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2.1 Introduction

This part identifies organizations using explicitly or implicitly SL analysis, concepts and tools in relation to ANR. Organizations that are particularly relevant and for which it was possible to obtain sufficient information are presented in alphabetically ordered sheets. Other relevant organizations for which it was not possible to obtain sufficient information on their link with SLA and/or on their ANR activities are listed at the end of this part. To allow cross-references, organizations having their own sheet are marked with a (=>).

The organizations included in the inventory are extremely diverse, encompassing intergovernmental organizations, government agencies, NGOs, private companies and consultancies, research institutes, etc. Each type of organization can provide important insights on ANR and SLA. For instance, while intergovernmental organizations and NGOs may provide insights on how to incorporate SLA into ANR operational projects, research institutes may provide insights on SLA concepts and methodology as well as on the analysis and development of innovative ANR strategies.

2.2 CANARI (Caribbean Natural Resources Institute)

Nature of the organization

Independent technical and research organization analysing and promoting participatory management of natural resources in the Caribbean region.

Relationship with SLA

While CANARI has not explicitly adopted an SLA, one of CANARI's central research themes is the analysis of NR-based livelihood strategies. CANARI has also been involved in SL research activities as local partner of UK-based institutions. Moreover, it has published papers (available online) concerning sustainable livelihoods (although no SL framework is used).

Examples of ANR activities

With technical assistance from IDS (=>) and funding from DfID (=>), CANARI has been working on a research programme on coastal livelihoods in a village in St. Lucia (the "People and Sea" programme). The programme started in 2000 and is for a three-year period. It entails: research on the current status of natural resources and on the role of these and of social, human and financial resources in the livelihood strategies of the village; testing of NR management arrangements to improve participation, the livelihoods of local communities and resource use sustainability; and analysis of results and of lessons learned.

Links with other organizations

CANARI has worked on research programmes with DfID, IDS, IIED and ODI.


CANARI website; Renard et al. (2000).

Contact details

New Dock Road
P O Box 383
Vieux Fort
St Lucia

Tel: + 758 454 6060
Fax: + 758 454 5188

Email: [email protected]
Web site:

Yves Renard, Executive Director.

2.3 CARE

Nature of the organization

International relief and development NGO. This sheet focuses on CARE International UK.

Relationship with SLA

CARE adopted a livelihoods approach (the Household Livelihood Security approach, HLS) as a programming framework in 1994 (Figure 2). The HLS follows the definition of livelihood given by Chambers and Conway (1992), and is increasingly combined with a number of other approaches, including the right-based approach.

CARE uses the HLS as a means to understand complex issues, to increase inter-sectoral coordination, and to improve the impact of its activities. While in some cases it results in truly multi-sectoral activities, in others holistic livelihood analysis leads to more focussed projects.

CARE has devoted substantial energies to institutionalize the HLS in its programmes, by promoting holistic diagnostic analysis, HLS programme design (using versions of the framework reproduced in Figure 3), reorienting ongoing programmes towards a more livelihood-centred perspective, and developing appropriate M&E tools. Compared to DfID and UNDP, CARE tends to put less emphasis on PIPs.

Figure 2. CARE's livelihoods framework. Source: Carney et al., 1999.

Figure 3. CARE's programme design framework for livelihood projects. Source: Carney et al., 1999.

Examples of ANR activities

Many projects that have been designed or reoriented in the light of the livelihood approach and that are most often referred to in the literature do not have an ANR focus. For instance, CARE has applied the livelihoods approach in urban contexts (PUSH, PUSH II and PROSPECT projects in Lusaka, Zambia).

As for rural areas, the Interfish/Go-Interfish projects provide integrated pest management extension and training (through the Farmer Field School model) and promote rice cultivation and aquaculture; started as sectoral technology-delivery projects, they have evolved towards a more holistic and participatory approach, considering broader livelihoods gains (e.g., through greater attention for human and social capital). The projects were discussed at the Siena forum; their strengths and weaknesses are therefore discussed in the documents produced by the forum (FAO/DfID, 2000 and 2000b). The livelihood impact of Go-Interfish has been measured through the CARE/DfID Livelihoods Monitoring Project, which brings the livelihoods approach into M&E by using both quantitative and qualitative tools.

Specifically on ANR, CARE has several projects. For instance, the Forestry Partnership Project in Nepal assists the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation of Nepal in transferring forest management to community forests groups in the Mid Hill and Terai area.

Links with other organizations

The Interfish/Go-Interfish projects and the Forest Partnership Project are funded by DfID (=>).


CARE website; DfID website (; Carney et al., 1999; Frankenberger et al., 2000.

Contact details

10-13 Rushworth Street

Tel. 020 7934 9334
Fax 020 7934 9335


Michael Drinkwater ([email protected]);
Tamara Rusinow ([email protected]).

2.4 Development Alternatives Group

Nature of the organization

Non-profit organization based in India.

Relationship with SLA

Innovation and dissemination with a view to creating sustainable livelihoods are among the corporate objectives of the organization. Development Alternatives runs a joint module on "Sustainable Livelihoods", in partnership with ENDA (Senegal) and with support from IISD (=>). The approach followed by Development Alternatives is not uniform (varying across projects and across regions) nor static (evolving with the improved understanding of livelihoods strategies). Due to time constraints, it was not possible to ascertain the extent to which the use of SL language is reflected in SL analysis and projects.

Examples of ANR activities

NR management is among the core activities of the organizations. In Madhya Pradesh (India), a longstanding project has improved access to water for women and the poor through infrastructure improvements (particularly the construction of a check-dam). From the information available on the website, it was not possible to establish to what extent the project made use of SL concepts and tools.

Links with other organizations

Development Alternatives has worked with several international and national donors and with India government agencies at both federal and state level. It has also worked with NGOs using SLA, such as IISD. Its SL project is jointly run with the Senegalese organization ENDA.


Website of the organization:
SD Gateway website: (;
DAINET website (

Contact details

B-32 Tara Crescent
Qutab International Area
New Delhi
110 016, India

Tel.: +91 11 69677938
Fax: +91 11 6866031

E-mail: [email protected]

2.5 DfID (Department for International Development)

Nature of the organization

International development agency of the UK government.

Relationship with SLA

The White Paper on International Development of 1997 ("Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century") institutionalized the adoption of an SLA as a means to eliminate poverty. The White Paper states: "We shall refocus our international development efforts on the elimination of poverty and encouragement of economic growth which benefits the poor. We will do this through support for international sustainable development targets and policies which create sustainable livelihoods for poor people, promote human development and conserve the environment" (page 8). "Policies and actions which promote sustainable livelihoods" explicitly include "access of poor people to land, resources and markets" (panel 3). Building on work by IDS (=>) and Oxfam (=>), DfID has developed its own SL framework (Figure 4).

