started to explore this area, partly using the approaches applied in the irrigation sector and partly developing its own approaches suitable in the context of drainage. Consequently, the participatory approaches used in drainage are less mature than those applied in irrigation.
The aim of the agreement is to ensure that farmers take over the operation and maintenance responsibilities through their farmers organizations. To be able to operate and maintain their facilities in a proper and sustainable way, farmers require technical, social and organizational knowledge and skills, as well as some sort of support system. In drainage and irrigation, there is a tendency to focus on technical aspects in providing knowledge, skills and support because of the technical character of the projects and implementing agencies. However, social and organizational aspects are equally important for proper management of drainage and irrigation systems.
Keeping in view future government policies in water-sector development and farmers participation in irrigation and drainage activities, the experts should address the issues such as:
matching technology to the requirement of farmers;
potential use of expertise and resources;
training needs of the farmers for operation and maintenance of drainage systems;
short-term and long-term institutional options;
the potential roles of the public and private sectors in efficient drainage.
Finally, I would like to thank the organizers and all the participants who have taken the trouble to be here today. I feel honoured, and pray for every success of the IPTRID-Pakistan programme.
IPTRID-Pakistan mission, June 2000
A mission was undertaken by the IPTRID Secretariat in June 2000 to update the Pakistan-IPTRID programme on technology research in drainage and control of waterlogging and salinity. Starting with project proposals prepared by IPTRID in 1991 and 1993, the mission reviewed the current situation, taking into account ongoing programmes, emerging priorities and Pakistans vision on water for food for the twenty-first century. The mission identified five priorities that would constitute the updated Pakistan-IPTRID programme.
1. Improved O&M of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and enhanced rural livelihoods.
2. Management of drainage-water resources towards an NDA.
3. Water management in Baluchistan province.
4. Capacity building in GIS for waterlogging and salinity control.
5. Strengthening the IPTRID network in Pakistan.
The components of the five priority areas are presented in Table 1.
The role of IPTRID will be to facilitate implementation of the updated Pakistan-IPTRID programme. In the immediate term, this would involve preparing project documents on the five priority areas and helping the Government to mobilize resources to implement the formulated projects. IPTRID proposes the following actions:
submission of the mission report to WAPDA for endorsement by mid-July;
a three-day workshop in November 2001 on the five priorities identified by the mission, to be jointly organized by IPTRID and IWMI and hosted by IWASRI, the purpose of which is to compile all relevant national literature, including published papers and grey literature, on the priorities identified by the mission, discuss the issues and prepare PFFs on the five priority areas;
submission of the five PFFs to relevant donors and funding institutions, including the NDP;
preparation of full project documents on acceptance of the PFFs by the Government of Pakistan and identification of funds for project implementation.
It is proposed that activities relating to priority 5 be implemented quickly, using IPTRIDs core budget funds. Financial provisions have already been made for support to IPTRID country networks; within this provision, it may be possible to implement some initial hardware purchase for priority 3.
Table 1. Priority areas
Title |
Components |
Improved O&M of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and enhanced rural livelihoods. |
· Investigation of institutional factors for effective O&M in drainage; preparation of framework and checklist. · Investigation of benefits of farmer participation in O&M of drainage systems. · Assessment of drainage system performance. · Development of a management information system for improving O&M of drainage infrastructures. |
Management of drainage water resources towards an NDA: Sustainable use and disposal of drainage effluent. |
· Assessment of drainage water quantity and quality at national resource level. · Formulation of quality criteria and strategies for drainage water reuse. · Protection of drainage water quality from domestic and industrial pollution. · Contributing to a national accord on drainage water allocation, use and disposal. |
Water management in Baluchistan province. |
· Assessment of water availability, present and future demand and sustainability of water use. · Strategy for integrated water management in Baluchistan. · Groundwater management in Baluchistan. |
Capacity building in GIS for waterlogging and salinity control. |
· Strengthening IWASRI capacity in application of GIS and RS to waterlogging and salinity control. |
Strengthening the IPTRID network in Pakistan. |
· Enhancing the role of IWASRI as an IPTRID country network centre. · Establishing IWASRI as a centre for quality controlled information on waterlogging and salinity control in WCA-Infonet, IPTRIDs Internet search engine for water conservation information. |
The purpose of the mission was to identify new priority areas for IPTRID-facilitated research in the Pakistan irrigation and drainage sector. It was based on earlier project identification work associated with two IPTRID missions carried out in 1991 and 1993, and with progress made subsequently by the responsible Pakistani authorities. The mission reviewed the situation and identified five priorities that should be followed up for IPTRIDs recent initiative on new research projects relevant to current needs in the sector.
1. Improved O&M of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and enhanced rural livelihoods.
2. Enhanced management of drainage-water resources towards an NDA.
3. Water management in Baluchistan province.
4. Capacity building in GIS/RS for waterlogging and salinity control.
5. Strengthening the IPTRID network in Pakistan.
Mission background
In 1991, IPTRID and the relevant institutions in Pakistan formulated a research strategy for Pakistan containing a number of research priorities identified during consultation. The proposal, Research and development in waterlogging and salinity control (IPTRID, 1991), was accepted by the Ministry of Water and Power of the Government of Pakistan as a framework document for a Pakistan-IPTRID programme. The proposal contained project ideas under the following headings:
planning investigation and design of subsurface drainage projects;
improvement of drainage technology and installation of pipe drainage;
improvement of drainage O&M;
drainage of problem soils;
rehabilitation of old drainage systems;
environmental aspects;
monitoring and evaluation of drainage systems;
human resources development;
a Pakistan-Egypt joint research programme.
In 1993, IPTRID revisited Pakistan and helped IWASRI and other institutions to formulate a proposal called Environmentally sustainable reuse and disposal of drainage water in Pakistan (ENSURE) (IPTRID, 1993). At that time, there were indications that the European Union (EU) would fund the proposal. Unfortunately this did not materialize.
A number of these research priorities, however, were included in the NDP formulated by the Pakistan Government and the World Bank. Annex 2 gives details of the current list of R&D projects planned and being implemented.
IPTRID has been constantly engaged with IWASRI and other institutions to promote research and development in irrigation and drainage. This has been achieved through missions, workshops, informal discussions and correspondence, providing inputs to the NDP projects and selected activities of IWASRI and the IWMI-Pakistan programme.
IPTRID is currently undertaking a review of its country programmes. For this purpose, five country programmes have been selected: India, Pakistan, China, Egypt and Mexico. The purpose is to review the status of IPTRID country programmes formulated during the period 1990-93, update the programmes in accordance with current priorities and future needs and prepare a plan of action for implementing the updated programmes.
The IPTRID review mission
The objective of the IPTRID review mission was to review the status of implementation of projects identified in the IPTRID-Pakistan proposal Research and development in waterlogging and salinity control, evaluate present and future needs, update the IPTRID-Pakistan programme and assist IWASRI in establishing a Pakistan-IPTRID country network.
The mission was composed of Dr. Arum Kandiah, Programme Manager, IPTRID and Mr. Geoff Pearce, IPTRID Network Coordinator, ably assisted by IWASRI staff under the guidance of Dr M.N. Bhutta, Director General of IWASRI. Consultation was sought from WAPDA, the NDP, the Ministry of Water and Power and IWMI.
The duration of the mission was two weeks, from 3 to 16 June 2000.
The review process
As a starting point, the IPTRID-Pakistan proposal Research and development in waterlogging and salinity control was summarized into the 1991 project needs list. This list of the main needs identified at the time is given in Table 2.
Table 2. 1991 project needs list
Package |
Elements |
Priority rating in 1991 |
Planning investigation and design of subsurface drainage projects. |
· Evolve drainage criteria for multiple cropping. |
A |
· Apply RS technology and GIS to assess waterlogging and salinity. |
A |
· Model salt-water movement, developing flexible design procedures and field testing. |
A |
· Adapt and develop command-area development (CAD) system for drainage development. |
C |
Improvement of drainage technology and installation of pipe drainage. |
· Investigate applicability of mole drainage, including gravel-filled mole drains. |
C |
· Investigate skimming techniques to utilize thin layer of fresh groundwater. |
A |
· Investigate suitability of horizontal interceptor near large unlined canals. |
A |
Improvement of drainage O&M. |
· Investigate institutional factors for effective O&M in drainage and prepare a framework and checklists. |
A |
· Study ageing process in drainage systems and revise standards for drainage equipment and material. |
C |
· Develop design factors to minimize adverse environmental impacts in surface drains. |
C |
· Examine applicability of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in large irrigation projects. |
A |
Drainage of problem soils. |
· Methods and guidelines for reclaiming saline sodic heavy clays. |
A |
Rehabilitation of old drainage systems. |
· Assess performance of drainage systems. |
A |
· Cost-effective methods of rehabilitating tube wells. |
A |
Environmental aspects. |
· Investigate impact of marginal-quality water on soil fertility. |
A |
· Practical guide on safe use of blended water. |
B |
· Institutional factors for managing drainage water for irrigation. |
B |
· Investigate impact of using blended water. |
A |
· Demonstration and performance of stabilization ponds for treating and domestic wastewater for irrigation. |
A |
Monitoring and evaluation of drainage systems. |
· Develop database to operate existing systems and design new systems. |
A |
· Develop and install an information system for operating SCARPs. |
B |
· Develop an information management system for evaluating and assessing maintenance. |
A |
· Evaluate rehabilitation criteria. |
B |
Basin modelling. |
· Simulate water quality in major streams and irrigation canals. |
C |
· Simulate quality of groundwater. |
C |
· Simulate system as a whole. |
B |
· Investigate salt balance for river basins. |
A |
One of the main activities of the mission was to review this list of project needs, identifying what progress had been made and what new needs had emerged. Detailed discussions were held with the Director General and directors of IWASRI. The mission consulted leading authorities in Pakistan at the Ministry of Water and Power in Islamabad, the Sindh Irrigation Department in Hyderabad and WAPDA and the NDP in Lahore.
