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Preparation of this document

This publication contains the report of and papers presented at the Regional Consultation on Interactive Mechanisms for Small-scale Fisheries management, organized by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAP) in collaboration with the Coastal Development Center (CDC) of Kasetsart University, Thailand, from 26 to 29 November 2001. The papers have been compiled and edited by Dr. Heiko Seilert, an FAO Consultant, and Mr. Marcel Barang, an independent editor.

SEILERT, H.E.W., ed. 2002. Interactive mechanisms for small-scale fisheries management: Report of the regional consultation. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. RAP Publication 2002/10, 153 pp.


The “Regional consultation on interactive mechanisms for small-scale fisheries management” was initiated by FAO and co-organized by the Coastal Development Centre, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. The Consultation The consultation discussed issues concerning small-scale fisheries management based on experiences at both national and regional levels. To overcome various constraints encountered, the consultation developed an interactive plan to implement decentralized small-scale fisheries management. The plan is divided into three phases and describes in a matrix constraints and identified solutions in implementing small-scale fisheries management for six identified areas, namely Organization, Content/substance, Legal, Support, Training and Process. This interactive plan is designed for the needs of fisheries managers at different political levels, non-governmental organizations and others working in the field of small-scale fisheries management.


Participants of the Consultation
Members of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission
FAO Fisheries Department
Fishery Officers in FAO Regional Offices
Relevant international/regional fishery organizations

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