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The Thirtieth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants reached the following conclusions:


- Forwarded the draft maximum level of 15µg/kg and sampling plans for total aflatoxins in peanuts intended for further processing in square brackets to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (paras. 64-72 and Appendix X);

- Forwarded the draft maximum level of 0.05µg/kg for aflatoxin M1 in milk to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (paras. 73-75 and Appendix X);

- Forwarded draft specifications for the identity and purity of food additives to the Commission for adoption as Codex Advisory Specifications (paras. 49-51 and Appendix VIII);

- Attached the table concerning the status of the endorsement of the food additive provisions of the Codex Standard for Food Grade Salt to its report for Commission adoption (paras. 18-21 and Appendix VII);

- Forwarded INS numbers 425 and 960 for Konjac Flour and Stevioside, respectively, to the Commission for adoption at Step 5, with a recommendation to omit Steps 6 and 7 (paras. 52-54 and Appendix IX);

- Advanced the proposed draft Schedules (Tables) for Colours, Colour Retention Agents, Bulking Agents and Emulsifiers to the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5 (paras. 36-39 and Appendix IV);

- Advanced the proposed draft Schedules (Tables) for Acidity Regulators, Anticaking Agents, Antifoaming Agents, Firming Agents, Flavour Enhancers, Flour Treatment Agents, Foaming Agents, Glazing Agents, Humectants, Propellants and Raising Agents to the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5 (paras. 40-41 and Appendix V);

- Agreed to circulate INS numbers 938, 939 and 948 for Argon, Helium and Oxygen, respectively, at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure for comments, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee (para. 55 and Appendix IX);

- Agreed to append the proposal to amend the Codex Standard for Food Grade Salt to include packaging provisions for maintaining the stability of iodised salt to its report for circulation and comment at step 3 (para. 113 and Appendix XII), and;

- Forwarded comments concerning the draft Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding for further consideration by the Executive Committee (paras 89-91).


- Agreed to circulate recommendations arising from various Joint FAO/WHO and other Consultations concerning risk analysis for comments with a view to elaborating a discussion paper on the application of risk analysis for additives and contaminants (paras. 7-13);

- Attached the table concerning Action Required as a Result of Changes in ADI Status or other Toxicological Recommendations to its report for information (paras. 16-17 and Appendix VI);

- Agreed to several general matters, including the proposed components (Appendix II) of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (paras. 26-28);

- Amended and agreed to request further comments on the draft Schedule (Table 3) of Additives Permitted for Use in Food in General, Unless Otherwise Specified, in Accordance with GMP and the list of Food Categories or Individual Food Items Where the Use of Food Additives with GMP Limitations on Use are Not Allowed or Restricted (Annex to Table 3) (paras. 29- 33);

- Agreed to return the draft Schedules (Tables) for Antioxidants, Preservatives, Stabilizers, Thickeners and Sweeteners to Step 6 for consolidation, additional comment and further consideration at its next meeting (paras. 34-35 and Appendix III);

- Accepted the offer of Denmark to prepare a discussion paper on the further consideration of the use of colours in food for consideration at its next meeting (para. 38);

- Agreed to return the proposed draft Revised Annex A to Step 2 for redrafting by Denmark and further consideration at its next meeting (paras. 42-44);

- Agreed to criteria for resolving concerns regarding the technological justification and need for the use of food additives (paras. 45-48);

- Agreed to request proposals for amendments to and on the updating of the technological functions and functional classes/sub-classes in the Codex International Numbering System for Food Additives for consideration at its next meeting (para. 56);

- Appended Section 3.2 (Health-Related Limits for Certain Substances) of the Codex Standard for Natural Mineral Waters to its report for comment (paras. 57-60 and Appendix XV);

- Decided to further develop the document concerning Methodology and Principles for Exposure Assessment in the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food for circulation and comment prior to its next Session (paras. 61-63);

- Accepted the offer of Sweden to prepare an updated version of its position paper on ochratoxin A for circulation, comment and consideration at its next meeting (paras. 76-80);

- Decided to circulate a proposed draft a maximum level of 50µg/kg for patulin in apple juice and the apple juice ingredient in ready made soft drinks for comment at Step 3 and accepted the offer of France to produce an updated version of its position paper on patulin for further discussion at its next meeting (paras 81-85 and Appendix XI);

- Decided to circulate the current position paper on Zearalenone (CX/FAC 98/18) for comment and consideration at its next meeting (paras. 86-88);

- Appended the proposed draft Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Food with Chemicals to its report for circulation and comment at Step 3 (paras. 92-93 and Appendix XIV);

- Agreed that Denmark would review the draft maximum levels for lead for circulation, comment and consideration at the next meeting (paras 94-97);

- Accepted the offer of Denmark to revise its discussion paper on cadmium for circulation, comment and consideration at the next meeting (paras 98-100);

- Requested Denmark to revise the position paper on arsenic for circulation, comment and consideration at its next meeting (paras. 101-104);

- Agreed to circulate proposed draft maximum levels for tin for comment at Step 3 and further consideration at its next meeting (paras. 105-107 and Appendix XI);

- Agreed on the list of food additives and contaminants proposed for evaluation by JECFA, and agreed to request additional comments for amendments or additions to the list for consideration by the next CCFAC (paras 108-110 and Appendix XIII);

- Agreed to request comments for additional methods of analysis for the determination of food additives and contaminants in foods for consideration at its future sessions under Other Business (para. 111);

- Agreed to continue inviting comments on the Inventory of Processing Aids for consideration at future sessions under Other Business (para. 112);

- Accepted the proposal to form an ad hoc Working Group for Contaminants with specific goals and terms of reference (paras. 114-116), and;

- Agreed to the offer of the Netherlands to prepare a discussion paper on dioxins for circulation, comment and consideration at its next meeting (para. 117).

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