Annex 1 is a summary of the outcome of the review in terms of progress and revised status for action.
As a result of this process, a new list of five priority projects is proposed, set out in Table 3.
Table 3. 2000 project needs list
Title |
Components |
Improved O&M of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and enhanced rural livelihoods. |
· Investigation of institutional factors for effective O&M in drainage; preparation of a framework and checklists. · Investigation of the benefits of farmer participation in O&M of drainage systems. · Assessing the performance of drainage systems. · Developing a management information system for improving O&M of drainage systems. |
Enhanced management of drainage water resources towards an NDA: Sustainable use and disposal of drainage effluent. |
· Assessment of drainwater quantity and quality at national resource level. · Formulation of quality criteria and strategies for drainage- water reuse. · Protection of drainage-water quality from domestic and industrial pollution. · Contributing to a national accord on drainage-water allocation, use and disposal. |
Water management in Baluchistan province. |
· Assessing water availability and demand and sustainability of water use. · Strategy for integrated water management in Baluchistan. · Groundwater management in Baluchistan. |
Capacity building in GIS for waterlogging and salinity control. |
· Strengthening capacity of national agencies such as IWASRI on application of GIS and RS in waterlogging and salinity control. |
Strengthening the IPTRID network in Pakistan. |
· Enhancing the role of IWASRI as an IPTRID country-network centre. · Establishing IWASRI as a centre for quality-controlled information on waterlogging and salinity control in WCA-Infonet, IPTRIDs Internet search engine for water conservation information. |
Plan of Action
3-16 June 2000 |
Initial mission to assess whether research needs still need action. |
July 2000 |
Submission of mission recommendations to Government of Pakistan. |
August 2000 |
Identification of possible project sponsors: (Global Water Partnership/EU?). |
November 2000 |
Three-day workshop to compile relevant national literature including formally published papers and grey literature on the five priorities identified by the mission, discuss issues and prepare PFFs. |
December 2000 |
Formal submission of PFFs to the Government of Pakistan and donors. |
Early 2001 |
Preparation of full project documentation. |
2001-2004 |
Implementation and monitoring of projects. |
With the introduction of perennial irrigation, watertable levels in the Indus basin have been gradually rising. This has led to waterlogging and salinization of agricultural land. The Government of Pakistan has embarked on a number of initiatives to combat the problem (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Map of Indus basin groundwater quality
SCARPs have been implemented in three phases since 1959 in the form of deep tube-wells (Table 4).
Table 4. SCARPs three phases since 1959 in form of deep tube-wells
SCARP-I: 1960-1989 |
38 SCARPs covering 4.2 million ha |
14 000 tubewells |
8 200 km open drains |
13 400 ha installed with tile drains |
SCARP-II: 1988-1993 |
1.4 million ha |
2 800 tubewells |
3 640 km open drains |
120 000 ha installed with tile drains |
SCARP-III: 1994-1999 |
1 600 tubewells |
2 140 km open drains |
200 000 ha installed with tile drains |
There is a need to manage the large volumes of saline drainage effluent produced in the SCARPs; options include:
disposal in evaporation ponds;
discharge into the river Indus;
conveyance to the Arabian Sea through the LBOD.
In the upper section of the Indus basin, the best way to dispose of saline drain water is to discharge it into the river system. In the middle section, there is no natural outlet and evaporation ponds seem to be a viable option. In the lower Indus, drainage effluent can be conveyed to the sea by means of the LBOD spinal drain for areas that can discharge into it. Considerable attention is being given to means of extending the system to other areas.
In all three areas, however, the issue of reuse is relevant either as a means of increasing available water resources or of disposing of highly saline water.
Drainwater reuse
High operational and repair costs, however, combined with distribution of saline water from the brackish groundwater zone, have necessitated a shift from deep tubewells to shallow wells and pipe drainage. The SCARP programme has, regrettably, contributed to widespread accumulation of salt in the soil surface. Because of the serious shortcomings of the SCARP programme, the NDP was initiated in 1997.
It is estimated that from 2001 to 2025, extra demand in Pakistan will require an additional 62.9 billion m3 of water from river diversion and 28.4 billion m3 from groundwater extraction; present extraction rates are 130.7 billion m3 and 59.2 billion m3 respectively. Pakistan will inevitably be faced with a critical water situation; augmenting existing supply is thus a critical need. Reuse of drainage effluent can provide significant amounts to reduce this shortfall, but reuse of drainage water requires special considerations if it is to be sustainable and socially acceptable.
Efficient performance of the drainage subsector is essential for sustained agricultural development. It is, however, plagued with multifarious problems, including:
inadequate resources and inefficient O&M of completed drainage facilities, which endangers sustainability;
continued incidence of waterlogging and salinity;
accumulation of salts in the Indus basin, resulting from lack of facilities for disposal of salts outside the system;
drainage projects characterized by implementation delays, a growing number of incomplete projects, cost overruns and low rates of return.
These cannot be addressed through increased financial input alone; they require a new approach in implementation, operation and maintenance of drainage infrastructures.
In line with this new approach, the NDP is oriented to ensure efficient O&M of drainage systems through motivation of beneficiaries, increased participatory management and involvement of the private sector.
The project has therefore been conceived as a first step towards encouraging institutional and policy reforms and initiating changes in the legal and regulatory framework. The aims are to allow farmers and the private sector to play their role in improving O&M of drainage facilities and making them more sustainable, and to ease funding constraints by improving management of public expenditure and financing of a portion of the Governments current and planned drainage investments. These objectives are to be achieved by:
undertaking studies on planning, strategy and preparation of drainage schemes;
carrying out policy and institutional reforms, including strategic reviews of drainage institutions;
improving O&M through farmer and private-sector participatory management and funding the transition for a limited period;
improving monitoring and evaluation of drainage schemes and long term research in drainage;
investing in drainage to refurbish existing facilities, expedite completion of ongoing projects and undertake new priority work;
investing in tertiary irrigation systems and water management to improve operation and reduce drainable surplus.
The NDP as a whole is a fund to finance eligible investments. Programme costs and financing plans have been estimated for planning purposes only. The schemes in the programme description are indicative and subject to additions or deletions. Schemes not mentioned in the programme description could be included subject to meeting eligibility criteria.
The project includes a substantial budget to coordinate research efforts by Pakistani institutions deemed to be part of the national priority. Details of the present research plan are given in Annex 2.
The project, the first stage of a major drainage programme in Sindh, was designed to provide integrated development of irrigation and drainage in part of the perennial command of Sukkur Barrage on the left bank of the Indus (Figure 2). Principal components include an outfall for saline drainage effluent to the Arabian Sea, phased construction of three drainage sub-areas, remodelling of the Nara and Jamrao canal system, construction of Chotiari reservoir and watercourse improvement. Technical assistance was provided in the preparation of detailed designs and tender documents and planning and supervision of construction.
Figure 2. Relation of LBOD to the Indus basin irrigation system
The project would cover 516 000 ha in three sub-areas: Nawabshah, Sanghar and Mirpurkhas Figure 3). It was the first major investment in subsurface drainage of saline groundwater in Sindh since the Khairpur II project in 1976, and the first such project to dispose of saline drainage effluent completely outside the serviced area. Rural and urban areas would benefit from surface drains extending to the sub-areas. Drainage tubewells and subsurface tile drains would be provided for drainage relief. Horizontal interceptor drains and scavenger tubewells would be installed to recover and utilize part of the seepage from larger canals and fresh shallow groundwater in the northern half of Sanghar. The project would expand irrigation in Sanghar and Mirpurkhas by increasing the capacity of the Nara and Jamrao canal and by developing Chotiari reservoir to regulate additional water from the river.
The estimated US$636 million project cost is expected to be jointly financed by the Asian Development Bank, the Canadian International Development Agency, the United Kingdom Department for International Development, the Saudi Fund for Development, the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund for Development. Cost recovery provisions include eventual recovery of full O&M costs from beneficiaries.
The major components of the project have been implemented and are operational, including remodelling of canals and watercourses, surface and subsurface drainage including tubewells and scavenger wells, and interceptor drainage. Farmer participation in some O&M components has been mobilized (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of LBOD function
Annex 1. Review of 1991 list of research priorities
Notes referred to in the third column are given in Annex 3.
