3012 Andréu, P, (1976)
Invest.Pesq.Barc., Supl.5:77-111
Contribución al estudio de los Eufausiáceos de
los alrededores de cabo Blanco (NW de África)
3013 Arndt, E.A. & U. Brenning (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p, 126 (Abstract only)
The biomass of zooplankton and its relation to biotic and
abiotic factors in the upper 200 m of the upwelling region off northwest
3014 Arouna, S.M. (1975)
Bull.Lab.Pêches Nouadhibou, (4): 41-55
La pêche maritime en Mauritanie en 1975
3015 Aubray, R., M.I. Dia & B. Diop (1973)
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30 (12) Pt. 2:228-92
Le développement des pêches régionales en
Afrique Afrique occidentale
3016 Backus, R.H. et al. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p, 127 (Abstract only)
A contribution to the zoogeography of the pelagic Atlantic
3017 Barber, R.T. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 34 (Abstract only) Biological aspects of coastal
3018 Barberán, N. & A. Cruzado (1976)
Invest.Pesq.Barc., Supl.5:173-207
Estimación de biomasa por métodos
acústicos en la zona de afloramiento del NW de Africa (Campaña
oceanográfica 'ATLOR V')
3019 Bas, C. (1973)
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30 (1 2) Pt. 2: 2301-7
Cambios y evolución de las pesquerías en el
Atlántico Centro-Oriental
3020 Bas, C., A. Arias & A. Guerra (1976)
Invest,Pesq.Barc., Supl., 5:161-72
Pescas efectuados durante la campaña 'ATLOR V' (C,
Bojador-C, Blanco, abril-mayo 1974). Características y tratamiento de las
3021 Briggs, J,C, (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 129 (Abstract only)
Faunal diversity among the tropical shelf regions
3022 Brosin, H.-J, & R, Helm (1975)
Beitr.Meereskd., 36:111-4
Einige Beobachtungen über kurzfristige Veranderungen im
Aquatorialen Unterstrom im Atlantischen Ozean auf 21°W
3023 Brügmann, L. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 127 (Abstract only)
The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu in marine organisms
taken from the upwelling area off NW-Africa
3024 Deschamps, P,Y., P., Lecomte & M. Viollier (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September. 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 198 (Abstract only)
Remote sensing of ocean color - a new experimental approach to
the problem of detection of chlorophyll content
3025 Ezenekwe, A.O. (1976)
Fish.News Int., 15 (4): 29-31
Nigeria wakes to potential of her fishing industry
3026 Fraga, F. (1976)
Invest.Pesq.Barc., Supl., 5:19-30
Distribución del carbono orgánico particulado en
la región de afloramiento del NW de Africa y su relación con el
nitrógeno particulado, 1 Marzo 1973
3027 Gohs, L. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 133 (Abstract only)
Comparison investigations between the attenuation of light in
seawater and the values of chlorophyll "A" off north-west Africa in May/June
1974 and during the "SCOR-DISCOVERER Expedition" in May 1970
3028 Grce, Z, (1975)
Bull.Lab.Pêches Nouadhibou, (4): 22-40
Les possibilités pour le développement de la
pêche artisanale dans les eaux côtières Mauritaniennes: (La
région de Nouadhibou au Cap Timiris)
3029 Gulland, J.A., J.-P, Troadec & E.O. Bayagbona (1973)
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30 (12) Pt.2:2264-75
Management and development of fisheries in the Eastern Central
3030 Hagen, E. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 210 (Abstract only)
Some observations of upwelling processes off northwest
3031 Hamlisch, R. (1973)
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30 12) Pt.2: 2276-81
Fisheries planning to meet economic and social objectives with
special reference to countries bordering the East Central Atlantic
3032 Haywood, K. & N. Farstad (1976)
Fish.News Int., 15 (4): 22-4
The sardine fishery of Morocco: new ideas on development
3033 Herbland, A, (1976)
J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 21 (3): 269-77
In situ utilization of urea in the euphotic zone of the
tropical Atlantic
3034 Hotta, M. (1976)
FAO Fish,Circ., (340): 83 p,
Production, trade and consumption in cephalopods and
cephalopod products
3035 Johannesson, K., L, Villegas & M, Lamboeuf (1976)
Rome, FAO, GFCM/XII/76/Inf.9:14 p. (mimeo)
Preliminary report on quantitative acoustic observations on
the size and distribution of the sardine resource off the southern Atlantic
coast of Morocco
3036 Kaiser, W, (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts, Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 141 (Abstract only)
Short-term variations of primary production and chlorophyll
content on an anchor station in the area off Cap Blanc
3037 Klimaj, A. (1976)
Warsaw, Foreign Scientific Publications Department, Center for
Scientific, Technical and Economic Information: TT 73-54097, 219 p.
