Vol. 6
December 1952
An International Review of Forestry and Forest Products
Journal of Forestry OFFICIAL PUBLICATION, SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FORESTERS WRITTEN BY FORESTERS, EDITED BY FORESTERS, Only technical forestry magazine published in the United States, and a recognized leader in its field throughout the world. To keep abreast of the forestry times read the JOURNAL OF FORESTRY which covers up-to-date forestry news, technical information on latest developments in application of practical forestry, and reviews of current, forestry literature. Subscription $7.50 annually, payable in American funds; Canadian postage 50 cents, foreign, $1.00.Society of American Foresters, Mills Building |
The conversion factors given below cover units normally used in Unasylva. The conversions for special units are given in the text. These tables may be amplified in later issues of Unasylva.
1 centimetre |
= 0.3937 in. |
1 inch |
= 2.540 cm. |
1 metre |
= 3.281 ft. |
1 foot |
= 0.3048 m. |
1 metre |
= 1.094 yd. |
1 yard |
= 0.9144 m. |
1 kilometre |
= 0.621 mile |
1 mile |
- 1.609 km. |
1 yard 3 feet = 36 inches |
1 mile 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet |
1 cm2 = |
= 0.155 sq. in. |
1 sq. in. |
6.452 cm2 |
1 m2 = |
= 10.76 sq. ft. |
1 sq.ft. |
0.0929 m2 |
1 km2 |
= 0.3861 sq. mile |
1 sq. mile |
2.59 km2 |
1 hectare |
= 0.003861 sq. mile |
1 sq. mile |
259 ha. |
1 hectare |
= 2.471 acres |
1 acre |
0.4047 ha. |
1 square kilometre = 100 hectares |
1 square mile = 640 acres |
1 cm3 |
= 61061 cu. in. |
1 cu. in. |
= 16.39 cm3 |
1 m3 |
= 35.31 cu. ft. |
1 cu. ft. |
= 0.02832 m3 |
1 litre |
= 61 cu. in. |
1 cu. in. |
= 0.01639 litre |
1 litre |
= 0.2642 gal. (U.S.) |
1 gal. (U.S.) |
= 3.785 litres |
1 litre |
0.2200 gal. (Imp.) |
1 gal. (Imp.) |
= 4.546 litres |
1 litre = 1000 cm3 |
1 gallon = 4 quarts |
1 kilogramme |
= 2.205 pounds |
1 pound |
= 0.4536 metric ton |
1 metric ton |
= 1.102 short tons |
1 short ton |
= 0.9072 metric ton |
1 metric ton |
= 0.9842 long tons |
1 long ton |
= 1.016 metric tons |
1 kg. per m2 |
= 0.2048 lb. per sq. ft. |
1 lb. per sq. ft. |
4.882 kg per m2 |
1 gr. per cm2 |
= 0.0142 lb. per sq. in. |
1 lb. per sq. in. |
70.31 gr. per cm2 |
1 kg. per m3 |
= 0.06243 lb. per cu. ft. |
1 lb. per cu. ft. |
16.02 kg. per m3 |
1 cheval-vapeur (c.v.) |
= 0.986 horse-power h.p. |
1 horse-power |
1.0142 cheval-vapeur |
UNASYLVA is prepared by the Forestry Division, and published by FAO at the Organization's Headquarters in Rome. UNASYLVA is published in English, French and Spanish. In conformity with the established custom of FAO all units of measurement used in UNASYLVA are given in the author's figures; conversions for all normal units can be made from the table above; special units are added, where necessary, in parentheses. UNASYLVA may be obtained from the sales agents listed on the back cover. Annual subscription, US $ 2.50; 12s 6d; single copy, 65 cents; 3s 3d.; rates are payable in local currencies when orders are placed through local sales agents. A full series of back numbers is still available.
This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.
H. L. Edlin
Britain's new
forest villages
G. W. Chapman
techniques in Cyprus
C. W. Scott
The forest
products of Yugoslavia
North America
South Africa
Sawn hardwood
Latin American forestry commission
International poplar commission
Technical assistance notes
David Lubin memorial library
Fundamental science
Logging and engineering
Forest injuries and protection
Forest management
Industry and trade
Forest products and their utilization
Forest policy
FAO forestry and forest products studies