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CL 89/REP REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF FAO Eighty-ninth Session |
Austria* | France** | Sao Tome and Principe* |
Afghanistan** | Gambia* | Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of** |
Argentina*** | Germany, Federal Republic of*** | Senegal** |
Australia** | India** | Tanzania** |
Bangladesh*** | Indonesia*** | Thailand*** |
Brazil* | Iraq*** | Trinidad and Tobago* |
Bulgaria* | Italy** | Tunisia* |
Cameroon*** | Japan*** | Turkey*** |
Canada* | Lebanon* | Uganda* |
China*** | Liberia** | United Kingdom** |
Colombia* | Malaysia*** | United States of America* |
Congo* | Mexico* | Venezuela*** |
Cuba* | Nicaragua*** | Yemen, People's Democratic Republic of* |
Czechoslovakia* | Niger*** | Yugoslavia*** |
Denmark** | Pakistan** | Zambia*** |
Ecuador** | Philippines** | Zimbabwe** |
Egypt** |
* Term of office until 31 December 1986.
** Term of office until conclusion of Twenty-fourth Session of the Conference, November 1987.
*** Term of office until 31 December 1988.
Independent Chairman: Lassaad Ben Osman
Afghanistan* | Germany, Federal Republic of** | Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of* |
Algeria*** | Hungary*** | Senegal* |
Argentina** | India* | Spain*** |
Australia* | Indonesia** | Switzerland*** |
Bangladesh** | Iraq** | Tanzania* |
Brazil*** | Italy* | Thailand** |
Cameroon** | Japan** | Trinidad and Tobago*** |
Canada*** | Lebanon*** | Turkey** |
China** | Liberia* | United Kingdom* |
Colombia*** | Libya*** | United States of America*** |
Cuba*** | Madagascar*** | Venezuela** |
Denmark* | Malaysia** | Yugoslavia** |
Ecuador* | Mexico*** | Zaire*** |
Egypt* | Nicaragua** | Zambia** |
France* | Niger** | Zimbabwe* |
Gabon*** | Pakistan* | |
Gambia*** | Philippines* |
* Term of office until conclusion of Twenty-fourth Session of the Conference, November 1987.
** Term of office until 31 December 1988.
*** Term of office until conclusion of Twenty-fifth Session of the Conference, November 1989.
Election of Three Vice-Chairmen
Tribute to Outgoing Chairmen Of the Programme and Finance Committees
Tribute to Mr Dieter F.R. Bommer
Election of the Chairman and Members of the Programme Committee
Election of the Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee
Election of the Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
Election of Five Members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes
Calendar of 1986-87 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which Report to the Council
Appointment of the Deputy Director-General (Resolution 1/89)
Amendment to Rule VII-2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Council (Travel of Council Representatives)
Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions
Date and Place of the Ninetieth Session of the Council