452. Under this Major Programme, FAO will continue to: provide policy advice to countries; lead the development of the field programme; support capacity building in the formulation and implementation of policies, strategies and programmes aimed at sustainable agricultural and rural development and food security. Programme 3.1.2 covers the work of the decentralized branches and units of the Policy Assistance Division (TCA), while Programme 3.1.1 covers activities at headquarters; they work in a complementary fashion. Programme 3.1.3 is implemented by the Legal Office.
453. The aim will be to increase the synergy between the normative work of technical departments at headquarters and policy assistance provided to countries, using the field programme as a means to increase the outreach of the normative programmes while enriching them through feedback from field experience. Close links between country-focused policy advice and field programme development will continue to be promoted by the Policy Assistance Branches and Units based at Regional and Subregional Offices working in close cooperation with FAO Representatives, as the primary channel in dealings with countries of their accreditation.
454. An important dimension of advisory services to countries relates to reviewing and updating national strategy and policy frameworks, ensuring coherence with other major instruments and, in particular, with Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. In a period of increasing globalization, most developing countries are individually marginal players in the world economy and therefore, their advancement tends to lie in effective regional and subregional frameworks. Policy assistance will need to give due attention to integration issues and multi-country enabling environments. Advice will thus promote policy and strategy reforms at regional group level as an essential complement to detailed national level decisions.
455. While Programme 3.1.1 and, to a larger extent, Programme 3.1.2 do participate in the formulation of projects and programmes, they are not the major source of field programme development (FPD) work. They will continue to use their country and regional knowledge and overview of sector issues and opportunities, as a basis to assist other units to better target FPD activities in their area of competence. No change is proposed to the structure of entities compared with that shown in the previous MTP.
Prog. Entity |
Time Frame |
Title |
MTP Total |
311A1 |
2002-2007 |
Development of FAO's Capacity to Provide On-line Training in Food, Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Planning |
331 |
300 |
- |
- |
300 |
311P1 |
Continuing |
Coordination of Policy Assistance |
1,467 |
1,502 |
1,804 |
1,806 |
5,112 |
311P2 |
Continuing |
Coordination of Field Programme Development Activities |
1,009 |
923 |
836 |
750 |
2,509 |
311P3 |
Continuing |
Development of Training Materials and Methods in Food and Agriculture Policy Analysis |
904 |
904 |
904 |
904 |
2,712 |
311P4 |
Continuing |
Coordination of Country Focus |
1,016 |
1,082 |
1,150 |
1,216 |
3,448 |
311S2 |
Continuing |
Technical Support to Capacity Building in Food, Agriculture and Rural Policy Development Planning and Policy Analysis |
1,725 |
1,725 |
1,725 |
1,725 |
5,175 |
Total Programme of Work |
6,452 |
6,436 |
6,419 |
6,401 |
19,256 | ||
Less External Income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | ||
Net Appropriation |
6,452 |
6,436 |
6,419 |
6,401 |
19,256 | ||
Real Growth |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||
Net Appropriation with Real Growth |
6,436 |
6,419 |
6,401 |
19,256 | |||
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
456. Programme 3.1.1 will continue to backstop the decentralized Policy Assistance Branches and Units (PABs/PAUs) that undertake much of the work in the regions under Programme 3.1.2. It will provide a bridge between the normative capacities in headquarters and the PABs/PAUs, adapting normative material for application in the field, participating in training and other capacity building, and contributing to multidisciplinary missions on policy and strategy development. Increased availability of electronic communications will allow for a greater application of distance learning approaches to capacity building. In addition, the Programme will foster inter-departmental coordination in policy assistance - servicing the inter-departmental Policy Task Force being re-activated in the 2004-2005 biennium.
