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Anderson, L.G. 2000. Selection of a Property Rights Management System in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 26-38

Arnason, L. 2000. Property Rights as a Means of Economic Organization in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 14-25

Bailey, D.J. 2000. South African Perspectives on Rights in Fishing and Implications for Resource Management" in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 352-354

Ackroyd, P. & Beattie, R. (n.d.) ITQs - Fishing With a Future Sea Urchin Harvesters Association, California, at

Bertullo, E. 2000. Are Individual Transferable Quotas a Real Option for Fisheries Management in Uruguay? in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 222-228

Buckland, W.W. & McNair, A.D. 1952. Roman Law and Common Law 2nd edn.

Burke, D.L. 2000. Management Infrastructure for Rights-Based Fishing in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 58-65

Burke, D.L. & Brander, G.L. 2000. Canadian Experience with Individual Transferable Quotas in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 151-160

Cacaud, P. 2000. Maroc: Considérations d’ordre juridique relatives à l’introduction d’un système de quotas de pêche pour la pêcherie de la pieuvre commune, FAO Report UTF/MOR/017/MOR

Cárdenas, J.C. & Melillanca, P. I. See article in Samudra, April 1999.

Cassidy, M. 2000. Ngãi Tahu Customary Fisheries Management: Implementation of a Common Language in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 321-324

Connor, R. 2000. Are ITQs Property Rights? Definition, Discipline and Discourse in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 29-38

Creed, C.F. & McCay, B.J. 1996. Property Rights, Conservation and Institutional Authority: Implications of Magnuson Act Reauthorization for the Mid-Atlantic Region 9 Tul. Envtl. L.J. 245 pp.

Edeson, W., Freestone, D. & Gudmundsdottir E. 2001. Legislating for Sustainable Fisheries: A Guide to Implementing the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement and the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, Law Justice and Development Series, World Bank, Washington

Edwards, M. 2000. The Administration of Fisheries Managed by Property Rights in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 75-88

FAO. 1993. Marine Fisheries and the Law of the Sea: A Decade of Change Special Chapter (revised) of The State of Food and Agriculture 1992, Fisheries Circular No.853 FIDI/C583 Rome

Feral, F. 2001. Sociétés Maritimes, Droits et Institutions des Pêches en Méditerranée Occidentale FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, Rome

Ford, W. 2000. Will Improving Access Rights Lead to Better Management - Quota Management in the Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishery in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 289-295

Gislason, G.S. 2000a. From Social Thought to Economic Reality - the First 25 Years of the Lake Winnipeg IQ Management Programme in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 118-126

Gislason, G.S. 2000b. Stronger Rights, Higher Fees, Greater Say: Linkages of the Pacific Halibut Fishery in Canada in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 383-389

Gissurarson, H.H. 2000. The Politics of Enclosures with Special Reference to the Icelandic ITQ System in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 1-16

Gordon, S. 1954. The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource: The Fishery

Grafton, R.Q. 1996. Individual transferable quotas: theory and practice in Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, vol. 6, No. 1

Harris, J.W. 1996. Property and Justice Oxford

Heizer, S. 2000. The Commercial Geoduck Fishery in British Columbia, Canada - an Operational Perspective of a Limited Entry Fishery with Individual Quotas in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 226-233

Hersoug, B. & Holm, P. 2000. "Bringing the State Back In: The Choice of Regulatory System in South Africa’s New Fisheries Policy" in "Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management", FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 173-183

Iyambo, A. 2000. Managing Fisheries with Rights in Namibia: a Minister’s Perspective" in "Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management", FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 142-150

Jensen, C. 2000. Rights Based Systems: Sovereignty and Property in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 47-52

Lería, C. & Van Houtte, A. 2000. Rights Based Fisheries: A Legal Overview, Current Fisheries Issues and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Center for Oceans Law and Policy, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Kluwer Law International, pp. 263-299.

Lindsay, J. 1998. Designing Legal Space: Law as an Enabling Tool in Community-Based Management, International Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Washington D.C., 10-14 May 1998.

Macinko, S. 1993. Public or Private? Unites States Commercial Fisheries Management and the Public Trust Doctrine, Reciprocal Challenges, 33 Nat. Resources J. 919

McFarlane, B. 2000. The Legal Nature of Australian Fishing Licences - Are They Property Rights? in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 39-46

McIlgorm, A. & Tasmenyi, M. 2000. Rights-Based Fisheries Development in Australia - Has it Stalled? in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 148-154

Merryman, J.Y. 1969. The Civil Law Tradition

Milliken, W. 1994. Individual Transferable Fishing Quotas and Antitrust Law 1 Ocean & Coastal L.J. 35 pp.

Nielander, W.J. & Sullivan, M.S. 2000a. ITQs - New Zealand and United States: Allocation Formula and Legal Challenges in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 59-71

Nielander, W.J. & Sullivan, M.S. 2000b. Enforcement and Compliance of ITQs: New Zealand and the United States of America in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 415-427

Ostrom, E. & Schlager, E. 1992. Property Rights Regimes and Natural Resources: A Conceptual Analysis Land Economics, August 1992, 68(3); and The formation of Property Rights in Rights to Nature: cultural, economic, political and economic principles of institutions for the environment Island Press 1996 pp. 127-157.

Palmer, W. 2000. Legal Planning for Management of Fisheries Using Property Rights in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 66-74

Peacock, F.G. & Hansen, J. 2000. Community Management in Groundfish: A New Approach to Property Rights in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 160-169

Pollock, F. (nd) First Book of Jurisprudence

Pomeroy, R.S. 1999. Devolution and Fisheries Co-management draft, ICLARM

Rieser, A. 1997. Property Rights and Ecosystem Management in U.S. Fisheries: Contracting for the Commons? 24 Ecology L.Q. 813 pp.

Roberts, C. & Tanna, A. 2000. Saltwater People, Cape York: Mare Nullius and Managing for Native Title in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 297-302

Schlager, E. & Ostrom, E. 1992. Property Rights Regimes and Natural Resources: A Conceptual Analysis Land Economics 68(3) pp. 249-262

Scott, A. 2000a. Introducing Property in Fishery Management in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 1-13

Scott, A. 2000b. Moving Through the Narrows: From Open Access to ITQs and Self-Government in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 105-117

Smith, P.J. 2000. How "Privatization" Can Result in More Government: the Alaska Halibut and Sablefish Experience in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper pp. 404/1, Rome, pp. 166-171

Symes, D. 2000a. Rights-Based Management: A European Union Perspective in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 276-283

Symes, D. 2000b. Use rights and Social Obligations: Questions of Responsibility and Governance in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 325-328

Taylor-Moore, N. 2000. Fishing Rights: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 72-77

Tsamenyi, M. & McIlgorm, A. 2000. Enhancing Fisheries Rights Through Legislation - Australia’s Experience in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 88-95

Turris, B.R. 2000. A Comparison of British Columbia’s ITQ Fisheries for Groundfish Trawl and Sablefish: Similar Results from Programmes with Differing Objectives, Designs and Processes" in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/1, Rome, pp. 254-261

Wertheimer, Q.A.C. 2000. The Use of Individual Fishing Quotas in the United States’ EEZ in Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 404/2, Rome, pp. 127-136

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