Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel - Third Session

Global Terrestrial Observing System

(Paris, France, May 27-30, 1997)

August 1997

GCOS - 37
GOOS - 10
GTOS - 9
WMO/TD 845

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Organisation of the Joint Session

1.1 Opening of the Joint Session
1.2 Adoption of the Agenda
1.3 Working Arrangements of the Session
1.4 Election of the Joint Session Chairman

2. Chairmen's Report

2.1 Chairman WGSAT
2.2 Chairman GOSSP

3. Update on Global Observing Systems and WGSAT Activities

3.1 Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
3.2 Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
3.3 Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS)
3.4 Review of WGSAT Actions

4. Initiative for an Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS)

5. Consideration of the Space Plan Draft

6. Review and Update of Current Requirements and Instrument Performances

6.1 Space Agencies - Status and Future Plans
6.2 WGSAT Review of Observation Requirements
6.3 WGSAT Review of Estimates of Instrument Performances
6.4 GOSSP Requirements

7. "Critical Review"

8. Consolidation of Action Items and Future Work Programme

8.1 GOSSP Actions and Recommendations
8.2 WGSAT Statement of Guidance on Feasibility of Meeting Requirements

9. Closure


Annex I List of Participants
Annex II Agenda
Annex III Terms of Reference
Annex IV Space Plan, Version 2.0, Draft Outline
Annex V Virtual Task Groups
Annex VI Proposed Initial IGOS Implementation Projects
Annex VII List of Applications
Annex VIII Methodology to Identify Requirements