Package |
Elements (priority) |
Present Evaluation |
Planning investigation and design of subsurface drainage projects |
Evolve drainage criteria for multiple cropping (A) |
Work has been done; see note 1. |
Apply RS and GIS to assess waterlgging ad salinity (A) |
Updating of technology and facilities needed for RS, GIS and CAD is complete at IWASRI but continues at IWMI-Pakistan. There may be some capability at WAPDAs WMED; see note 2. One way to progress would be to update IWASRIs GIS system, following suitable training of staff. This resource would then become available to other groups such as WAPDA for carrying out project activities. |
Model salt-water movement; develop flexible design procedures and field testing (A). |
Modelling does not seem to be a useful approach, because the models used are too sensitive. Models applicable to local conditions are needed. |
Adapt and develop CAD system for drainage development (C). |
CAD should be developed for use in real field conditions. This need should be built into the GIS element (ii). |
Improvement of drainage technology and installation of pipe drainage |
Investigate applicability of mole drainage, including gravel-filled mole drains (C) |
Moles not relevant in Pakistan |
Investigate skimming techniques to utilize thin layer of fresh groundwater (A) |
Reduce priority to (C); there is no need for new research. Skimming techniques have been researched for the last 20 years (see IWASRI Publication 77). The problems are: (i) disturbance of the system when skimming wells lift saline waters; (ii) the use of multiple screen tube-wells. The emphasis should be on disseminating existing knowledge to farmer-users, but this advice will vary for different areas. There is, however, a need for an overall review of problems concerning application of skimming wells. |
Investigate suitability of horizontal interceptor in the vicinity of large unlined canals (A) |
Completed. Research has sown that this technique has very limited applicability. |
Improvement of drainage O&M |
Investigate institutional factors for effective O&M in drainage and prepare a framework and checklists (A). |
Should stay at priority A; see note 3. A detailed manual for O&M of drainage systems and new, appropriate methods for drain maintenance are needed. Participation of farmers in drain maintenance is urgently needed. |
Study ageing process in drainage systems and revise standards for drainage equipment and material (C). |
Completed. Should be removed from the new list. |
Develop design factors to minimize adverse environmental impacts of surface drains (C). |
Completed. Should be removed from the new list. |
Examine applicability of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in large irrigation projects (A). |
Sufficient research has been carried out by organizations such as MREP, the DLR, the Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian and agriculture universities showing that water of higher salinities can be used during the rabi (water shortage) periods for growing winter crops. This entails conjunctive use of fresh surface water with saline groundwater. Farmers are now relatively experienced in mixing technologies. During the monsoon kharif season, the abundant surface water supply can be used to achieve suitable leaching; see note 4. |
Drainage of problem soils |
Methods and guidelines for reclaiming saline sodic heavy clays (A) |
Many studies have been done but this is still an important area, because heavy soils constitute 5-10% of the cultivated area. Put on reserve list as a Priority B project; see note 5. |
Rehabilitation of old drainage systems |
Assessing performance of drainage systems (A) |
Should remain at A. Assessment of recently installed surface drainage systems remains a priority. Extensive areas of Pakistan are suffering from rising water tables. Remedies include reducing recharge to groundwater or lowering the watertable depth through abstraction; see note 6. This topic should be included in C and the new evaluation project. |
Cost-effective methods of rehabilitating tube wells (A). |
Completed. Rehabilitation using mechanical surging, air surging and chemical treatment can be effective in restoring capacity for tube wells whose delivery has fallen to 40% of original capacity. Tube wells should be rehabilitated annually or when a 30% reduction has occurred. Rehabilitation was found to be inexpensive; see note 7. |
Environmental apects |
Investigate the impact of marginal quality water on soil fertility. Practical guide on safe use of blended water (A) |
Sections i, ii and iii are taken into the new drainwater protection proposal, to assist in development of an NDA. This will involve evaluation of drainwater quantity and quality for safe, sustainable water management. |
Institutional factors for managing drainage water for irrigation (B). |
Investigate the impact of using blended water (B). |
Demonstration and performance of stabilization ponds for treating domestic wastewater for irrigation (A). |
Various exercises have shown that pollution is widespread in Pakistan. This potential project is recommended as a project for other institutions, such as EPAs. There is a need for protection of drainwater from municipal and industrial wastes. |
Monitoring and evaluation of drainage systems. |
Develop a database for effective operation of existing systems and planning of new systems (A). |
Should remain at A and be included in the new Evaluation Project (C). Considerable work has been completed with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) support and should be extended. |
Develop and install an information system for operating SCARP schemes (B). |
No more SCARPs are required. This topic should be removed from the new list. |
Develop an information management system for evaluating and assessing maintenance (A). |
Should remain at A and included in the Evaluation Project (C). |
Evaluate criteria to assess refurbishment needs (B). |
Should remain at A and included in the Evaluation Project (C). |
Basin modelling. |
Simulate water quality in major streams and irrigation canals (C). |
These are still important needs, but are catered for under the NDP. |
Simulate quality of groundwater (C). |
This is being done by IWMI. |
Simulate system as a whole (B). |
Investigate salt balance for river basins (A). |
This remains an important need and is directly relevant to the development of the NDA. |
Annex 2. Status of NDP research studies and proposals
Study title |
Lead organization |
Status |
Cost: PRs (millions) |
Maintenance of surface drainage systems |
Ready to start |
17.5 |
Collaborative on-farm pipe drainage |
Ready to start |
10.0 |
Institutional framework for sustainable irrigation |
Ready to start |
30.0 |
Use of brackish drainwater for agriculture and forestry |
Ongoing |
42.6 |
*Impact of tile drainage on land and water |
Final preparation |
20.3 |
Design and management of evaporation ponds |
Ongoing |
35.1 |
Rootzone salinity management using skimming wells and pressurised irrigation |
Ongoing |
38.1 |
+Protecting drainwater from municipal effluent |
Final preparation |
20.0 |
Water-quality monitoring/modelling, Chenab |
Contract preparation |
13.7 |
Farmer participatory technology transfer for reuse |
Final preparation |
4.5 |
Salt management technology transfer to farmers |
Final preparation |
9.5 |
M&E of canal/drain seepage using tracers |
Irrigation Research Institute, Lahore (IRI) |
Contract preparation |
7.7 |
Saline water utilization on salt-resistant plants |
Contract preparation |
1.0 |
Orchard water requirement in Balochistan |
Contract preparation |
4.4 |
*Reclamation of saline/sodic soil in Kohat |
Final preparation |
3.1 |
+Effects of sewage water on vegetables and fruit, Quetta |
Final preparation |
7.8 |
+Impact of sugar industry pollution on LBOD |
Final preparation |
9.6 |
*Managing small-scale waterlogging, NWFP |
Final preparation |
9.8 |
Slow response of farmers to O&M, LBOD |
Contract preparation |
3.4 |
*Drainage of rice areas in Kashmir for 2nd crop |
Final preparation |
8.0 |
Integrated application of technologies for agriculture |
Contract delayed |
28.2 |
Evaluation of shallow aquifer sustainability |
Contract delayed |
6.6 |
Aquatic weed control in surface drains, LBOD |
Contract delayed |
18.1 |
Effect of water quality on soil fertility |
Contract delayed |
17.0 |
Chemical monitoring of Punjab rivers |
Contract delayed |
3.4 |
Airborne test survey for salinity mapping |
Contract delayed |
13.0 |
Hydrological monitoring of scavenger wells |
Contract delayed |
15.2 |
On-farm use of sulphurous acid generator |
Contract delayed |
10.0 |
Saline and brackish water utilization |
Contract delayed |
1.0 |
Pat feeder seepage/groundwater regime |
Contract delayed |
5.8 |
Improving Chakanwal drainage efficiency |
Contract delayed |
6.8 |
Effect of wastewater on biodiversity, Fuleli |
Contract delayed |
0.9 |
Testing cost-effective watercourse plastic lining |
Contract delayed |
2.5 |
M&E of natural drainage channels |
Proposal review |
8.2 |
Efficiency and economics of tubewell drainage |
Proposal review |
13.6 |
Critical evaluation of lining and materials |
Proposal review |
10.0 |
Safety evaluation of drainage structures |
Proposal review |
4.0 |
Biodrainage: tree plantations for WT control |
Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) |
Proposal review |
11.2 |
Evaluation of scavenger wells, LBOD |
Effects of Hairdeen drain water on wheat |
Proposal review |
4.6 |
Performance of interceptor drains, LBOD |
Proposal review |
10.0 |
Effect of population on biodiversity |
Proposal review |
0.4 |
Drainage by bioreclamation of saline soil |
Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) |
Proposal review |
5.0 |
Effectiveness of interceptor drains |
Proposal review |
13.7 |
Farmer-managed canals, Sindh |
Proposal review |
4.4 |
Total |
509.0 |
*,+ = linked projects
Annex 3. Reports on progress in research priorities
Note 1: Drainage design criteria for multiple cropping
A number of subsurface pipe-drainage projects have been started in the last 20 years in Pakistan. The main purpose was to keep watertables at a depth suitable for maximum cropping yield in waterlogged areas. As there was no previous experience, the initial field-drainage design at EKTD project was set at 3.5mm/day. This was reduced to 3.0 mm/day for Mardan SCARP, 2.44 mm/day for Fourth Drainage Project (FDP), 2.0 mm/day for Swabi SCARP and 1.50 mm/day for the FESS project. These projects were designed with different parameters according to soil types, as shown in Table A3-1.1
Table A3-1.1 Design parameters used for pipe drainage projects in Pakistan
Design parameters |
Mardan SCARP |
Mirpurkhas and LBOD |
Khushab SCARP |
Swabi SCARP |
Q (mm/day) |
2.5-3.5 |
3.0 |
2.44 |
1.2-4.6 |
3.0 |
1.5 |
1.8 |
2.0 |
H (m) |
1.0 |
1.05 |
1.2 |
1.4 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
1.0 |
W (m) |
1.95 |
2.25 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
2.1 |
2.1 |
2.1 |
1.8 |
h (m) |
0.95 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
h/q (days) |
270-380 |
400 |
500 |
200-750 |
300 |
600 |
500 |
400 |
Source: Bhutta et al., 1995.
1 Cultural Command Area Drainage Project
The table shows that different parameters were used for different subsurface drainage projects. These areas were prime agricultural land before these processes became necessary. Many fields were abandoned because of salinity or severe waterlogging. The measures provided artificial drainage, making the area productive and protecting it from further deterioration.
The objectives of the subsurface projects were to:
optimize agricultural production;
improve the living conditions of the rural population;
contribute to self-sufficiency in food and fibre.
