This document was prepared to supplement the available information on implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, in particular to build on that contained in the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries No. 4: Fisheries Management. The different chapters were prepared by experts in their fields working under contract to FAO.
The initial versions of all chapters were reviewed by Messrs Les Clark, Jean-Jacques Maguire and Patrick McConney, who are all thanked for careful and constructive comments which resulted in considerable improvements to the Guidebook as a whole. Thanks are also due to Alain Bonzon, Jorge Csirke, George Everett, Serge Garcia, Andy Smith, Joel Prado, Annick Van Houtte and Rolf Willmann of FAO for helpful input on various chapters. Anne Van Lierdes substantial assistance in editing and the layout of this FAO Fisheries Technical Paper is gratefully acknowledged. The cover illustration was designed by Emanuela DAntoni.
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional and Subregional Fishery Officers
Directors of Fisheries
COFI selected addresses