Dear Sir,
You will soon participate in the Rural Radio and Food Security Workshop, which will take place at FAO Headquarters, Rome, in November 2001. The main objective of the Workshop will be to encourage meetings and debates in order to foster the exchange of ideas between you and FAO technical divisions. We would be grateful to receive in advance information regarding the needs of your listeners, as well as your documentation needs on Food Security. This information will allow us to prepare the relevant technical content for the Workshop, and to ensure that adequate documentation on Food Security is available. Your contribution, as field experts and radio broadcasters is essential to prepare contents on Food Security that is adapted to radio format and to local needs.
Please complete the attached questionnaire and PLEASE RETURN BY E-MAIL BEFORE 26 OCTOBER.
We thank you in advance for your collaboration, and look forward to meeting you at the Workshop in Rome next month.
I. The Information needs of your listeners
1. What are information-communication needs (themes, subjects) of your radio listeners with regards to Food Security?
2. What themes are of particular interest to the listeners?
3. After consultation with your listeners please list in order of importance the themes mentioned below, using the following classification: 1 (the most interesting theme) to 10 (the least interesting).
Agro-meteorology |
Early Warning System |
Post Harvest |
Fisheries |
Food Security |
Forestry |
Market Prices |
Nutrition |
Special Programme for Food Security |
World Agricultural Information |
II. Your subjects/themes of interest and questions
Please find below the Internet address of two FAO publications:
The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA)
The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2001 (SOFI)
Upon consultation of the documents:
4. Please indicate the subjects/themes mentioned in these two documents (SOFA and SOFI) that interest you.
5. Please indicate any subjects/themes that do not interest you.
6. Please indicate subjects/themes you wish to clarify during the Workshop.