The Workshop organizers would like to express their thanks to all those who generously gave their time, energy and resources in order to contribute to its success:
- The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) and the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN), for their efforts in the preparation, organisation and follow-up of the Workshop.
- The FAO representatives in the following countries: Mali, the Niger, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania, who linked the radio broadcasters in countries where direct contact by e-mail was not easy.
- FAO technical experts in the following fields: Agricultural Marketing, Agrometeorology, Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Fisheries, Food Security, Forestry, Global Information and Early Warning System, Nutrition, Post-Harvest Operations, Special Programme for Food Security and World Agricultural Information Center (WAICENT).
- The translators and interpreters.
- The Extension, Education and Communication Service (SDRE) Workshop Secretariat (Evelyne Kestenbaum, Marianne Sinko and Sandra Tardioli).