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[1] Chalico T.A., E. Riegelhaupt, 2002. A guide for woodfuel surveys. FAO. Available at :

[2] Data from Register of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and from Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.

[3] FAO 2004. UBET Unified Bio Energy Terminology. Available at

[4] Hocevar, Milan, 2004. Slovenia Forestry Institute. Preliminary results of the study on Slovenia forest area change 1975-2000. Personal communication

[5] Krajnc, Nike, 2002. Biomass developments and research in Slovenia. Slovenia Forestry Institute.

[6] Krajnc, N., P. Simončič and R. Robek, 2002.Slovenian forests and their role in meeting Kyoto requirements.

[7] Masera, O.R., R. Drigo, M. A. Trossero, 2003. Woodfuels Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping – WISDOM. FAO.

[8] Ministry of Energy. Study for energy plan and 2030 projections.

[9] Ministry of Environment, 2002. Estimation of potential emission reduction in Slovenia. Final report.

[10] Robek, R., M. Mevdev, L. Zgajnr, N. Pogacnik, B. Bitenc, 1998. Removing barriers to biomass district heating projects in Slovenia. Analysis of wood biomass potential in Slovenia. SFI

[11] Slovenia Forest Service, various sources and personal communications.

[12] Slovenia Forestry Institute, various sources and personal communications.

[13] Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Census of population, households, dwellings and buildings 2002.

[14] Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 2003 - Forestry and hunting. (Reference of FAOSTAT Forestry Statistics for Slovenia); Industrial Products.

[15] Drigo, R. 2005. i-WESTAT. Update and upgrade of the interactive Wood Energy Statistics. FAO Wood Energy Programme.

[16] Ogrizek, R., Pisek, R., Veselič, Ž., 2005. Ocena potencialov lesne biomase. Zaključno poročilo. ZGS.

Documents of Project “Supply and Utilization of Bioenergy to Promote Sustainable Forest Management”


• WISDOM Slovenia. Annex 6 Final Report by Rudi Drigo, FAO, and Živan Veselič, Slovenia Forest Service.

• Charcoal Use and Trade in Slovenia. Annex 9 – 7b Final Report by Jože Prah, Slovenia Forest Service..

• Education, Training and Demonstration. Annex 8 Final report by Nike Krajnc, Slovenia Forestry Institute.

• State of the art of wood biomass preparation and use in Slovenia. Annex 9 Final Report by Slovenia Forestry Institute.


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