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The Ford Foundation for West Africa

Ms Aida Opoku-Mensah - Manager, Media, Arts and Cultural Programmes, The Ford Foundation for West Africa, Lagos, Nigeria


Before joining the Ford Foundation as Programme Officer, Aida Opoku Mensah was the Regional Director for Panos Institute's Southern Africa office based in Lusaka, Zambia.

Aida is a Linguistics graduate from the University of Ghana. She holds a post-graduate diploma in International Relations (University of London) and an MA in Communication Policy Studies (City University), and is currently a PhD candidate in the Institute of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds.

She has taught Radio and Press Policy at City University and is a journalist and broadcaster.

The Ford Foundation

Since its foundation in 1936, the Ford Foundation has been aimed at:

It is an independent, non-profit, nongovernmental organization. It has provided slightly more than $10 billion in grants and loans.

The Ford Foundation for West Africa

The Ford Foundation for West Africa is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Since its foundation in 1958, it has made over 600 grants totalling approximately $250 million to institutions and individuals throughout the region.

This Foundation's regional office has six media objectives:

By supporting the media, the Ford Foundation for West Africa also contributes to agriculture, rural development and to the democratisation process.

For more information on the Ford Foundation:


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