Fishery Atlas of the Northwest African Shelf, Volumes I and
Transl. of: Atlas rybacki szelfu Afryki polnocno-zachodniej,
Warsaw, MIR, Volume I (1971), Volume II (1973)
3038 Le Borgne, R. (1975)
Cah.ORSTOM (Océanogr.), 13 (3): 179-96
Equivalence entre les mesures de biovolumes, poids secs, poids
secs sans cendres, carbone, azote et phosphore du mésozooplancton de
l'Atlantique tropical
3039 Le Borgne, R. (1975)
Doc.Sci.Cent.Rech.Océanogr.Abidjan ORSTOM, 6
(2): 165-76
Méthodes de mesures des biovolumes, poids secs, poids
secs sans cendres et des éléments C, N. P du mesozooplancton
utilisées au C.R.O. d'Abidjan
3040 Marshall, N.B. & N.R. Merrett (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 144 (Abstract only)
The existence of a benthopelagic fauna in the deep
3041 Nehring, D. & L. Brügmann (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 147 (Abstract only)
Investigations on the distribution of organic phosphorus and
nitrogen in the upwelling area off NW Africa
3042 Nicholls-Driscoll, J, & G.T. Rowe (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic
Assembly, Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 148 (Abstract only)
Infaunal macrobenthos off Cap Blanc, Spanish Sahara
3043 Perovic, V. & M. Bouayad (1975)
Trav.Doc.Proj.PNUD/FAO Dev.Pêche Marit.,
Casablanca, (18): 21 p.
Conserves de pâté de sardine
3044 Philander, G. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 67 (Abstract only)
Unstable currents and equatorially trapped waves observed
during GATE
3045 Schemainda, R. & S. Schultz (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 214 (Abstract only)
Investigations on the space-temporal variability of
oceanological fields and its influence on the primary production in the
upwelling area off Cap Blanc (NW Africa)
3046 Senegal. Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (1976)
Paris, ORSTOM, 91 p.
Rapport du groupe de travail sur le listao atlantique. Dakar,
22-27 mars, 1976
(Report of the working group on Atlantic skipjack tuna. Dakar,
22-27 March, 1976)
3047 Slawyk, G,, J.J, MacIsaac & R.C, Dugdale (1976)
Limnol.Oceanogr., 21 (1):149-52
Inorganic nitrogen uptake by marine phytoplankton under in
situ incubation conditions: results from the northwest African upwelling
3048 Smith, R.L. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 33 (Abstract only)
3049 Stretta, J.-M., J. Noel & L. Vercesi
Doc.Sci.Cent.Rech.Océanogr.Abidjan ORSTOM, 6
(2): 59-74
Caracterisation des situations hydro-biologiques et
potentialités de pêche thonière Cap Lopez en Juin et Juillet
1972 et 1974
3050 Tang, Y.A. (1976)
FAO Fish.Travel Rep.Aide Mem., (1220): 17 p.
Report of travel to Senegal, Nigeria and the Republic of Benin
(28 April to 18 May, 1975)
3051 Villegas, L. & J.C, Brèthes (1976)
Trav.Doc.Proj.PNUD/FAO Dev.Pêche Marit.,
Casablanca, (17): 19 p.
Distribution et abondance relative de la bécasse dans
l'Atlantique marocain
3052 Vinogradov, M.E. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976. Rome, FAO, p. 35 (Abstract only)
Equatorial upwelling - its physical and biological
3053 Voituriez, B. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts, Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p. 37 (Abstract only)
The thermal domes
3054 Wooster, W.S,, A. Bakun & D.R. MacLain (1976)
J.Mar.Res., 34 (2): 131-41
The seasonal upwelling cycle along the eastern boundary of the
North Atlantic
3055 Yoshida, K. (1976)
Paper presented to the Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-24 September, 1976
In Book of abstracts. Joint Oceanographic Assembly,
Edinburgh, 1976, Rome, FAO, p, 169 (Abstract only)
Coastal upwelling: a review of its observations and