Subsurface drainage is very important for agriculture, because it creates a balance in the rootzone, keeps the watertable below waterlogging limits and controls excessive irrigation, which makes multiple cropping possible. In some areas of Faisalabad and West Khairpur Tile Drainage (WKTD), for example, where rice was the only crop, installation of subsurface drainage makes it possible to grow wheat and fodder crops after the rice harvest. At Mardan, multiple cropping of wheat and sugar beet has commenced following installation of subsurface drainage.
The design depth of the watertable for multiple cropping is usually 1.2 m. In some cases, a depth of 1.5 m has had to be used. To create this depth, field pipe drains (laterals) were kept at an average depth of 1.8 m, with 160 m spacing. The design varied from area to area according to hydraulic conductivity and soil strata.
Note 2: Modelling salt water movement, developing flexible design procedures and field testing (From Dr Ramzan)
Under the climate conditions prevailing in Pakistan, waterlogging led to soil salinization because of evaporation from the surface. Research is required to establish the exact nature of the processes and to develop solutions. A research tool used for this purpose is modelling salt-water movement, developing flexible design procedures and field testing.
The soil-water-atmosphere plant system (SWAP) model was calibrated for local conditions in the FDP, Faisalabad and FESS (Bahawalnagar) and applied in order to evaluate its practicability. The model, a transient-flow simulation model for soil/root systems, uses the Richards equation combined with a root-water extraction model. The model requires daily data on weather, irrigation, crop, soil and drainage design.
SWAP proved useful in understanding how climatic, crop and soil parameters interact in soil/water flow and is recommended for studying how these factors interact and affect the environmental balance. The model is contributing to better understanding of environmental processes.
Shallow lysimeters should be used in future, so that changes in flux may be more clearly monitored, and studies made for longer periods of time. This model may be calibrated and tested for other parts of Pakistan, such as Sindh and Baluchistan.
The salinity computer model (SALTMOD) was also calibrated in FDP and FESS, with the objective of evaluating the long-term effect of drainage on waterlogging and salinity and assessing the implications for agriculture; the results indicate that the model enables satisfactory evaluation. The study revealed that under those conditions, a drain depth of 1.6 m with 183 m spacing and a drain depth of 1.4 m with 152 m spacing are acceptable. This model should, however, be tested under different soil and climatic conditions.
Note 3: GIS/RS capability building in IWASRI (From Mr Imitaz)
The traditional approach to monitoring and management of resources was to use computational/process models. With the introduction of GIS/RS, emphasis has been diverted towards a combination of GIS and mathematical models that utilizes the analytical and display capabilities of GIS. Integration of GIS/RS and process models can provide a more powerful tool for supporting decision-making in irrigation, water management and soil salinity problems. GIS software and hardware tools can be integrated into an interactive graphics-based data manager that can be used to provide automatic simulation of watersheds.
The theme of IWASRI research is related to aspects of controlling or minimizing waterlogging and salinity. In order to solve complex problems and develop solutions, GIS technology was acquired by IWASRI during 1996. Since then, the GIS section has been using these tools to analyse groundwater, drainage, soil and socio-environmental data of various projects.
Development of human resources is a fundamental requirement for carrying out surveys and related activities efficiently. IWASRI staff need training in disciplines such as image processing and GIS; the present GIS hardware and software at IWASRI need to be upgraded. Image-processing facilities are not available at IWASRI at present, but GIS section staff have obtained basic training and could easily deal with image processing if the necessary software, hardware and training can be arranged at international institutes.
Note 4: Effective O&M and farmer participation in drainage projects (From Mr Massartt Ali Khan)
Effective and continuous maintenance is vital for surface and subsurface drainage systems. Without adequate maintenance, even a well designed and constructed drainage system will turn into a marshy strip full of weeds and will ultimately lose its utility altogether. Rehabilitation may require complete restoration at high cost. Similarly, subsurface drainage may choke in the early stages if it is not properly maintained.
The objective of maintenance is to keep the system running in top condition and obtain the longest life and greatest use of the facilities at lowest cost.
The most common causes of deterioration of surface drainage systems are sedimentation, slope slumping, bank erosion and weed infestation. Subsurface drainage, if installed correctly and maintained regularly, may give trouble-free service for a long period. The main cause for failure of subsurface systems is deterioration of physical and hydraulic conditions, which are affected by the following factors:
blockage of slots by salt deposits;
clogging of gravel envelope;
blockage by roots;
breakage of drainpipes;
submergence of outlets by buildup in the collector.
Maintenance of subsurface drains normally comprises using water jets and applying sulphur dioxide. These operations have to be carefully planned. A detailed O&M manual for drainage systems, including the major structures, needs to be prepared and distributed. Research is needed to develop new ideas and methods.
Farmer participation in drainage O&M is urgently needed in Pakistan. IWASRI/NRAP initiated a pilot participatory drainage-system project near Bahawalnagar in 1995, with the aim of involving farmers fully in implementing measures for controlling waterlogging and salinity. At the outset, farmers were reluctant to pay for pump fuel but later on they realized that it was in their interests to keep the system in continuous operation. The project is now working successfully.
Note 5: Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater in large irrigation projects (From Mr Hafeez)
Pakistans canal irrigation network handles 130 billion cm3 of water each year to irrigate approximately 16 million hectares of agricultural land. This apparently enormous amount of irrigation water has not satisfied rapidly increasing water requirements resulting from increased cropping intensity, changes in cropping patterns and, above all, the drive for increased production to meet the food and fibre requirements of the growing population. The Government of Pakistan installed about 15 000 SCARP tubewells to control waterlogging and salinity and augment canal irrigation supplies. This has introduced the concept of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, which has resulted in farmers installing approximately 500 000 private shallow tubewells. The quality of pumped water varies from 150 to 250 ppm. With the passage of time, farmers have gained sufficient knowledge and experience of conjunctive water use.
Sufficient research covering all aspects related to conjunctive water use has been carried out by many research organizations such as MREP, DLR, SSRI, Pindi Bhattian and agricultural universities in Punjab, NWFP and Sindh. Published research findings have established that water of relatively high salinity can be used during water-shortage periods for growing winter (rabi) crops. During the monsoon (kharif) period, when supply is abundant, good-quality water can be used to grow crops and leach salts in the soil down to lower layers. Sustainability in irrigated agriculture is thus achieved and deterioration of soils and the environment is minimized.
Note 6: Methods and guidelines for reclaiming saline sodic heavy soils (from Dr Ramzen)
Heavy soils account for only a low percentage of soils in Pakistan. These soils result from poor drainage, low rainfall, low leaching, continuous accumulation of sodium salts and a high proportion of clay. If leaching applied to the soil is not sufficient and treatments to replace sodium in the soil exchange complex are not carried out, these soils develop salinity and sodicity and become impermeable.
Such soils can be reclaimed by adding gypsum of the required amount. Crop growing can help to remove sodium from the soil exchange complex, because roots generate CO2 that helps the reclamation process. Predominantly clay soils can be made more permeable by adding silt.
IWASRI conducted a study entitled Comparison of physical methods (subsoiling, deep ploughing, chiseling) combined with chemical and biological amendments for reclamation of saline sodic soils with hard layers, in which the subsoiler was recommended for reclamation of saline sodic soils. The chisel plough can be considered a good alternative, however, if a subsoiler is not available. The use of tine cultivators should be avoided, because they are shown to be less efficient in reclamation. Higher gypsum doses, preferably 100 percent of requirements, should be used to accelerate the reclamation process.
Other experiments have been carried out by Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) in collaboration with the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and other institutes. Only limited research has been done, so further experiments on the reclamation of heavy soils should be carried out under different climatic conditions.
Note 7: Assessing the performance of drainage systems (from Mr Massartt Ali Khan)
Drainage removes saturation of the rootzone in the soil profile. Saturated (waterlogged) soils suffer from restricted aeration and susceptibility to salinization, which restricts uptake of water by plants. Subsurface drains comprise tubewells (vertical drainage) and tile or pipe drains (horizontal drainage).
Surface drainage alone cannot prevent waterlogging and salinization in irrigated areas. Irrigation in Pakistan has been successful for many years without subsurface drains, because deep percolation of excess irrigation water provided salinity control in the rootzone. The watertable has risen to near the soil surface, however, resulting in secondary salinization and difficulty in removing excess waters. Subsurface drainage is needed to prevent the watertable from rising near to the surface.
Sources of water are local precipitation, irrigation water and surface runoff. Seepage from canals, irrigated fields and ponds add to the water available.
Remedial actions comprise reducing the amount of water entering the soil and lowering the watertable by abstraction. The amount of water entering the soil may be reduced by:
lining canals and watercourses;
improving water management;
removing rain and spill water as quickly as possible with efficient surface-drainage systems.
Abstraction can be done by:
subsurface drainage systems;
natural seepage;
plant evapotranspiration.
The performance indicators for assessment of drainage systems are:
prompt removal of excess water;
prevention of waterlogging;
maintaining optimum watertable depth;
drainage discharge;
increase crop yield over time.
Note 8: Rehabilitation of tubewells (From Mr Abdul Wahad Nagi)
WAPDA has so far installed more than 15 000 tubewells in various SCARPs in the Indus basin. The performance of these tubewells has unfortunately deteriorated steadily. Approximately 10 percent have been refurbished by the Tubewell Replacement Works Cell.
Causes of early deterioration of tubewells include poor design of the gravel pack, overdesign of the gravel-pack thickness, oversized screen slots and segregation of the gravel pack.
Results obtained from rehabilitation trials indicate that discharge and specific capacity can be improved to some extent. Tubewell rehabilitation is very effective if specific capacity has been reduced by less than 40 percent.
The apparent handicap is that the installed gravel pack cannot be improved from its original design. The result is that a few years after rehabilitation, fines can again choke the pack and close the slots. Biofouling may become active again.