DfID has integrated SL thinking into planning, particularly in some Country Strategy Papers. In preparing the Cambodia Country Strategy Paper, a study using SL analysis was carried out (Turton, 2000a); the Country Strategy Paper subsequently developed makes use of SL analysis and concepts (DfID, 2000).

DfID supports SLA projects in a variety of developing countries (some examples of ANR projects are provided below).

In addition, DfID promotes the development of SL project methodologies. For instance, DfID supports a programme coordinated by the University of Bradford ("Goodbye to projects?", 2001-2003) which analyzes the challenges posed by SLA for project design and implementation, and a project by CARE to integrate SL into project evaluation (Livelihood Monitoring Project, 2001-2005).

Figure 4. DfID's SL framework. Source: Carney et al. (1999).

Examples of ANR activities

Within DfID, a major thrust for the adoption of the SLA came from the divisions responsible for natural resource management. SLA issues are currently dealt with by the Rural Livelihoods Department. The following are some examples of ANR-related activities that adopt, to a very diverse degree, SL concepts and tools. While in some cases SL analysis was present in the programme/project since the conceptualization phase, in most cases SL concepts and tools were used in the implementation phase.

The Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme was designed using the SL framework, complementing it with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. The programme is implemented by FAO, and is described more in detail in Part I of this report.

The Western Orissa Rural Livelihoods Project (WORLP, implemented by the Indian Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment and by the Orissa State Government) and the Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project (APRLP, implemented by the Indian Department for Rural Development and by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh) are both watershed projects. Although neither project was explicitly conceptualized with an SL framework, both projects present interesting features for SLA/ANR. In the WORLP (1999-2009), SL concepts and principles were incorporated at the end of the design process through a workshop and a series of team meetings; the asset pentagon provided useful insights on the nature of poverty in the project area. In the APRLP (1999-2006), SL analysis and framework were not explicitly adopted, although the project presents important SL-type tools and concepts.

Both projects are the result of the convergence between two parallel strands of thinking: SL on the one hand, and watershed development thinking on the other. Watershed development thinking emphasizes that a narrow technical approach to NR degradation cannot succeed, and that social, financial and institutional aspects must also be taken into account; it formed the basis for the adoption by the government of India of guidelines for watershed programmes.

The projects go beyond the traditional scope of watershed projects to address the needs of marginalized groups (landless, etc.), by providing irrigation, water and sanitation, credit, etc. They are flexible, so as to enable local communities to prioritise interventions according to their own development needs, including in non-land-based activities. In the light of these features, they have been termed "watershed-plus" projects.

The WILD (Wildlife Integration for Livelihood Diversification, 1999-2002) project in Namibia helps communities to exploit the possibilities to access and use wildlife resources opened by the Nature Conservation Amendment Act 1996 (devolution of wildlife use rights to community bodies). It does so by analyzing and documenting the livelihood impact of wildlife access and use, as well as micro- and macro- level factors influencing wildlife access and use and their livelihood impact; and by assessing and promoting appropriate methodologies to develop policies and community-level land uses to integrate wildlife into livelihood strategies.

The Nepal UK Community Forestry Project (1993-2001) was not designed as an SLA project (it predates DfID's adoption of the SL framework), although livelihood analysis has been incorporated in the project after 1998, mainly by using the SL framework to assess the project impact on livelihood assets, including NR, and to refocus the project on poverty. On the basis of this analysis, a follow-up programme (the Nepal Livelihoods and Forestry Programme) was designed. The new programme aims at reducing vulnerability and improving livelihoods for poor rural people.

In South Africa, DfID supported the Oxfam GB Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in Nkandla District, KZN (1999-2001). The programme identified policy and practice changes which would enable poor people to have improved and more sustainable livelihoods based upon local NR. Moreover, DfID's Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods Programme supports the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in implementing the Plan of Action contained in the South African White Paper for Sustainable Coast Development. The programme uses SL concepts and tools and aims at establishing an equitable and sustainable coastal development process that promotes sustainable livelihoods, particularly for poor coastal communities.

In Nigeria, DfID has a project (Jigawa Enhancement of Wetlands Livelihoods, JEWEL, 2002-2005) to demonstrate successful approaches to more equitable and sustainable management of common property resources in Jigawa, neighbouring states and at a federal level, using SL concepts and tools.

The Botswana Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (2001-2003) is to develop and implement policies, programmes and projects which support the sustainable improvement of rural livelihoods whilst conserving the environment. While previous UK aid to Botswana was channelled through a great number of small projects, the programme sets up a fund to support SL projects, including ANR projects.

In Bangladesh, DfID supports the local NGO Samata (Samata Samaj Kalyan Samity), which helps the landless to gain access to government land ("khas") through leases. This activity meets strong resistance on the part of local elites illegally occupying government land, and involves campaigns and mobilization, training, support in filing applications for land assignments, support in participation in local decision-making institutions, etc. The DfID-funded project (2001-2008) goes beyond ANR to involve also micro-finance and technical support and broader micro-macro linkages (greater representation of the landless in local government; advocacy at local, regional and national level).

In the Caribbean, a project implemented by CANARI (=>) is testing and documenting strategies for the management of coral reef resources so as to improve participation, the livelihoods of local communities and resource use sustainability.

Finally, DfID supports periodic Sustainable Livelihoods Seminar Series to share experiences on the operationalization of SLA, including on SL and water, SL and the environment, and SL and NR. In November 2001, a seminar of this series was held in Edinburgh on "Rural Poverty and Natural Resources".

DfID has projects supporting land reform programmes in a variety of countries (e.g., Russia and other CIS countries, Kenya, etc.) and projects supporting community forest arrangements (e.g., Cameroon, India, etc.).

Links with other organizations

DfID supports SLA projects undertaken by a variety of actors, including NGOs (e.g., CARE, Oxfam; =>), research institutes (ODI, IDS; =>), and international organizations (FAO). Early SLA thinking within DfID built on conceptual work developed by institutions like IDS (=>) and Oxfam (=>). DfID also supports programmes that address ANR without explicitly adopting an SL framework (e.g., IIED, =>).

DfID has established a Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group (SLRG), grouping institutions working on SL mainly in the Anglophone world (members include IDL, IDS, Khanya, NRI and ODI; =>). The core objectives of the Group are to exchange information on SL, provide expertise on SL, constitute a team for the effective implementation of the SL framework, and help influence other donors.

In developing and implementing its SLA projects, DfID has also established partnerships with national and local governments in developing countries (e.g., as for the APRLP, the government of Andhra Pradesh).

In July 2002, DfID agreed to finance the setting up of a fund - the Poverty Reduction Cooperation Fund - managed by the Asian Development Bank, which will presumably fund SLA projects.


DfID website; Livelihoods Connect website (; website of the Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project (;

DfID (1997); DfID (2000); DfID (2001); Carney et al. (1999); Carney (2002); Turton (2000a and 2000b).

