March 6, 1998
Dr. Donald L. Winkelmann
Technical Advisory Committee
355 East Palace Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Dr. Alexander von der Osten
Executive Secretary, CGIAR
701 18th Street, NW
Room J-4073
Washington, D.C.
Dear Dr. Winkelmann and Dr. von der Osten:
On behalf of the IFPRI Board of Trustees and Management, we are pleased to submit our response to the Third External Program and Management Review of the International Food Policy Research Institute.
IFPRI's Board of Trustees and Management want to express their gratitude to the EPMR panel for its professionalism and for its extremely positive and constructive report. Our thanks also go to you, the Secretariat staff, particularly Selcuk Ozgediz, and Guido Gryseels, for your assistance in ensuring the success of IFPRI's Third EPMR.
Our response is attached.
With kind regards,
Per Pinstrup-Andersen
Director General
Martin Piñeiro
Chairman, Board of Trustees
1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-3006 USA.
Tel: 202-862-5600
E-mail: [email protected]