The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations organized the Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf, through the FISHCODE Project (GCP/INT/648/NOR), under the guidance and with support of the Secretariat of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC). The meeting was held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from 26-29 March 2001.
The WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf was founded by WECAFC at its Fourth Session (Colombia, 1984). Reports on earlier sessions of the Ad Hoc Working Group were published as FAO Fisheries Reports Nos. 418, 526 (including a Supplement) and 544. This was the Ad Hoc Working Groups Fifth Meeting.
After the Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group, its activities were continued with the support of two Interregional FAO/Trust Fund Projects, viz. the FAO/DANIDA Project Training in Fish Stock Assessment and Fishery Research Planning GCP/INT/575/DEN and the FAO/NORWAY FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR. This Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers was the culmination of four Regional Workshops on the Assessment of Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf organized and funded by those two projects in close co-operation with CFRAMP.
The results of those workshops were published as follows: CFRAMP/FAO/DANIDA Workshop held in Port of Spain in 1997 as FAO Fisheries Report No. 600, CFRAMP/FAO/DANIDA Workshop held in Georgetown in 1998 as GCP/INT/575/DEN Report on Activity 46 (with two Supplements), CFRAMP/FAO/FISHCODE Workshop held in Belém in 1999 as FAO Fisheries Report No. 628 and CFRAMP/FAO/FISHCODE Workshop held in Cumaná in 2000 as FAO Fisheries Report No. 651. Furthermore the FISHCODE Project organized and co-funded six national workshops for stakeholders, held in 20001.
1 Reports on those meetings were published
as GCP/INT/648/NOR Field Reports, Nos. F-7 to F-12. |