Contact details

1 Palace Street

Tel.: +44 (0)20 70230643
Fax: +44 (0)20 70230016


Sam Bickersteth, Nepal UK Community Forestry Project, NR Adviser ([email protected]);

Jane Clark, coordination of the SL Resource Group ([email protected]);

Simon Croxton, APRLP, ([email protected]);

Chris Henderson, WILD project, ([email protected]);

Neil MacPherson, Senior Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Advisor, Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme ([email protected]);

Peter Reid, DfID, Senior Livelihoods Adviser, UK Permanent Representation to the UN (Rome) ([email protected]; tel.: 06 68400914).

2.6 GADEC (Groupe d'Action pour le Développement Communautaire)

Nature of the organization

Senegalese NGO operating in Senegal.

Relationship with SLA

GADEC does not make use of SLA. However, building on the Gestion des Terroirs experience, it has developed a methodology that presents several commonalities with SLA. The Gestion et Réhabilitation des Terroirs Villageois (GRTV) is a comprehensive framework for the programmes of the organization. While Gestion des Terroirs was centred on NR management, the GRTV broadens its scope, by focusing on ten thematic areas which include, beyond NR management, support and strengthening for farmer associations and local authorities, education and training, income diversification, infrastructure, research, etc. NR management is centred on the adoption and implementation of plans de gestion des terroirs and on other activities. Commonalities with SLA include:

Examples of ANR activities

The GRTV approach has been applied in a project in Sinthiourou village (Kolda region, Senegal). The project included a NR component, centred on the definition and implementation of a plan de gestion des terroirs, aimed at promoting peaceful and concerted management of sylvo-pastoral resources shared by four villages, easing pre-existing tensions.

Links with other organizations

GADEC has worked with the Belgian Cooperation, with the Belgian Survival Fund, and with international NGOs (including Oxfam US).


GADEC (2002).

Contact details

B.P. 123

Tel. +221 981 12 20
Fax + 221 981 17 20

E-mail [email protected]

Alassane Guisse, Executive Secretary.

2.7 IDL (In Development Ltd.)

Nature of the organization

UK-based firm providing consultancy and research services.

Relationship with SLA

SL is a major focus of the activities of IDL, which include consultancies on policy and institutional reform (to ensure that policies and institutions respond to livelihood realities) and project cycle management (employing SLA in project identification, design, monitoring, review and evaluation; e.g., Turton, 2001). In its SL analysis, IDL pays particular attention to transaction costs affecting the efficiency of using, substituting, trading and creating assets, and to action at all levels (international, national, local) to reduce those costs.

Examples of ANR activities

IDL uses livelihood-based approaches to the reform of agricultural policies and institutions. It reviewed the project design of two DfID (=>) watershed management projects in India (Orissa and Andhra Pradesh) (Turton, 2000b).

Links with other organizations

IDL has worked with DfID (=>) (e.g., Cate Turton carried out a study for the preparation of the DfID Cambodia Country Strategy Paper, and reviewed the project design in the Indian watershed management projects). IDL is member of the DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group.


Livelihood Connect website (; Carney (2002); Turton (2000b).

Contact details

P.O. Box 20
TA18 7YW

Tel. +44(0)1460 279900
Fax +44(0)1460 279911

Website (under construction):

Steve Ashley ([email protected]).

Other core team members: Peter Bazeley, Sarah Holden, Dil Peeling, Cate Turton, Catherine Arnold, Karen Iles.

2.8 IDS (Institute of Development Studies)

Nature of the organization

Research institute, part of the University of Sussex (UK), carrying out development-oriented research, training and consultancies.

Relationship with SLA

IDS has been one of the major contributors to the very concept of SL. The definition of livelihood most often referred to was developed at IDS by Chambers and Conway (1992). Over the years, IDS has gained considerable expertise on SL issues.

Within SLA, IDS focuses on the role played by institutions, policies and organizations. For instance, the DfID-funded Sustainable Livelihoods Research programme (1997-1999) analyzed what institutions (formal and informal) enable poor people to achieve SL and what policies may support the SL efforts of the poor. The programme focused on four case studies: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe. It involved the elaboration of a graphic representation of the SL framework (Figure 5).

IDS is also a major centre of information (studies published are available online), and runs ELDIS (gateway for development-related information) and the DfID-funded Livelihoods Connect website (gateway for SL information). IDS is involved in a DfID-funded programme to foster SL lesson learning and sharing within DfID (=>), particularly the Sustainable Livelihoods Support Office.

Examples of ANR activities

Several research programmes have a specific ANR focus. For instance, a major research programme is "Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa (SLSA): Natural Resources, Governance and Policy Processes". Started in 2000 for a three-year period, this programme examines issues concerning land, water and wildlife in Southern Africa, focusing on livelihoods, institutions and policy processes. It has resulted in the publication of country papers and of thematic papers on the link between natural resources and livelihoods in South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, as well as of research briefs and other papers.

Moreover, in partnership with CANARI (=>), IDS has been working on the "People and Sea: Coastal Livelihoods in Laborie, St. Lucia" programme.

IDS also carries out DfID-supported research on the interaction between legal institutions and access to land in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire.

Links with other organizations

IDS's conceptual work influenced early SL thinking in DfID and in the UK in general. IDS is member of the DfID (=>) Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group. Several IDS research programmes (including the SLSA) are funded by DfID. IDS has developed strong links with local partners inter alia in Ethiopia, Mali, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. The SLSA programme is carried out in collaboration with other actors both in the UK (including ODI, =>) and in the covered countries (e.g., in South Africa, the Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies - PLAAS - of the University of Western Cape).

Figure 5. The SL framework developed by IDS. Source: Scoones (1998).


IDS web site; Brock (1999); Scoones (1998).

Contact details


Tel. +44(0)1273606261
Fax: +44(0)1273621202/691647


Ian Scoones (contact for research activities) ([email protected]);

Carl Jackson (contact for information) ([email protected]);

Kate Hawkins (contact for information) ([email protected]);

Other core team members: Jutta Blauert, Stephen Devereux, Martin Greely, Lyla Mehta, Jeremy Swift (who was involved in the FAO Pastoral Risk Management Strategy in Mongolia, see Part I), Kath Pasteur, James Keeley, Geoff Barnard.

2.9 IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)

Nature of the organization

International financial institution mobilizing resources to alleviate rural poverty and improve nutrition.

Relationship with the SLA

Although IFAD has not formally adopted an SL framework, it makes use of SL concepts and tools. IFAD's Rural Poverty Report 2001 states that increasing access to assets is crucial for poverty reduction, including human assets (education and health), social assets (organizations), natural assets (land, water and forests), technological assets (processing and marketing methods), infrastructural assets (roads, communications, health and education facilities, housing) and financial assets (crop sales, off-farm revenue, credit). The Strategic Framework for IFAD 2002-2006 contains three strategic objectives, including "Improving Equitable Access to Productive Natural Resources and Technology". Without explicitly referring to SLA, these strategic objectives present commonalities with the SLA capital asset pentagon (Figure 6). A DfID-funded SL adviser was appointed for the period 2001-2003.

