FAO Forestry Paper 150 The new generation of watershed
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� FAO 2006
Cover photograph:
(Download the entire Report - 1 MB)
Boxes, tables & figures (Download - 167 KB)
Preface (Download - 31 KB)
Acknowledgements (Download - 22 KB)
Acronyms (Download - 33 KB)
About this resource book (Download - 25 KB)
Prelude. Stories of people and water (Download - 249 KB)
Chapter 1. Lessons from the past (Download - 78 KB)
The long history of people and water
Watershed management and sustainable development
Watershed management in FAO
Chapter 2. Rethinking watersheds (Download - 485 KB )
New perspectives on watershed hydrology and bioecology
Watershed human ecology
Watershed economicss
Interlude 1. Sunday talks on watershed management in San Miguel (Download - 329 KB)
Chapter 3. A new approach to watershed management
(Download - 134
What does “integrated” watershed management really mean?
Participatory vs. collaborative watershed management
Knowledge: merging sciences and local cultures
Power: rights and conflict
Institutional and financial arrangements for collaborative
watershed management
Matters of scale
Interlude 2. Letter to a friend (Download - 441 KB)
Chapter 4. Enabling conditions
(Download - 236 KB)
Enabling policies
Micro−macro linkages
Evidence-based policies
Capacity building and awareness raising
Financing collaborative watershed management
Bibliography (Download - 109 KB)
Annexes. Methods and resources for collaborative watershed
management: hints and tips for practitioners (Download - 475 KB)
WOCAT: a methodology for documenting and evaluating soil and water conservation
Action research
Livelihoods analysis
System-Wide Programme for Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi)
Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource conflict management
Valuation of environmental services of watershed management
Payment for environmental services (PES) in watersheds
Watershed management on the Web