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3. Objectives of the consultation

The consultation involved experts from governments, development agencies, donors and selected NGOs, experienced in implementing small-scale fisheries management, sharing their views and experiences. These experts discussed the constraints in decentralized small-scale fisheries management and possible ways to solve resulting problems.

The objectives of the consultation were as follows:

1. How best to address small-scale fisherfolk or fishing communities;

2. To identify responsibilities and obligations in decentralized small-scale fisheries management;

3. To identify the constraints in implementing local fisheries management and to group these in categories, such as social, economic, environmental, legal constraints, and interagency liaison;

4. To develop practical solutions for the different groups of constraints to assure environmentally sustainable, economically feasible and socially sound decentralized management decisions; and

5. To link these findings in a holistic scenario of interactive mechanisms for the implementation of decentralized small-scale fisheries management schemes.

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