Figure 6. IFAD's strategic objectives. Source: IFAD website.

Examples of ANR activities

IFAD has supported a variety of projects containing innovative ANR components. In Nepal, IFAD runs the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (1993 on), for which FAO implemented a technical assistance component (the project is described in greater detail in part I of this report).

In Bangladesh, the Oxbow Lakes Small-Scale Fisheries Project (1991-1998) had a major ANR component (alongside components on training, infrastructure, credit and extension). The entry point was the New Fisheries Management Policy adopted by the Government of Bangladesh in 1985, envisaging granting of fishing rights to fishers as individuals or groups. The project had specified criteria for beneficiaries (e.g., the landless and those owning less than 2.5 acres of land, etc.). It promoted the acquisition of access and management rights over common property resources (lakes) by fishers through:

Links with other organizations


IFAD website; DfID website (; Brett (pers.comm); IFAD (1998).

Contact details

Via del Serafico, 107
00142 Roma Italy

Vanda Altarelli, contact for SLA ([email protected]);
Nigel Brett, contact for Oxbow Lakes and Leasehold Forestry projects ([email protected]).

2.10 IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)

Nature of the organization

UK-based independent research institute, with decentralised offices inter alia in Senegal.

Relationship with SLA

Without following a specific SL framework, IIED has long used livelihood analysis, concepts and tools and emphasised participatory approaches, particularly with regard to research on the interaction between NR and livelihoods. SL principles have been incorporated to different degrees in several IIED projects, in most cases using SLA as a checklist to identify issues and priorities.

The Biodiversity and Livelihoods Group (BLG) has carried out research inter alia on the livelihood impact of wildlife trade regulations and on the multiple forms of biodiversity's livelihood contribution; as for the latter, a book published in 2001 includes papers explicitly using SL analysis, and a paper developing a biodiversity-focused SL framework (Cromwell et al., 2001).

The Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihoods Programme (SARL) has used SL concepts and tools in a variety of research activities, and has contributed to the SL debate through publications e.g. emphasizing social and cultural capital (Bebbington, 1999) and proposing a broadening of the SL framework from local/national to global level.

The Drylands Programme uses SL concepts, with particular regard to participatory approaches, holistic approaches (encompassing social, economic, environmental and institutional issues), and micro-meso-macro links (e.g., analyzing the impact of laws and policies on ANR at local level).

Examples of ANR activities

IIED works extensively on ANR-focused research; here are just some examples that may be particularly relevant for Sub-programme 3.1.

The Drylands Programme has carried out extensive research on access to natural resources (particularly land) in both Anglophone and Francophone West Africa, documenting the diverse institutional forms (both formal and informal/customary) through which people gain ANR. Drylands is involved in policy debates concerning land tenure issues in West Africa. It has also carried out research on pastoral land tenure issues in West and East Africa.

The SARL is working, among others, on the scaling up and institutionalization of participatory NR management approaches from the local to the national level, particularly by examining ways in which participation may be mainstreamed in government agencies and their policies, programmes and projects.

IIED is also part of a project "Improving Policy - Livelihood Relationships in South Asia", coordinated by the University of Leeds (School of Geography) and supported by DfID. The project uses the SL framework, and aims at developing and promoting policy options to support rural livelihoods through a range of research, development and advocacy activities, focusing on participatory forestry, on water resources management, and on integrated coastal zone management policies.

Links with other organizations

IIED has worked with DfID (=>), and obtains funding from a variety of other donors. It has worked with a variety of UK-based institutions using SLA (e.g., IDS, ODI; =>). Moreover, IIED (particularly the Drylands Programme) was involved in the Franco-British Initiative, aimed at sharing approaches, experiences and lessons between Francophone and Anglophone West African countries, and has established strong links with Francophone organizations, both in France (e.g., GRET) and in West Africa. IIED is also supporting a network of African experts on land tenure and rights (LandNet Africa).


IIED website; Bebbington (1999); Huq (pers.comm); Pimbert (pers.comm); Roe (pers.comm); Thompson (pers.comm); Toulmin (pers.comm).

Contact details

(London Headquarters)
3 Endsleigh Street

Tel.: +44(0)2073882117
Fax: +44 (0)2073882826


Camilla Toulmin, Drylands Programme ([email protected]);

John Thompson, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme, Director ([email protected]);

Dylis Roe, Biodiversity and Livelihoods Group, Research Associate ([email protected]);

Sameemul Huq, Climate Change Programme, Director (contact also for the South Asia Project with the University of Leeds) ([email protected]).

2.11 IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)

Nature of the organization

Canadian research institute promoting sustainable development and advancing policy recommendations in several areas, including NR management.

Relationship with SLA

IISD is a major promoter of SLA. Since 1991, IISD's Community Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods (CASL) programme has employed SL as a holistic means to understand complex livelihoods strategies in developing countries. While "livelihood" is defined along the lines of the Chambers and Conway (1992) definition, CASL has developed its own SL framework, which differs considerably from the framework used by DfID and by other UK-based institutions (Figure 7). Using SLA entails identifying assets, entitlements, activities and knowledge bases upon which beneficiaries based their livelihoods; carrying out a cross-sectoral, micro-macro linked analysis of policies and of their livelihood impact; assessing the contribution of key technology to livelihoods; and identifying opportunities and projects.

Figure 7. IISD's SL framework. Source: Agobia (1999).

The programme has also developed and is testing a method called "appreciative inquiry", which focuses on strengths and achievements (particularly identifying and building on existing adaptive strategies) rather than problems, and promotes participation at grassroots level. Moreover, IISD's CASL has published a guidebook for SL participatory research (Rennie and Singh, 1996). IISD has undertaken research work on "Adaptive strategies and sustainable livelihoods" in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa.

Examples of ANR activities

Although ANR is not explicitly included in IISD's SL framework, IISD carries out a great variety of NR-related activities. In Southern India (Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka), IISD has a two-year programme using "appreciative inquiry" to help rural people plan and implement community NR management projects that contribute to sustainable development and to secure livelihoods (MYRADA Appreciative Inquiry Project). In Manitoba (Canada), IISD is working on a pilot project to determine how local communities value the forest during each season of the year (through a holistic valuation of forest's livelihoods contribution) and to integrate Aboriginal values into land use and resource planning (Integrating Aboriginal Values into Land Use and Resource Management Project).

The project Enhancing Sustainable Livelihoods in Drought-Prone Areas: Building on Adaptive Strategies (in two rural districts of Zimbabwe), now completed, explicitly adopted an SLA and included among its objectives to "apply the sustainable livelihoods approach to land and biodiversity conservation in arid and semi-arid lands"; project activities included the establishment of community gardens and boreholes, both to provide communities with nutritious vegetables and to demonstrate appropriate technologies, and the provision of indigenous and improved seed varieties.

