- Agreed to advance draft Codex Standards for
Limes, Pummelos, Guavas and Chayotes to the Commission for adoption at
Step 8 (paras. 28, 34,37 and 42);- Agreed to advance the proposed draft Codex Standards for
Mexican Limes and Ginger for adoption by the Commission at Step 5/8, with a
recommendation to omit Steps 6 and 7 (paras. 58 and 70);
- Agreed to advance proposed draft Codex Standards for
Pineapples (Revised), Grapefruits, and Longans to the Executive Committee
for adoption at Step 5 (paras. 50, 64 and 67);
- Agreed to suspend consideration on the Draft Code of
Practice for the Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables and Annex II (Inspection Site Requisites) at Step 7 in order to
evaluate the need for a Code specific to the inspection and certification of
fresh fruits and vegetables (para. 75);
- Agreed to forward proposals to elaborate Codex Standards for
Tiquisque (Lilac and White), Yucca, Uchuva, Yellow Pitahaya and a
proposed draft revised standard for Papaya, to the Executive Committee
for approval as new work (para. 87).
- Agreed to return the proposed draft Codex
Standards for Oranges including, including Guide for Use in Scoring Freezing
Injury, to Step 2 so that Codex and UNECE Secretariats could elaborate a
harmonized Codex Standard based on the quality provisions of the UNECE Standard
for Citrus Fruits for circulation and comment at Step 3 prior to the
Committees next Session (para. 44);- Agreed to return the proposed draft Codex Standard for
Asparagus to Step 3 for additional comments including consideration by
the UNECE in arriving at a harmonized text, for discussion at its next meeting
(para. 55);
- Agreed to discontinue the consideration of the
Application of Quality Tolerances at Import and the Use of Objective
Indices of Maturity in Commercial Transactions of Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables.(paras. 79 and 82, respectively);
- Agreed that two discussion papers concerning the
establishment of size tolerances and definitions for terms used in the
establishment of fresh produce standards to be prepared for consideration at
its next Session (para. 89).