It is therefore recommended that less expensive methods should be employed, to make rehabilitation more cost-effective. Regular rehabilitation should be carried out when wells show declines of 30 percent.
The methods for refurbishing deteriorated tubewells are:
mechanical surging;
air surging;
chemical treatment such as polyphosphate or chlorination.
Annex 4. Outline planning for IPTRID-facilitated projects
Investigation of institutional factors for effective O&M in drainage and preparation of a framework and checklists that can be used in evaluation processes.
Investigation of the benefits of farmer participation in provision and O&M of drainage systems.
Assessment of the performance of existing drainage systems.
Development of a management-information system for improving the O&M of drainage systems.
Assessment of drainwater resources in terms of quantity and quality at national level.
Formulation of quality criteria and strategies for drainwater reuse.
Protection of drainwater quality from domestic and industrial pollution.
Contributing to a national accord on drainwater allocation, use and disposal.
Assessing water demand and availability and sustainability of water use.
Strategy for integrated water management in Baluchistan.
Groundwater management in Baluchistan.
Strengthening the capacity of national agencies such as IWASRI in application of GIS and RS in waterlogging and salinity control.
Enhanced the role of IWASRI as IPTRID national network centre for Pakistan.
Establishment of IWASRI as a technical centre for specialist scientific information on IPTRIDs WCA-Infonet.
Development of links with IWMI as a member of the IPTRID network.
Annex 5. IPTRID mission details
Dr Arum Kandiah, (former) Programme Manager, IPTRID
Viale della Terme di Caracella
00100 Rome
Tel: 0039 06 5705 4033.
Fax: 0039 06 5705 6275
Mr Geoff Pearce, IPTRID Network Coordinator
HR Wallingford
Howbery Park
OX10 8EW
Tel: 0044 1491 822439.
Fax: 0044 1491 826352
3 June |
Initial meeting: IWASRI |
4 June |
Consultation: IWMI |
5 June |
Consultation: NDP/GM, IWMI |
6 June |
Review meeting: IWASRI |
7 June |
Individual meetings: IWASRI; transfer to Islamabad |
8 June |
Meetings: Ministry of Water and Power, FAO representative; return to Lahore |
9 June |
Meeting: DG, IWASRI; transfer to Hyderabad; meeting: WAPDA-LBOD |
10 June |
Field visit to LBOD project; meeting: LIM; return to Lahore |
11 June |
Rest day |
12 June |
Report preparation |
13 June |
Meeting: IWASRI, IWMI |
14 June |
Meeting: IWASRI, NDP |
15 June |
Finalization and closure |
IWASRI, Lahore
DG |
Dr M.N. Bhutta |
Directors |
Dr M. Alam, |
Dr Ramzan Choudhery |
Mr Hafeez |
Mr A Wahab Nagi |
Mr Musarat Ali Khan |
Mr Imtiaz Ahmed |
National Drainage Project, WAPDA, Lahore
General Manager |
Eng. Tariq Masood |
Research Adviser |
Dr T. Boers |
IWMI-Pakistan, Lahore
Director |
Dr S.A. Prathapar |
Senior experts |
Paul Vehmeyer |
Dr Shafiq |
Ministry of Water and Power, Islamabad
Senior joint secretary |
Eng. S. Ibrahim Shah |
Chief engineering adviser Eng. |
Riaz Ahmed Khan |
Chairman Federal Flood Commission |
Chief (water) P&D dept |
Eng. Abdul Hafeez Qaiser |
FAO, UN House, 5th Floor, Saudi Pak Tower, Islamabad
FAO representative |
Adel Mahmoud Aboul Naga |
WAPDA, LBOD Project, Hasseinabad, Hyderabad
Director (O&M) |
Eng. S. Raghib Abbass Shah |
LIM, Hyderabad
Director |
Eng. Faiz Ahmed |
Country: |
Pakistan |
Proposed Title: |
Integration of irrigation, groundwater and effluent management towards a national drainage accord |
Date: |
November 2000 |
Donor: |
To be identified |
Project symbol: |
Estimated Government contribution: |
US$100 000 |
PCS No.: |
Estimated duration: |
3 years |
Tentative donor contribution: |
US$900 000 |
In June 1991, a first mission by IPTRID identified the need for R&D in Pakistan. The mission was combined with a similar identification of R&D needs in Egypt. It resulted in a document entitled: Egypt and Pakistan: proposal for joint research and development waterlogging and salinity control.
A second mission was carried out in June 2000 to update the Pakistan-IPTRID programme, resulting in five priorities.
1. Improved O&M of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and livelihoods.
2. Management of drainage water resources towards an NDA: Sustainable use and disposal of drainage effluent.
3. Cater management in Baluchistan province.
4. Capacity building in GIS/RS for waterlogging and salinity control.
5. Strengthening the IPTRID network in Pakistan.
In order to develop R&D on priority (a), IPTRID suggested locating the project in the province of Sindh, because waterlogging and salinization of the rootzone is worsening continuously in the area. It was not located in the province of Punjab because groundwater tables generally fall there. This could be explained by an evapotranspirative demand that exceeds available agricultural water from rainfall and irrigation. The difference is to some extent made up by the use of deep, shallow tubewells to extract groundwater.
R&D for priorities 3, 4 and 5 will be formulated separately.
Main development objective
The main development objective is management of drainage water resources towards a NDA: Sustainable use and disposal of drainage effluent.
Background to the NDA
IPTRIDs main collaborating agency in Pakistan is IWASRI, based in Lahore. IPTRID engaged IWASRI staff to write a state-of-the-art paper on R&D related to the NDA, which provides input to the present document. Another body of particular importance for IPTRIDs R&D effort in Pakistan is the NDP, a project funded by the World Bank, at present being carried out by Pakistan Drainage Consultants. The NDP is represented in all provincial capitals and works are being implemented.
There is now nation-wide consensus in Pakistan that the country requires an integrated approach to water management. At provincial level, existing water rights virtually dictate who will get what volumes; there is little or no flexibility in water distribution at national and provincial levels. Beyond provincial level, flow is divided among the many ICCs; some flexibility in water delivery exists at these levels. The broad concept of a national water management accord would be ideal, but the concept of an NDA is probably a better reflection of the present situation. The NDA is a long-term concept of drainage management at national, provincial and ICC levels dealing with effluent flows originating from irrigation schemes. Figure 1 in Annex 2 depicts the Indus basin irrigation system in Pakistan.
The IWASRI paper gives a good overview of the issues to be dealt with by the NDA. A summary and conclusions from the paper appears in the Box 1, with some textual corrections by the author of this document.
IPTRIDs proposed R&D contribution towards the NDA
The NDA requires concerted action on effluent management from all ICCs. For the NDA to become operational, ICCs should send daily information on flow and water quality to provincial and national operational control centers in charge of distribution. Similarly, lower management in the ICCs should inform their senior management about flow and water quality. A sound approach is to separate the responsibilities and link them to the water management levels in the irrigation system.
The water-control centre is the Indus River System Authority (IRSA), which is in charge of irrigation and drainage management. For this it requires daily information as to flow volumes and water quality from ICCs and elsewhere. There are some 50 ICCs in the Indus river basin (see Annex 2, Figure 2).
IPTRID would select two ICCs representing Sindh and Punjab, which would constitute the first building blocks of the NDA. At a later stage, all ICCs will follow suit. Based on the results obtained from the two initial ICCs, they would have to implement a strategy for collecting, processing and sending data to IRSA.
BOX 1: OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUES TO BE DEALT WITH BY THE NDA ISSUES The main issues requiring attention for the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in Pakistan are:
INFORMATION REQUIRED A coherent plan for the NDA needs the following basic information:
To obtain this information, the following are needed:
ORGANIZATIONS Federal level: NDP, dealing with drainage systems at national level. Provincial level: PIDAs, dealing with drainage systems at provincial level with active farmer participation. Farm level: on-farm drainage systems, with farmer participation. Monitoring: WAPDA; comprehensive and continuous monitoring at national level with the coordination of provincial environmental protection agencies. Research: carried out by coordinated national and provincial departments. IMPLEMENTATION Preparation of the NDA has been decided by ECNEC. The proposal should spell out responsibilities of national and provincial organizations in an efficient and environmentally sustainable national drainage system. The national drainage system aspect of the NDA is envisaged as an interconnected system of federally owned and operated outfall drains for the entire Indus basin to carry saline drainage effluent to the sea. It will act as control to the long-term drainage strategy and River Basin Management (RBM) programme for the Indus basin. The NSDS will call for development of a framework for cost sharing, operational and financial planning, environmental control, resettlement and coordination of details among provinces, federations and WAPDA. An inter-provincial drainage accord, parallel to the inter-provincial water accord, should be evolved and enforced well ahead of the commissioning of NSDS to avoid controversy in future. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions
The Lower Jehlum Canal Command (see Figure 3) is the ICC proposed for an IPTRID-formulated R&D project in Punjab. It has an area of 700 000 ha and all the features required for a fair representation of current problems and future expectations, i.e. worsening water scarcity to come for ICCs in the Punjab.
As yet, no ICC has been selected for Sindh. An R&D proposal will be developed for the Punjab first and at a later stage for Sindh.
The proposed project is to investigate how best to provide for integrated irrigation, groundwater and effluent management at ICC level and below. The project hinges on two main R&D strategies:
1. investigation of optimum methods of data collection and transmission to higher levels in the irrigation control system (IRSA at macro level);
2. investigation of optimum management practices in ICCs (micro level), down to farm level.
