4.1 Dr Schiffer gave a presentation on the status of planning of an IGOS. The rationale for IGOS is to provide an overall framework for users to present their requirements and for providers to address their commitments. A more effective use of Earth observations assets requires closer coordination of observing and analysis programmes. Data providers need a strategy to avoid redundancy, to fill data gaps, to integrate data from various sources and to coordinate operational and research systems.
4.2 Dr Schiffer stressed that, despite the expressed broad interest by the international community, the current situation is that measurements still do not meet the requirements of major international research and operational programmes, e.g., WCRP or the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). IGOS will be dependent on international coordination among participating agencies, based on a mutually agreed framework for definition, planning and conduct of observations. There is a need for a commitment to full and open data exchange.
4.3 IGOS has to integrate three different global observing systems as part of its strategy: (1) the operational observing systems, e.g, the World Weather Watch (WWW), (2) systems for coordinated Earth observations, and (3) research observing systems. Dr Schiffer outlined the implementation steps of an IGOS and discussed the benefits from enhanced global observations. He stressed, that the function of IGOS is dependent on an integrated framework for space-based and in-situ observations and on voluntary participation of countries and agencies. One of the prime IGOS objectives is to acquire high level political support. Within this framework, above all, requirements from multiple user communities have to be integrated and prioritised. One of the major challenges for an IGOS will be the achievement of a balance between research and operations, as well as between space and in-situ measurements.
4.4 Dr Schiffer outlined the six prototype projects (Annex VI) which have been agreed on at the IGOS SIT meeting in February 1997 mentioned earlier in the GOSSP chairman's report.
4.5 In the following discussion the panel participants concluded: (1) politicians need to be convinced that IGOS is of economic and social benefit, and (2) a vital part of IGOS are the data systems, which have to be build up and supported. For clarification Dr Schiffer stated that the integration of all observing systems is a part of the "strategy" and not a new "system".