Entity |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
B1 |
B2 |
C1 |
C2 |
D1 |
D2 |
E1 |
E2 |
E3 |
311A1 |
311P1 |
311P2 |
311P3 |
311P4 |
311S2 |
Legend: |
less than US$ 750,000 | |||||||||||
US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million | |||||||||||
more than US$ 2 million |
Prog. Entity |
Time Frame |
Title |
PWB 2004-05 |
MTP 2006-07 |
MTP 2008-09 |
MTP 2010-11 |
MTP Total |
312P1 |
Continuing |
Enhancement of Country Focus |
1,869 |
1,869 |
1,869 |
1,869 |
5,607 |
312P2 |
Continuing |
Field Programme Development |
5,317 |
5,058 |
4,800 |
4,541 |
14,399 |
312P3 |
Continuing |
Advice, Support and Training in Agricultural Policies |
3,894 |
4,003 |
4,112 |
4,221 |
12,336 |
312S3 |
Continuing |
Technical Support to Field Programmes |
2,118 |
2,268 |
2,417 |
2,567 |
7,252 |
Total Programme of Work |
13,198 |
13,198 |
13,198 |
13,198 |
39,594 | ||
Less External Income |
557 |
557 |
557 |
557 |
1,671 | ||
Net Appropriation |
12,641 |
12,641 |
12,641 |
12,641 |
37,923 | ||
Real Growth |
1,400 |
2,800 |
4,200 |
8,400 | |||
Net Appropriation with Real Growth |
14,041 |
15,441 |
16,841 |
46,323 | |||
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) |
11.1% |
22.2% |
33.2% |
22.2% |
457. The decentralized Policy Assistance Branches and Units (PABs/PAUs) will continue their broad range of activities in support of improving country and regional knowledge, analysis of information, sector reviews and policy advice. The lead role of Programme 3.1.2 (shared with 3.1.1) in field programme development will involve drawing the attention of departments and divisions, in their areas of mandate, to needs and to opportunities for well targeted programmes and projects.
Entity |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
B1 |
B2 |
C1 |
C2 |
D1 |
D2 |
E1 |
E2 |
E3 |
312P1 |
312P2 |
312P3 |
312S3 |
Legend: |
less than US$ 750,000 | |||||||||||
US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million | |||||||||||
more than US$ 2 million |
Real Growth Proposal
The increase would permit to respond to the concerns expressed by the Programme Committee at its ninety-first session, regarding the reduction in capacities of the outposted TCA teams in the regions. While efforts would be made in the current (2004-05) biennium to direct resources eventually generated through efficiency gains to reinstate cancelled staff positions, this is unlikely to restore capacity of the teams back to the optimum level. The Real Growth increase would put the programme on a firm footing particularly in relation to expected high demands for policy services in such regions or sub-regions like Africa (New Partnership for Africa's Development [NEPAD]), Central Asia and the small island states of the Pacific.
Prog. Entity |
Time Frame |
Title |
MTP Total |
313A1 |
2002-2007 |
Support to the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Food and Agriculture |
321 |
321 |
- |
- |
321 |
313P1 |
Continuing |
Collection and Dissemination of Legal Information |
1,191 |
1,191 |
1,191 |
1,191 |
3,573 |
313S1 |
Continuing |
Provision of Technical Advice |
1,809 |
1,809 |
1,809 |
1,809 |
5,427 |
Programme Reserve |
- |
321 |
321 |
Total Programme of Work |
3,321 |
3,321 |
3,321 |
3,321 |
9,963 | ||
Less External Income |
182 |
182 |
182 |
182 |
546 | ||
Net Appropriation |
3,139 |
3,139 |
3,139 |
3,139 |
9,417 | ||
Real Growth |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||
Net Appropriation with Real Growth |
3,139 |
3,139 |
3,139 |
9,417 | |||
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
458. Programme 3.1.3 is designed to improve the legal and institutional framework for agricultural development and natural resources management in countries. It operates through three principal means: technical advice for law design and legal reform, under Programme Entities A1 and S1; production and dissemination of legal information, under Programme Entity P1; and legal inputs to interdepartmental normative work, in particular through the PAIAs covering biosecurity, biodiversity, biotechnology, climate change, multilateral trade negotiations and organic agriculture.
Entity |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
B1 |
B2 |
C1 |
C2 |
D1 |
D2 |
E1 |
E2 |
E3 |
313A1 |
313P1 |
313S1 |
Legend: |
less than US$ 750,000 | |||||||||||
US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million | |||||||||||
more than US$ 2 million |