This requires a significant R&D effort, including:
adequate irrigation management for different scenarios of water quantity and quality;
identification of point-source and non-point-source pollution;
optimizing groundwater management through recharge and controlled pumping by tubewells;
groundwater pollution;
salinity control;
preparing water and salt balances for different scenarios of crop and water management when water volumes greater or smaller than average are available for irrigation;
assessing potentials for using or re-using tubewell water as deep percolation losses increase groundwater quantity but reduce quality;
assessing potentials for re-using effluent by blending with better-quality water for medium- and long-term strategies;
institutional, social and legal issues;
integration of these aspects in overall water management.
Environmental aspects will play a major role. Drainage systems and other water conveyance infrastructures are often used to dispose of municipal and industrial waste and even toxic wastes. Pollution can be reduced by better source control, such as purification and reduction of amounts, and improved effluent management to deal with remnants of salts and other pollutants after purification. These issues will play a major role at both macro and micro levels in achieving the projects main objective: optimizing management of drainage flows.
Some general principles for effluent management are given in Annex 1: Effluent management principles.
Macro level
At sector and subsector level, the agencies involved in irrigation and drainage, agricultural and rural development are mainly IRSA, AWBs, PIDAs, WAPDA, FOs and Farm Water Management Organizations (FWMOs).
The impacts of these agencies on the project are directly related to aspects of irrigation and drainage such as time and quantity of water delivery, conveyance efficiency, canal leakage problems, off-farm drainage system performance and availability of disposal systems, and to agronomic factors such as farm input supplies and marketing of farm produce.
Insofar as these agencies impact on project activities, the aim would be to achieve a more concerted effort towards integrated management of irrigation, groundwater and effluent.
The project will generate an inventory of essential information and details of how agencies responsible for execution of the NDA can obtain it from the ICCs.
Micro level
Integrated management within ICCs is a prerequisite to integrated management at higher levels. Wherever effluent is produced, it must be examined at the source with regard to potential reuse or the cost of disposal (see Annex 1). Integrated management must therefore be established from distributary level down to tertiary units.
Tertiary units are areas of irrigated agriculture where farmers have common interests as to irrigation and drainage management. FOs based on such areas should be included in routine contacts as an intermediary between management and individual farmers.
Typical institutions at micro level are DBGs and WUAs.
The initiative for the proposed project came from IWASRI and had also been suggested by the NDP.
This document provides formulation of a building block of the NDA. The project will have strong links with a project to be formulated on RS/GIS (priority d).
Parties concerned
FOs: DBGs and WUAs
Water managers at the various levels in the water-control system
IWASRI staff
Target beneficiaries
The projects target beneficiaries are farmers whose livelihoods are at stake if irrigated agriculture cannot be sustained.
In Pakistan, about 17 million ha are irrigated. The main source of irrigation is the Indus river; the next main irrigation source is groundwater, which provides about 34 percent of irrigation water (FAO water report No. 18). The other water source is rainfall. Annual rainfall varies from 400-700 mm in the province of Punjab, which has some 10 million ha of irrigated agriculture.
After long periods of irrigation the groundwater table often starts to rise, causing waterlogging in some areas. Even if the water is of good quality, every year some salt is brought into the rootzone. If the rootzone is not drained, a slow but steady build up of salt occurs, which results in many irrigated areas becoming both waterlogged and saline. This is especially the case in Sindh. In Punjab the situation is different, as described below.
The present or pre-project situation
Groundwater situation
Groundwater tables are falling in most of Punjab. Water scarcity is becoming the dominant feature, because insufficient water is available for increasing irrigated agriculture. Farmers compensate by pumping groundwater for supplementary irrigation, but this lowers the groundwater table and serves as a vertical drainage system. Projects dealing with groundwater withdrawal are called SCARPs. The drainage systems are deep tube wells (DTWs) or shallow tube wells (STWs). Experience is mixed: in some areas DTWs bring more salts into the system because they tap deeper salty aquifers. A DTW typically serves about 325 ha and an STW about 60 ha. Some areas in Punjab, for example FESS and FDP, are also served by open or closed horizontal subsurface drainage systems. The latter project drains about 30 000 ha by a horizontal drainage system.
Groundwater quality is better in Punjab than in Sindh. Irrigation always adds some salt to the system, however, and in the absence of an evacuation system salts are not removed from the irrigation schemes. This causes a slow built-up of salts in irrigated agriculture in Punjab. Sound irrigation and groundwater management could to some extent compensate for these effects. The options available include recharging the groundwater table whenever water availability permits it.
Irrigation flow management
Adequate water management must provide for delivery schedules that are related to water availability. Scenarios for efficient use of varying water volumes are to be developed and existing scenarios need to be fine-tuned to maximize water use. Optimizing the use of flow available to Punjab requires assessment of the feasibility of on-scheme and off-scheme storage facilities.
The ICCs are responsible for allocating flow among branch canals, distributaries and watercourses. Adequate water management requires information about flow volumes, water quality, pollution sources and water demand. This is only possible with an efficient network of measuring devices transmitting data to water control centres so that water-management authorities can assess actual irrigation performance against desired performance.
Effluent management
The objective of effluent management is to minimize damage done to the environment and people in the area. The ICCs produce varying amounts of effluent, depending on the density of open surface-drainage systems. In lower areas of ICCs, open drainage systems receive groundwater and surface inflow and losses from excess irrigation and spills. The volume to be disposed of changes seasonally. Quality depends on salinity in the rootzone and on disposal of waste from municipalities and industries. Source control is the first action required to avoid pollution of effluent, groundwater and soils. The legal framework for this is in place, but law enforcement is lacking.
Separate irrigation and drainage systems are preferred, but the fact that agriculture currently depends on reuse of drainage water must be taken into account. Opportunities for blending drainage water with water of better quality must be investigated by the project.
Integrated management, at present lacking at most levels in the water-control system, is the basis for an operational NDA.
Several factors threaten the sustainability of the present water-control system and irrigated agriculture.
Off-farm drainage, located downstream of fields, is often inadequate and impedes field drainage.
Upstream of fields, water control at distributary level may be inadequate; the resulting excess irrigation adds to the drainage problem.
Upper-enders may spill excess water from irrigation and rainfall towards downstream neighbours, making waterlogging worse.
Water distribution is uneven and untimely.
Systems installed previously often have inappropriate technology and are insufficiently adapted to the rural social structure.
Open drains to evacuate high-intensity rainfall must be designed, based on surface and subsurface drainage criteria.
Drainage systems that are not based on effluent quality affect downstream areas.
Municipal and industrial toxic waste is disposed of in water conveyance systems, affecting drainwater quality and making it unsuitable for reuse.
There is a lack of coordination among agencies.
Cropping systems are not adapted to water management conditions.
Maintenance is inadequate.
There is a lack of integrated water management.
No observations are made of water quality to identify salts and other pollutants.
Effluent management is not practised.
There is inadequate interaction among organizational levels in the water-control system.
End-of-project situation
The above factors will be addressed by the INTGREFFMAN-NDA project. The result should be significant improvements in integrated management of irrigation, groundwater and effluent for the benefit of farmers dependent on irrigated agriculture in ICCs. This will be a significant step towards the NDA.
The situation at the end of the INTGREFFMAN-NDA project is shown below.
Analysis of technical and institutional hurdles will produce a strategy to help ICCs prepare their contributions to the NDA.
Off-farm drainage problems will have been assessed and remedies recommended.
Coordination among institutions will have been improved.
Water management at main, secondary and distributary level regarding flow volumes and water quality will be better integrated.
Water use and disposal will have been optimized with regard to volume and quality.
Dissemination of the projects R&D results will result in installation, operation and maintenance of more sustainable drainage systems elsewhere.
Sustainability considerations
The proposed project duration of three years provides sufficient time to achieve the required results. It allows enough time to train specialists in the use of integrated water-management models, including groundwater hydrology, canal flow, downstream and upstream control and effluent management. Strategies for improved water management, including reuse or disposal of drainage water, would be developed as input for the NDA.
Identified area
The selected area, Jehlum ICC, is located near the northwestern boundary of Punjab and covers about 7 percent of the irrigated area. ICCs further south are not representative, because they have groundwater tables that are higher than the current average for Punjab and certainly higher than average levels anticipated in the future.
The nearby MREP research station, which can be used for data collection, recording and analysis, would be an attractive facility for the project.
Demonstration effects
The project could be an excellent example of successful integrated water-resources management in the region. It should inform other water-control agencies about the impact of integrated management on sustainable irrigated agriculture through field and office visits.
Negative impacts
There are no negative impacts foreseen from the proposed project. At present the excess water, pollutants and salts are finally disposed of in rivers and evacuated to the sea; under the project, this will be implemented in a more environmentally sound way. Reuse of effluent will become an integrated part of the water-control system.
A direct relationship will be established with the IPTRID project on GIS/RS, which is being formulated concurrently. It should be possible to obtain from IWMI more detailed data on irrigation and effluent management performance in the Lower Jehlum Canal Command. This ICC could be used as a study area for staff involved in the RS/GIS project.
Many organizations are active in the rural areas, including government agencies such as WAPDA, PIDA, FWMO, NDP and NGOs, with which the project will establish direct links and seek cooperation when needed.
The water sector in Pakistan faces the challenge of producing ever more food for a growing population. This is a national concern that has special responsibility for the Indus basin, where most of the countrys food is produced. Integrated management of irrigation, groundwater and effluent is required to keep irrigated agriculture sustainable.
The Government of Pakistan recognized the importance of addressing drainage issues by establishing the NDP, which is focused mainly on direct implementation; R&D is left to other programmes. The INTGREFFMAN-NDA project would thus fill a significant gap.