Links with other organizations

The project in Southern India is funded by DfID (=>) and implemented in partnership with local NGOs, principally Bangalore-based MYRADA. The project in Zimbabwe was funded by the CIDA Community Drought Mitigation Program.


IISD website; Agobia (1999).

Contact details

(Head Office)
161, Portage Avenue East (6th Floor)
R3B 0Y4
Tel.: +1 204 9587700
Fax: +1 204 9587710
IISD also has offices in Ottawa, New York and Geneva.

Jo-Ellen Parry, India project and Canada project, Project Manager ([email protected]).

Other staff in the NR management sector includes: Arthur J. Hanson (Interim Director); Jennifer Castleden (Project Officer, Community Development); Kyle Fargey (Project Officer); and Jennifer Bryant (Project Assistant).

2.12 Khanya - Managing Rural Change CC

Nature of the organization

South African company owned by its employees and addressing issues related to rural poverty. Its mission is "to promote sustainable livelihoods for the rural poor, providing advice, facilitation, research, and training, in partnership with government, business, and civil society". Khanya operates mainly in Africa (particularly the SADC region).

Relationship with SLA

SL is one of Khanya's focus areas of work. Khanya has developed its own SL framework, which differs from DfID's framework (Figure 8), and has explicitly used an SLA in a vast number of activities, including: analysis for institutional and service delivery reform (e.g., a project on institutional support for SL in the Eastern Cape; analysis for community-based service delivery in Uganda); SL project design (e.g., design of an SL project for UNDP in Limpopo Province, South Africa); design of a fund for DfID to support livelihoods project in Botswana (where SL is used to conceptualise what projects are to be supported); project review (e.g., of CARE's TEAM project in Lesotho); SLA training (e.g., training of social foresters in Lesotho in PRA and SLA; training in SLA in Botswana for a resource management project); municipality-level development planning (design of the Integrated Development Plan for Mangaung Local Municipality); etc.

Khanya has explored links between micro (community) and meso (local government) levels, e.g. in a project on institutional support for SL in Southern Africa and in a project on community-based planning in South Africa, Uganda, Ghana and Zimbabwe (reviewing the status of community-based planning and developing improved community-based planning mechanisms).

Khanya is also part of a consortium working on the project "Goodbye to Projects? The Institutional Impact of a Livelihood Approach on Projects and Project Cycle Management", started in 2001 and coordinated by the University of Bradford.

Figure 8. Khanya's SL framework. Source: Khanya (2000).

Examples of ANR activities

Khanya has explicitly used SLA is a variety of NR projects. Many of the projects mentioned in the previous paragraph had a NR component (e.g., the community-based planning project, the development plan for Mangaung municipality, etc.). Here are just some examples of Khanya's activities.

In Uganda, Khanya has developed a methodology for the Forestry Secretariat, aimed at undertaking livelihoods analysis in 10 districts. The analysis focused on the actual and potential livelihood contribution of forestry, and has led to a the development of a range of services to support forestry extension, which are currently being piloted.

Khanya worked for the DfID-supported Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods Programme in South Africa and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in Botswana (briefly described under DfID, =>).

Khanya has also worked on ANR projects involving SLA only implicitly (Addo Elephant National Park project - support for a community neighbouring the park to use livelihood opportunities from the park, using a participatory and holistic approach) and ANR projects not involving SLA (review of the Lefika land reform project, Free State, and of the S'bongile land reform project, Free State - evaluations of land reform projects in South Africa).

Links with other organizations

Khanya has worked in several projects supported by DfID (=>), and has worked with international organizations (UNDP, =>) and with several UK-based research institutes (ODI, =>) and NGOs (CARE, =>). It is member of the DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group. It has links with partners (including government agencies) in Africa.


Khanya web site; Livelihoods Connect website (; Khanya (2000); Carnery (2002); Goldman (pers.comm).

Contact details

17, James Scott Street
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)51 430 0712
Fax: +27 (0)51 430 8322


Within Khanya

Ian Goldman, first contact ([email protected]);

Joe Marumo, contact for projects using SL explicitly (UNDP project in Limpopo, South Africa) or implicitly (Addo Elephant National Park project) ([email protected]);

Outside Khanya

Neil Malan, contact for further details on the Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods Programme ([email protected]);

Jo Abbott, CARE, contact for the TEAM project ([email protected]);

Tom Barrett, DfID, contact for further details on the Botswana SL project ([email protected]).

2.13 NRI (Natural Resources Institute)

Nature of the organization

Research institute of the University of Greenwich (UK). Research is primarily focused on NR issues in developing and emerging economies.

Relationship with SLA

The Centre for Sustainable Development of the NRI integrates SLA in a variety of poverty-focused research, consultancy and training contexts, including: studies using the SL framework to assess the policy and institutional environment and coping strategies; assessments of the livelihood impact of ethical trade and of globalization; integration of SL approaches into teaching and training; and studies using the SL framework to assess the livelihood impact of road construction.

Examples of ANR activities

The "People, Natural Resources and Livelihoods" programme adopts a livelihoods perspective to achieve a holistic understanding of the role of NR use within livelihood strategies (exploring also issues relating to human, social and financial capitals), and to identify ways in which NR-related development can contribute to poverty reduction. SL is mainstreamed within NR research projects and programmes (e.g., in Tanzania and Uganda). Work focuses on sharing of information and experience, on capacity-building and on promoting innovative approaches, policies and practices. NRI also contributed to the incorporation of the SL framework into the M&E system of the FAO/DfID Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (see part I), including through a livelihood assessment procedure for artisanal fisherfolk.

Links with other organizations

NRI has worked in close cooperation with DfID (=>), and is a member of the DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group. Among DfID-funded projects, NRI has worked in the FAO SFLP.


NRI website; Livelihoods Connect website (

Contact details

Medway University Campus

Central Avenue
Chatham Maritime

Tel. +44(0)1634 883055
Fax: +44(0)1634 883377


Adrienne Martin, Head of the Livelihoods and Institutions Group ([email protected]).

Ansen Ward, NRI consultant involved in the Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme ([email protected]).

Other core team members: Martin Hebblethwaite, Liz Kiff, John Morton, Daniel Ticehurst, Jeremy Stickings.

2.14 ODI (Overseas Development Institute)

Nature of the organization

UK-based independent research institute focusing on international development and humanitarian issues.

Relationship with SLA

ODI has worked extensively on SL. Although the Rural Policy and Environment Group is the main branch explicitly using SLA, other departments are also relevant.

The Rural Policy and Environment Group (RPEG) promotes positive changes in livelihoods through policy research and through its networks for information dissemination and exchange. Its areas of work include SL, particularly by carrying out research on livelihoods strategies to guide donors and NGOs, by monitoring and evaluating existing projects, by examining the livelihood impact of policies and institutions, by reflecting on lessons learned and by working on the development of SL concepts and methodologies (project impact assessment, SLA and rights-based approach, SLA and PRSPs, politics and SLA, etc.).

