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Appendix II. Bibliography

Bacon, P.R: "The Status of Mangrove Conservation in the Caricom islands of the Eastern Caribbean". Report to the Commission of the European Communities as part of the CARICOM TFAP. 1991.

Beard, J.S. 1949: The Natural Vegetation of the Windward and Leeward Islands. Oxford Forestry Memoirs, No. 21, Claredon Press, Oxford 192 pp.

CCA/IRF/USAID 1991: Country Environmental Profile for Antigua and Barbuda. Caribbean Conservation Association/Islands Resources Foundation/USAID. 200 pp.

Geuder-Jilg, Erwin: "A Report of Agroforestry/Crops in Antigua & Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 23rd, 1991.

Gravelines, L.A.: "A Report of Forest Economics in Antigua and Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 16th, 1991.

James, Carol: "A Report of Wildlife and National Parks in Antigua & Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 2nd, 1991.

Lackhan, Narine: "An Assessment of Forestry and Related Environmental Matters in the English speaking countries of the Caribbean". Paper prepared for the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. November, 1991.

Lang, David: "A Report of Land Use and Watershed Management in Antigua and Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 18th, 1991.

Liss, Dernd-Markus: "A Report of Social Forestry/Public Education in Antigua & Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 16th, 1991.

Neckles, F.A.: "A Report of Agroforestry/Livestock in Antigua & Barbuda", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 16th, 1991.

Pollard, Duke E.: "A Report of Forestry and Environmental Legislation", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 8th, 1991.

Symes, G.A.: "Proposals for a National Forestry Action Plan", CMT Report to Assist in the Development of the TFAP Document, November 22nd, 1991.

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