Objective 1: A network of water quantity and quality monitoring devices enabling data processing and interpretation
Outputs |
Activities |
Responsible organization(s) |
1.1 Water flow and quality information sent to ICC operational centre from recording devices. |
1.1.1 Identify sites for installation of recording devices, taking into account actual and potential point-source pollution sites. 1.1.2 Acquire measuring devices. 1.1.3 Install communication and data-transmission system. |
1.2 Processed data interpreted. |
1.2.1 Make the water-control centre operational; arrange for computer facilities; carry out analysis. |
1.3 Data disseminated. |
1.3.1 Establish regular contacts with IRSA, PIDA, AWB and WAPDA; demonstrate project progress. |
Objective 2: Models supporting integrated irrigation, groundwater and effluent management
Outputs |
Activities |
Responsible organization(s) |
2.1 Recommendations on water volume and quality management. |
2.1.1 Train scientific and operational staff, on-site and overseas. 2.1.2 Evaluate performance of water-control system. |
2.2 Improved water-use efficiency. |
2.2.1 Compare water use with requirements, based on soils, cropping pattern, drainage, and RS images. |
Objective 3: Promotion of integrated water management
Outputs |
Activities |
Responsible organization(s) |
2.1 Recommendations on water volume and quality management. |
2.1.1 Train scientific and operational staff, on-site and overseas. 2.1.2 Evaluate performance of water-control system. |
2.2 Improved water-use efficiency. |
2.2.1 Compare water use with requirements, based on soils, cropping pattern, drainage, and RS images. |
Objective 4: Strategies for the NDA
Outputs |
Activities |
Responsible organization(s) |
4.1 Jhelum ICC management strategy linked to provincial drainage water resources management. |
4.1.1 Model/simulate alternative integrated water-management options for sustainable use and disposal of effluent. |
4.2 National strategy on use of drainage resources. |
4.2.1 Base ICC and provincial strategies on simulation of options for ICC effluent (re)use and disposal. |
4.3 Preferred water-control system at ICC level. |
4.3.1 Simulate and test upstream/downstream control. |
4.4 Trained staff for improved integrated management. |
4.4.1 Capacity building, on-site training, overseas courses. |
Direct recipients
The direct recipients of the project are the major water-control institutions: IWASRI, IRSA, PIDAs, AWBs, WUAs and DBGs.
Research staff at IWASRI and other agencies will receive adequate training in providing drainage systems.
Project strategy
Strengthening IWASRI, PIDAs and IRSA is a core activity of the project, which aims to increase awareness of institutions working on water control in rural areas. This can be done through workshops, by demonstrating results and informing relevant parties by sending progress reports.
Integration of irrigation and drainage management will ensure that irrigated agriculture remains at sustainable levels without damage to crops. This is to be achieved by collaboration with the specialized water-control agencies.
Strategic considerations and implementation arrangements
The success of the project depends on cooperation with IRSA and other water-control institutions. There will be ample opportunity to train national staff, on site as well overseas, in the use of models of modern water and environmental management so that they become familiar with modern methods of integrated water management.
An important aspect is the legal context in which water control is exercised in Pakistan. National consultancies are envisaged to assist with improvement of the legal framework.
A good deal of information is available, but additional surveys, water sampling, soils analysis and calibration of gauging stations may be required; national consultancy firms are expected to provide this. The nearby MREP research and experimental station will be involved with sampling and data analysis.
Modern water-quality devices will be installed at some 140 locations, about one per 5 000 ha, that will electronically transmit water-quality parameters, for example every 12 hours, to a water-control centre. This dense network reflects the emphasis on R&D in the proposed project. There will be frequent monitoring to identify point-source pollution. This project will advise other NDA projects on requirements for monitoring effluent water quality.
Requirements include chemicals and equipment for soil sampling, flow calibration and measuring water quantity and quality. There are budget provisions for transport, upgrading office facilities in ICC Jehlum guesthouses and electronic communication facilities.
Institutional commitments
The main receiving institution will be IWASRI, which must ensure that staff with adequate educational background and experience will be available for the duration of the project.
The projects premises, offices and laboratories will be made available and maintained by IWASRI, which will also provide transport facilities for the duration of the project and be responsible for providing and maintaining office equipment, computers, small items such as flow and water-quality measuring devices and communication equipment.
Observations made during the operational period of the project must be made available to the financing donor and international agencies such as FAO. Regular progress reports will be published.
IWASRI will carry out overall coordination and monitoring.
Legal arrangements
IWASRI must ensure that trained national project staff will remain at the project site for a minimum of two years after foreign staff have left.
Description of risk |
Estimated likelihood |
1. Initial delays for reasons of administrative clearance. |
Medium. |
2. Timely procurement of equipment and transport. |
Low. |
3. Availability of suitable staff. |
Low, because there would be significant interest from IWASRI/IRSA to implement the project. |
4. Collaboration of relevant institutes. |
Low; improving water management is Government policy. |
Skeleton budget
Government contribution ($US) |
Donor contribution ($US) |
Personnel |
National |
3 years: 4-5 R&D senior staff (IWASRI), irrigation and drainage engineers, environmentalist, groundwater hydrologist, institution expert, legal expert. |
100 000 |
Field staff: 10-20 observers (IRSA), 2 part-time experts. |
International consultants (1-3 years) |
240 000 |
Irrigation engineer (integrated water management), environmentalist, drainage engineer, groundwater hydrologist. |
Subcontracts |
50 000 |
Surveys, studies, goods and services. |
Training |
150 000 |
Overseas courses (5 staff, 3 months per person). |
Collaborative research. |
Equipment |
250 000 |
Computers, software. |
Office upgrading. |
Water-quality measuring devices. |
Gauging scales. |
Communication equipment. |
Piezometers. |
Remote sensing images. |
Transport |
120 000 |
1 4×4 vehicle; running costs (3 years). |
Miscellaneous and contingencies |
80 000 |
Project servicing costs |
10 000 |
Totals |
100 000 |
900 000 |
One national and two short-term internationally recruited consultants are required to prepare the Project Document: an irrigation engineer/groundwater hydrologist specializing in integration of irrigation management with use and recharge of groundwater and, for one month, an environmentalist specializing in water-pollution and effluent management. Costs are estimated at US$50 000.
The person primarily responsible for the formulation framework is:
Dr Harry W. Denecke
Theme Manager, Drainage and Sustainability,
Rome, Italy.
Assisted by:
Dr M.A. Bhutta
Director, IWASRI
Ministry of Water Resources
Lahore, Pakistan
Annex 1. Effluent management principles
Effluent management is based on three main avenues:
a drainage master plan;
effluent management strategy (source control, safe evacuation of pollutants);
integration of water management: irrigation, surface and subsurface drainage, groundwater, effluent and rainfall (cloud seeding).
Feasibility studies require the use of models to simulate various scenarios and their consequences.
The drainage master plan is based on a sound water-management plan that takes into account effluent-management options at outlet points. Brief information is given below.
Drainage master plan
Data requirements include maps showing irrigation and drainage conveyance systems. Field drainage systems should show the locations of open and closed horizontal drainage systems and vertical drainage systems. Available data on water quality should be given for specific locations. Locations of future drainage systems should be evaluated in the light of integrated water management. Groundwater table data/contour maps are required, with water-quality figures. Identification of depressions requires topographical information, which has to be combined with information from RS images.
Locations for effluent disposal installations must be identified, including evaporation ponds and outfall drains; effluent volumes must be estimated.
Effluent management options
The checklist applies to every effluent outlet point. Disposal opportunities should be checked for every item.
Option |
Actual/potential |
Feasibility aspects |
Estimated cost per ha |
1 |
Source: amount reduction and purification level |
2 |
Drain water reuse |
3 |
Drain water treatment |
4 |
Evaporation pond |
5 |
Land retirement |
6 |
Groundwater management |
7 |
River discharge |
8 |
Salt utilization |
Source: K.K. Tanji. 2000. Case study on the reuse and disposal of drainage water in Californias San Joaquin Valley Westside.
Models required
1. Prediction of effluent quality produced by the subsurface drainage system, depending on its design (e.g. drain spacing), and improved irrigation management.
2. Effluent curve: a model to predict effluent volumes over time, based on cropping patterns, irrigation management, precipitation, incoming seepage and outflowing leakage.
3. Prediction model for long-term trends in soil moisture/salinity, based on farmers responses.
4. Groundwater model: forecasting groundwater depth, salinity levels, lateral inflow and outflow.
5. Evaporation pond dimensions model, based on topography, GIS, evaporation models, seasonal buffer capacity (available and required) and geohydrological data to assess consequences of seepage to groundwater.
6. Blending models: depending on possibilities for local reuse for irrigated agriculture, effluent quality to be disposed of will vary; blending of effluent with water of better quality for local or downstream use.
7. Models for disposal systems: the feasibility of environmentally friendly drainage and disposal systems/purification systems should be investigated, for example wetland water purification systems, saline agro-forestry systems and on-farm drainage management.
An overview of some available models is given below. These are mainly derived from civil engineering. Models are also becoming available from environmental engineering, integrating water-quality management with volume management.
Models related to water control level in the drainage system |
On-farm tertiary level |
Vertical drainage |
Pumping models |
Secondary drain level |
TUNIN, (integration of irrigation and drainage) |
Main drain conveyance system |
Disposal level |
Integrated on-farm drainage management |
Being developed |
Reuse, blending |
Evaporation pond |
To be developed |
Wetland water purification system |
To be developed |
Saline agro-forestry systems |
To be developed |
Outfall drain |
Canal flow models (non-scouring/non-silting) |
Basin-wide seepage/leakage |
Groundwater models, RSM |
Other disciplines
The scope of work may be widened, because effluent modelling alone cannot provide answers to problems created by the effluent from irrigated agriculture.