The Forest Policy and Environment Group (FPEG) also incorporates SL in its work.

Examples of ANR activities

ODI's SL work has a strong NR focus. ODI produced a DfID-funded series of Working Papers on sustainable livelihoods, with studies mainly concerning access to and management of natural resources. The series includes papers developing impact assessment methodologies for project M&E (e.g., Ashley and Hussein, 2000). Substantial work has also been carried out on assessing early experiences in SL projects, particularly with regard to ANR projects. For instance, Ashley (2000) examines four DfID-supported NR projects in Namibia and Kenya, and draws useful lessons on the integration of SLA in projects. Details for some of the covered projects are available under DfID (=>) (e.g., the WILD project in Namibia). ODI has also published papers on including the political dimension of ANR (Baumann, 2000; Baumann and Sinha, 2001).

A Working Paper (subsequently published in an IIED book, =>) developed a series of frameworks to analyse the link between agricultural biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods, identifying vulnerability context, structures and processes, various forms of biodiversity assets (plants, insects, soil biota, and animals), livelihood strategies based on those assets, and livelihood outcomes (Cromwell et al., 2001).

The work of FPEG focuses on understanding the livelihood values of forests and on identifying opportunities for the rural poor to obtain greater benefits from the commercial use of forest products.

ODI disseminates SL lessons and experiences with ANR through publications (Natural Resource Perspectives, ODI Working Papers, Forestry Papers) and networks.

Links with other organizations

ODI has worked extensively with DfID (=>) and is member of the DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group.


ODI website; Livelihoods Connect website (;

Contact details

111, Westminster Bridge Road

Tel.: +44(0)2079220300
Fax: +44(0)79220399

Web site:

Caroline Ashley, Research Fellow ([email protected]).

Other core team members: John Farrington, David Brown.

2.15 Oxfam

Nature of the organization

International non-governmental relief and development organization. This sheet focuses on Oxfam GB.

Relationship with SLA

Oxfam uses SLA as a tool to bring together issues concerning environmental sustainability, globalizing markets, gender, inequality and participation. It adopted an SL approach in the early 1990s, and since 1994 it has integrated it with the rights-based approach. Realizing the "right to a sustainable livelihood" is one of Oxfam's five aims included in the Strategic Plan to 2005. Oxfam follows the definition of livelihoods developed by Chambers and Conway (1992), and has developed its own SL framework (Figure 9). Since Oxfam has influenced DfID's early SL thinking, the SL approaches and frameworks of the two organizations present strong similarities.

Oxfam flexibly uses the SL framework as a point of departure, together with other approaches. SL concepts are used as a checklist in project appraisal, planning and review, focusing on five checklist elements: vulnerabilities/opportunities, assets, strategies, PIPs and outcomes.

Figure 9. Oxfam's SL framework. Source: Carney et al. (1999).

Examples of ANR activities

Many of Oxfam's SL activities have ANR components. In the Philippines, for instance, Oxfam has a longstanding community-based coastal NR management programme, which supports the establishment of community-based organizations to exercise ownership and management rights over fishing waters and coastal land, and supports livelihood diversification. In the Philippines, Oxfam is also supporting indigenous peoples to claim land tenure rights over ancestral lands.

In Cambodia, a programme aims at improving livelihoods through micro-credit and savings schemes, training, community-based NR management (including tree planting) and land-related advocacy.

In South Africa, the Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (Nkandla District, KwaZulu Natal) aims at identifying policy and practice changes which would enable poor people in Nkandla to have improved and more sustainable livelihoods, including by addressing land use issues.

Besides programmes making explicit use of SLA elements, Oxfam carries out a large variety of ANR activities, including an extensive campaign (and resource bank) on access to land in Africa.

Links with other organizations

Several projects of Oxfam GB, including the SL programme in South Africa, are supported by DfID (=>). As for land rights, Oxfam supports LandNet Africa, a network of African experts and researchers on land rights.


Oxfam website; Livelihoods Connect website (; Carney et al. (1999); Carney (2002); Hill (pers.comm).

Contact details

274, Banbury Road


Antonio Hill, Policy Advisor - Environment, Markets and Sustainable Livelihoods ([email protected]; tel. +44 01865 312392);

Thalia Kidder, Policy Advisor - Gender and Sustainable Livelihoods ([email protected]; tel. +44 01865 312401).

2.16 UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

Nature of the organization

Programme of the United Nations system.

Relationship with SLA

Within its broader sustainable human development mandate, UNDP uses SL as a holistic approach to poverty reduction, bringing together issues of poverty, governance and environment. UNDP's SL agenda stems from the Copenhagen World Summit on Social Development. Commitment 3 of the Copenhagen Declaration states that "governments accept responsibility for promoting full employment, as well as the attainment of sustainable livelihoods for all through productive employment and work". While under this Commitment SL is strictly linked to employment, subsequent work by UNDP has broadened its scope, building on the work of IDS (=>) and IISD (=>).

UNDP defines livelihoods as "the assets, activities and entitlements which people utilize in order to make a living". The capital assets slightly differ from the DfID framework, as they include "natural/biological" capital and "social and political" capital. Sustainable livelihoods are defined as "able to cope with and recover from shocks and stresses" (cf. the vulnerability context in DfID's framework), economic effective, ecologically sound, and socially equitable.

While UNDP does not have a specific SL framework, it has developed a five-stage process to apply SLA (Figure 10), articulated in: participatory assessment of risks, local adaptive strategies, assets and knowledge; analysis of policies affecting livelihoods; assessment of the potential contribution of technology to improve livelihoods; identification of social and economic investment mechanisms helping or hindering people's livelihoods; development of a monitoring and evaluation system, with accompanying indicators. The five components are not sequential, but are undertaken simultaneously and interactively. More than other organizations, UNDP places great emphasis on the importance of access to technology as a means of improving livelihoods.

UNDP makes use of SLA both in activities relating to policy formulation and in project design and implementation. In Kenya, the Country Cooperation Framework (CCF) focuses on poverty eradication and recognizes SLA as the major strategy; SLA programmes within the CCF include good governance, employment, NR management, women empowerment, etc.

UNDP has a Sustainable Livelihoods Unit, which is part of the Social Development and Poverty Elimination Division (SEPED).

Figure 10. UNDP's approach to promoting SL. Source: Carney et al. (1999).

Examples of ANR activities

UNDP has used SL concepts and tools within agriculture and natural resources activities. In this context, its entry point is existing adaptive/coping strategies, and its objective is to promote access to and sustainable use of natural assets.

The Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in Malawi was discussed at the Siena Forum (FAO/DfID, 2000 and 2000b). Building on the Country Cooperation Framework for 1998-2000, the programme used SL as an overarching framework to bring together three areas: household food security, sustainable NR management and enterprise development. FAO was given responsibility to review and analyze key policy, strategic and institutional activities to be considered in the food security component of the programme, as well as other responsibilities. The Environmental and Natural Resource Management component encompasses many diverse activities (e.g., restoration and maintenance of ecosystems and ecological processes, awareness promotion, promotion of NR-based income-generating activities, etc.), including the promotion of NR management committees and of co-management arrangements. To operationalize participation within the programme, a Participatory Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Livelihoods (PAPSL) was developed, building on pre-existing participatory tools and approaches (PRA, etc.).