Economic analysis
Systematic investigation of disposal based on effluent outlet points requires careful analysis of all locations, based on the technical options available and evaluation of the range of engineered disposal options available. Overall economic assessment of a drainage/effluent master plan must be included in any final evaluation of options. Local as opposed to regional solutions require assessment of the provincial drainage disposal plan. More detailed assessment can be made in follow-up projects at a later stage.
The gross margins of salt-tolerant crops must be calculated, because it is important to assess the feasibility of disposal options based on cultivation of such crops.
Agronomic analysis
An agronomist should assess the feasibility of cultivating increasingly salt-tolerant crops, particularly when an ICC must assume responsibility for managing its own effluent, and set and verify maximum levels of pollution in water for irrigation.
Legal aspects/organization and management
Effluent management and drainage disposal systems management must be integrated into current institutional structures. The legal framework and law enforcement must be adequate. Effluent management and disposal must comply with the law.
Policy for farmer participation
Farmers involvement is required to:
increase awareness of possible drainage needs for irrigated agriculture;
integrate irrigation and drainage management;
irrigate efficiently;
manage on-farm and on-project salt/effluent management;
ascertain village cooperation for purification and disposal systems.
Annex 2. Figures
Figure A4.A2.1 Indus basin irrigation system
Figure A4.A2.2 ICCs in the Indus basin
Pakistan IPTRID programme: collaborative programme of Pakistan, IPTRID, IWASRI and IWMI at IWASRI. Lahore, November 10 - 11, 2000
DAY 1: Friday, November 10, 2000 |
08.30-09.00 |
Registration |
09.00-09.05 |
Recitation from the Holy Quraan |
09.05-09.15 |
Welcome address by Dr Muhammad Nawaz Bhutta, Director General, IWASRI |
09.15-09.25 |
Address by Dr A.M Aboul Naga, FAO, Islamabad |
09.25-09.35 |
Address by Dr Hammond Murry Rust, IWMI, Pakistan |
09.35-09.50 |
NDP: An overview by Mr. Tariq Masood, General Manager (NDP/C), WAPDA |
09.50-10.00 |
Inaugural address by Mr. Tariq Masood, GM (NDP/C) |
10.00-10.30 |
Tea break |
Chair: Mr Mian Aslam Mehboob, Provincial Coordinator, NDP, Punjab |
10.30-11.00 |
Operation and maintenance of drainage systems for sustainable agriculture and enhanced rural livelihood. Dr M. Mehboob Alam, Director (SW), IWASRI |
11.00-11.30 |
Discussion |
Chair: Mr Tariq Masood, General Manager (NDP/C), WAPDA |
11.30-12.00 |
Management of drainage water resources towards an NDA. Dr Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry, Director (S&E), IWASRI |
12.00-12.45 |
Discussion |
12.45-14.15 |
Lunch and prayer |
Chair: Dr Harry W. Denecke, IPTRID/FAO |
14.15-14.45 |
Water management in Baluchistan province. Dr Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry, Director(S&E), IWASRI |
14.45-15.00 |
Discussion |
Chair: Dr Muhammad Aslam, IWMI, Pakistan |
15.00-15.30 |
Capacity building in GIS in waterlogging and salinity control. Mubeen-ud-Din Ahmad and Salman Asif, IWMI |
15.30-15.45 |
Discussion |
15.45-16.00 |
Formulation of groups |
16.00-16.30 |
PFF and follow up activities. Dr Harry Denecke IPTRID/FAO Representative |
DAY 2: Saturday, November 11, 2000 |
09.00-12.30 |
Discussion in four groups; 15-minute tea breaks at 10.00 and 11.30 |
12.30-14.00 |
Lunch and prayer |
14.00-16.00 |
Presentations by groups and discussion |
Chair: Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Bhutta, Director General, IWASRI |
16.00-16.15 |
Summary and recommendations by Dr Geoff Pearce, IPTRID Representative |
16.15-16.30 |
Vote of thanks by Dr Muhammad Nawaz Bhutta, Director General, IWASRI |
Dr Harry W. Denecke
Rome Italy.
Tel: +39-06-57056487,
Fax: +3906-67056275.
Email: [email protected]
Dr Muhammad Abdullah
Director, WRRC,
Pakistan Council of Research in
Water Resources,
47-Gul Town, P.O. Box 304,
Quetta, Pakistan.
Tel and Fax: 081-9202418.
Mr Imtiaz Ahmad
Deputy Director (GIS), IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Maqsood Ahmad
Project Director, CMTL, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5300922.
Mr Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad
Water Resources Engineer(GIS/RS)
Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5410050-53,
Fax: 5410054.
Mr Maqbool Ahmad
Junior Geologist, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Nazir Ahmad
Senior Engineer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Hamayun Akhtar
Senior Engineer, CMTL, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5300922.
Dr. Javed Akhtar
Associate Professor,
Soil Science Department,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,
Off: 0411/647519, Res: 633218.
Dr Muhammad Mehboob Alam
Principal Research Officer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road,
P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Muhammad Arshad
Assistant Chief,
Water Resources Section, Planning
Pak. Secretariat, P-Block, Islamabad,
Tel: 051-9207536.
Mr Salman Asif
RS/GIS Specialist, IIMI-Pakistan,
Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5410050-53,
Fax: 5410054.
Dr Muhammad Aslam
Sr. Irrigation Engineer, IWMI-Pakistan,
12-KM, Multan Road, Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5410050-53,
Fax: 5410054.
Mr Muhammad Aslam
Junior Engineer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Dr Qurban Ali Awan
Department of Irrigation and Drainage,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,
041-30281-89 Res: 727977.
Dr Muhammad Nawaz Bhutta
Director General, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303390, 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Ms Martha Bloemberg
Social Assessment Specialist, PDC,
PDC/NDP, D-Block, Sunny View,
Empress Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 9202424,
Fax: 9202426.
Dr Shah Nawaz Chandio
Director Irrigation and Drainage Institute,
Mehran University of Engineering &
Tel: 0221-771226,
Fax No. 0221/771563
Dr Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry
Director, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road,
P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Abdul Hafeez
Principal Research Officer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road,
P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr. Abdul Hameed
Ex-research officer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Dilbar Hassan
Research Officers, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Muhammad Ilyas
Senior Research Officer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Zafar Iqbal
Research Officers, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92,
Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Kevin Jeanes
Environmental Specialist,
National Drainage Programme,
Pakistan Drainage Consultants,
175-A Abu Bakar Block,
New Garden Town,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 9202424-25,
Fax: 9202426.
Mr Mussarat Ali Khan
Senior Engineer, IWASR1,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Dr Muhammad Jamal Khan
Irrigation and Drainage Engineer,
NWFP Agricultural University,
P.O. Box 1015, Peshawar-25120, Pakistan.
Tel and Fax: 091-9216544,
Exchange: 091-9216572-78 Ext.356.
Mr Shakir Ullah Khan
Senior Engineer, IWASR1, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Muhammad Zaheer Khan
Senior Engineer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Faiz Ahmad Kahlown
Project Director,
Lower Indus Water Management and
Reclamation Research Project,
P.O. Box No. 1036,
Hyderabad-71800, Pakistan
Tel: 0221-880218, 41749.
Dr Muhammad Latif
Centre of Excellence in Water
Resources Engineering(CEWRE),
University of Engineering and
Technology, G.T. Road,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 6822558, 6821100, Fax: 6822024.
Mr Muhammad Iqbal Maghmoom
Senior Research Officer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Tariq Masood
General Manager (NDP/Central),
WAPDA, Sunny View, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 9202663, 9202665
Fax: 9202662
Mr Mian Aslam Mehboob
Provincial Coordinator-NDP (Punjab),
House No.7-B, Block-F, Gulberg-II,
Near Main Market,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5759652,
Exchange: 5754036,
Fax: 5759651.
Mr Adel Mahmoud Aboul Naga
Representative, FAO,
UN House, 5th Floor,
Saudi Pak Tower, P.O. Box 1476,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: 051-2279081, 051-2820238
Fax: 051-2824371.
Mr Muhammad Farooq Khan Niazi
Principal Research Officer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village, Raiwind Road,
P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Abdul Wahab Nagi
Principal Research Officer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village, Raiwind Road,
P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr P.M. Patto
Chief Technical Advisor,
IWASRI-UNDP, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tahir Naseem Qazi, Dr
Senior Research Officer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr David Read
Design Leader (Punjab),
Pakistan Development Consultants (PDC),
128-G Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5884161
Dr Hammond Murray Rust
Acting Director,
IIMI-Pakistan, 12-KM Multan Road,
Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore-53700, Pakistan.
Tel: 5410050-52, Fax: 5410053.
Mr Muhammad Sadiq
Director (Soil & Reclamation),
SCARP Monitoring Organization, WAPDA,
Canal Bank Mughalpura, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 6814071.
Mr Muhammad Saeed
Junior Engineer, IWASRI,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Dr Allah Bakhsh Sufi
Principal Research Officer, IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Mr Syed Javed Sultan
Senior Engineer(Office), IWASRI, WAPDA,
Near Muhammadpura Village,
Raiwind Road, P.O. Thokar Niaz Baig,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 5303391-92, Fax: 5303050, 5303393.
Dr W. Wolters
Drainage and Irrigation Engineer,
ILRI, P.O. Box 45,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31-317-495549,
Fax: +31-317-495590.
Mr Geoff Pearce
HR Wallingford,
Howbery Park,
Wallingford, United Kingdom
Oxon, OX 10 8BA, UK.
Tel: +44-1491-822439,
Fax: +441491-826352.
[email protected]