Links with other organizations

UNDP has worked on SLA with FAO in the Malawi SL Programme. It has also worked with other organizations making use of SLA, including Khanya (=>), which evaluated UNDP's Global Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in Malawi, Egypt and South Africa (2000).


UNDP website; Carney et al. (1999); Pauli and Bjerregaard (1999).

Contact details


Naresh Singh ([email protected]);
Samir Wanmali ([email protected]).

2.17 WFP (World Food Programme)

Nature of the organization

Programme of the UN system.

Relationship with SLA

WFP is very interested in SLA. Some WFP staff attended the Siena interagency SL Forum in 2000. Several key SLA principles are already included in the activities of the organizations (see e.g. below on NR activities).

Examples of ANR activities

WFP Policy Issue "Enabling Development" (1999) includes, within the focus of WFP programming, "make it possible for poor families to gain and preserve assets" (priority No. 3) and "enable households which depend on degraded natural resources for their food security to make a shift to more sustainable livelihoods" (priority No. 5). The implications of the latter objective are clarified in a WFP DfID-funded publication (2002), which addresses NR issues through an SL lens and develops an analytical framework.

A particularly interesting project is the Participatory Rural Land Rehabilitation project in Ethiopia, which was discussed at the Siena Forum (FAO/DfID, 2000 and 2000b). The project falls within priority No. 5, and builds on a longstanding WFP activity in Ethiopia (started in 1980). The long-term objective of the activity is to improve food security through the conservation and development of agricultural lands affected by severe land degradation. Rather than expanding the NR base of the beneficiaries, the activity mainly improves the quality of NR to which local communities have access and on which their livelihoods depend.

Over twenty years, the activity has evolved from a traditional soil and water conservation (technical) approach to a participatory and integrated/holistic approach (including greater attention to socio-economic problems). The Local Level Participatory Planning Approach developed by the programme supports local communities to define needs, rank them and draft action plans to address them. Food aid is used as compensation for labour provided and as incentive for the adoption of new techniques and practices. In beneficiary selection, priority is given to the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly those having insufficient land.

Links with other organizations


WFP website; FAO/DfID (2000 and 2000b); WFP (1998); WFP (1999); WFP (2002).

Contact details

Marloes Van der Sande, for the WFP/DfID publication
([email protected]).

2.18 World Bank

Nature of the organization

International financial institution.

Relationship with SLA

Although the World Bank has not formally adopted an SL framework, SL concepts and tools have been employed in some of its activities, especially in the area of ANR (see below). Proposals to incorporate SL in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (which eligible countries have to prepare to access World Bank concessionary loans) have been put forward, although recent research on the extent to which this has actually been done in sub-Saharan Africa found little evidence of SL analysis (Thin et al., 2001).

Examples of ANR activities

ANR is one of the key areas where SL concepts have been used. For instance, within the process of reviewing the Bank's forest policy, a paper explored forestry-related issues from a SL perspective and identified implications for the forest policy of the Bank (Stepherd et al., 1999). The Bank's revised approach to forest issues is to be finalized soon. While not specifically adopting an SLA, the current draft (World Bank, 2002) goes beyond sustainable forest management to include livelihood aspects of forests (e.g., "harnessing the potential of forests to reduce poverty"), and to adopt a multi-sectoral approach.

The Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in Mongolia, approved in June 2002 and to be implemented over 12 years, has made explicit use of SLA since its conceptualization. Improving livelihood strategies based on the five capital assets is the very objective of the programme, while the potential of the programme to yield lessons on how to translate the SL concept into concrete programme activities is explicitly mentioned in the rationale for the involvement of the World Bank. FAO has been involved in the programme in a variety of ways. More details on the programme are available in part I of this report.

Links with other organizations

The World Bank has extensive contacts with member governments, with other international organizations, and with NGOs. Cooperation with FAO on SLA/ANR was developed through the Mongolian programme.


World Bank website; Thin et al. (2001); World Bank (2002a, b and c); Carloni (pers.comm).

Contact details

1818 H Street, NW
Washington D.C.

Tel. 202 458 4010
Fax 202 4772733

Robin Mearns, Team Leader, [email protected].

2.19 Other relevant organizations

This section lists some organizations which may be relevant for the activities of Sub-programme 3.1 but for which it was not possible to gather sufficient information allowing to draw up a separate sheet. This section includes organizations from non-Anglophone countries. Indeed, while SL frameworks and concepts have mainly been developed and used by organizations based in the UK (and, in some cases, in other Anglophone countries), SLA build on and systematize pre-existing tools and concepts that are used in both Anglophone and non-Anglophone countries. The relevance of the organizations may be explored within future activities of Sub-programme 3.1, and many more relevant organizations may be identified.

BIDS (Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies)

Research institute based in Bangladesh, carrying out development research, with a focus on Bangladesh. The institute was the local partner of IDS (=>) for the Bangladesh component of the Sustainable Livelihoods Research programme. In Bangladesh, emphasis within the programme was given to understanding the institutional processes related to migration and access to common property resources. The Institute has also produced papers e.g. on the complementarity between SLA and the right-based approach.

E-17, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh
Kazi Ali Toufique, project director for the Bangladesh SL research programme (E-mail: [email protected]; Tel.: 880-2-8123654).

BSF (Belgian Survival Fund)

The Belgian Survival Fund (established by the Parliament of Belgium) aims to improve household food security in countries experiencing chronic food deficits. The policy directives for the BSF are contained in the 1999 BSF Act. The BSF is organised around five programmes, including a Joint Programme with IFAD and a Partnership Programme with FAO.

Since the 1990s, the BSF has followed a comprehensive, integrated, participatory and multi-sectoral approach, and has worked to develop a Comprehensive Participatory Planning and Evaluation. The strategic approach of the BSF-FAO Partnership Programme emphasizes participation, empowerment, community-centred action planning, project design based on a comprehensive livelihood analysis, etc., presenting interesting commonalities with SLA.

CEPAL (UN Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean)

Institution of the UN System. The website of the organization reveals that SLA/ANR work is being done. For instance, the 1998 Implementation Strategy for Poverty Eradication in Belize (elaborated in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank) envisages activities on SL for small farmers, ranging from extension to micro-credit and to ANR. As for the latter component, activities envisaged include the development of a national land reform policy and community participation in NR management.

Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n
Santiago de Chile,
Tel.: +56-2 471-2000 - 210-2000 - 2085051

CICAFOC (Coordinadora Indígena Campesina de Agroforestería Comunitaria)

Network of organizations of indigenous peoples and of farmers in Central America. It has no explicit link with SLA. Its strategic objectives include: promoting the voice of rural organizations within policy and institutional processes; promoting local initiatives for NR access, use and management; promoting access to training and credit; and promoting environmental sustainability. CICAFOC has carried out work on community forestry.

Barrio Gonzalez Lahmann
San José, Costa Rica
Tel.: (506)221-10-21/(506)221-04-02
Alberto Chinchilla Cascante ([email protected]).

CLADES (Consorcio Latinoamericano sobre Ecología y Desarrollo)

Consortium of NGOs based in several Latin American countries. The Human and Sustainable Rural Development Strategy of the organization contains interesting elements, including: addressing improvements in diverse capital assets (natural, social, human and produced); and making institutions and policies responsive to the needs and demands of the poor. In any case, being a consortium of NGOs, Clades may constitute a valuable entry point for the purposes of involving Latin American organizations.

Europa 2008
Santiago de Chile
Executive secretary: Andrés Yurjevic, E-mail: [email protected]

ENDA (Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde)

Non-profit organization based in Senegal. Together with the Development Alternatives Group in India (=>), it runs a joint module on SL ("Modes de vie durables"). SL in the Senegalese context (in both rural and urban areas) is defined as encompassing a broad range of issues, ranging from environment degradation and desertification to employment and to the establishment of partnerships. From the information available on the website, and due to lack of reply to the e-mail sent, it was not possible to include additional information on the SLA followed and on ANR projects.

73, rue Carnot,
BP 3370,
Tel.: +221 8 217037
Fax: +221 8 235157
E-mail: [email protected]

GRET (Groupe de Recherche et d'Exchanges Technologiques)

French NGO with a strong focus on policy- and project- oriented research. Its component Environnement et Développement Rural includes activities on access to and management of natural resources in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The Scientific Director of GRET (Philippe Lavigne Delville) is a major expert on ANR in West Africa. GRET has worked with UK-based organizations (IIED, =>) on programmes on ANR in West Africa, which included among their very objectives bridging divides between Anglophone and Francophone countries. Further research is needed to assess commonalities between GRET's approaches and SLA.

211-213, Rue La Fayette
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40056161
Fax: +33 (0)140056110
E-Mail: [email protected]

Institute of Development Management (Mzumbe University, Tanzania)

Academic institution based in Tanzania, working on teaching, training, researching and consultancy. The Institute trains development practitioners in a variety of development-related fields, including NR management. The Institute is involved in the DfID-funded (=>) project "Goodbye to projects?", which analyzes the impact of SLA on project cycle management. It has carried out research to evaluate development interventions using SLA. It is also planning to incorporate SLA in undergraduate and graduate teaching.

PO Box 397, Morogoro, Tanzania
Tel.: +255 (0)23 4382
Faustin Kamuzora, national coordinator for "Goodbye to projects?" ([email protected]).

IRAM (Institut de Recherches et d'Applications des Méthodes de Développement)

Action-research institute that has worked on gestion des terroirs, broadening it so as to encompass broader non-NR local development issues. Further research is needed to assess commonalities between IRAM's approaches and SLA.

49, rue de la Glacière - 75013 PARIS
Tél: (33 1) 44 08 67 67
Fax.: (33 1) 43 31 66 31
Marie-Jo Demante, NR management and local development ([email protected]).

IUCN (World Conservation Union)

Within its Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), IUCN has established a Working Group on Sustainable Livelihoods (WGSL). The Group promotes community-based, equitable and sustainable management of natural resources. Among others, the Group examines from an SL perspective issues concerning land tenure and common property resources (particularly with regard to the transformation of common property resources into state or private property or into open-access resources).

Mariam Vafa, Coordinator of the WGSL ([email protected]).

MAELA (Movimiento Agroecológico de América Latina)

Network of 87 Latin American NGOs. Its areas of activity include NR management. It has worked with FAO (RLC) in a number of occasions. It may constitute a useful contact to involve Latin American organizations.

Jackson 900,
Edif. Turquesa 2, depto. 41 Viña del Mar, Chile
Tel.: 56-32-673064
Website (under construction):
Coordinator: Mario Ahumada ([email protected]).

NLC (National Land Committee, South Africa)

South African NGOs comprising a national office and eight affiliated organizations, working on access to land in South Africa through lobbying and advocacy and through support to local communities. In 1998, the NLC organized training sessions for fieldworkers of its affiliates. The course was organized by PLAAS (Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape) and by Developmental Service (South African independent consultancy specialized in training, including in SL training), and involved training on SL and land use, covering SL framework, concepts and tools. It was not possible to ascertain whether this resulted in shits in the approach followed by the Committee in its activities.

Ground Fl Everite House, 20 de Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: 011-403-3803 Fax: 011-339-6315
Zakes Hlatshwayo, Director ([email protected]).
On the training programme, see

ODG (Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia)

Research institute, part of the University of East Anglia. It has carried out work on SL, particularly with regard to livelihood diversification. ODG has worked with DfID (=>), and is member of the DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Resource Group.

Tel.: +44 (0)1603 457880
Fax: +44 (0)1603 505262
Frank Ellis ([email protected]).

Samata (Samata Samaj Kalyan Samity)

NGO helping the landless to gain access to government land ("khas") through leases. This activity meets strong resistance on the part of local elites illegally occupying government land, and involves campaigns and mobilization, advocacy at national and local level, training, support in filing applications for land assignments, support in participation in local decision-making institutions, etc. Donors supporting Samata's efforts include DfID (=>). Due to time constraints, it was not possible to ascertain whether and to what extent this entails the use of SL concepts and tools.

Vill: Bishnupur, PO: Dulai, Pabna,
Tel.: 017521135

Via Campesina

International movement coordinating peasant organizations from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. While it seems to have no links with SLA, it carries out ANR activities (particularly proposals and lobbying for land reform policies). Since it brings together a large number of organizations working on access to land, it may constitute a useful entry point for involving non-Anglophone organizations, especially from Latin America.

Tegucigalpa, MDC - Honduras, C.A.
Apdo. Postal 3628
Tel.: + 504-239 4679
Fax: + 504-235 9915
E-mail: [email protected]
International Operative Secretary: Rafael Alegria.

Local partners in SLA/ANR programmes: governments and NGOs

As organizations based in donor countries usually work with local partners, relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations from developing countries may be reached through the organizations listed in part II of the report.

Within SL programmes, some governments have explicitly used SL concepts and tools. For instance, the government of Mongolia has adopted a holistic approach to understanding poverty; in 2001, the Minister-level National Poverty Alleviation Committee was renamed National Committee on Household Livelihood Capacity Support (see the World Bank Sustainable Livelihoods Programme, =>). In India, the central government and some state-level governments (e.g., Andhra Pradesh) have sought innovative solutions to watershed development to address the needs of marginalized groups, and are implementing "watershed-plus" projects in partnership with DfID (=>).

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